Saturday, December 24, 2011

Monday, December 19, 2011

It's The End of an Era!!!

..or so Monica in Friends would say.

But it's almost true. The holidays are here and then my best friend goes away to Norway for 6 months. That's countless hours of ridiculousness gone from my life next semester. So sad. Not sure what I'll do with my time..


Monday, December 5, 2011


I can exhale now. I finally got my winter semester money back that my loan was not supposed to pay the university quite yet. As of a result of that I had been penny pinching the last month and a half or so, and paying rent with my own money. But now it's all good and I can actually afford to buy people xmas presents and also celebrate the end of the semester with some drinks! Whoop! Seeing that cheque made me feel so much better!

Now hurray for sleep in tomorrow and only one class. Then Wednesday one class of review and one of watching people perform their dances. Studying the rest of the hours of the days. Then wings & drinks Wednesday for dinner, event staff xmas party Thursday (free supper and some drinks, then toonie bar!) then soccer at 10. Friday is a bday party dinner, then a little xmas party celebration Saturday evening! Then hitting the books hard!

Looking forward to it :)

Monday, November 28, 2011

10 Pin Dilemma

I went into this year saying that I'm going in every tournament so I can get more "big game" experience. There was one yesterday, but I missed it because I was in Calgary; though I probably would have skipped it either way - $50 and my finger is still sort of healing. There's another next weekend, both days, and I really want to do it.

But. I have a CT scan scheduled for Sunday morning, same time as the tourney. I don't really want to push that back because it might end up being a long wait. The tourney is also $75.. a bit steep, though there's a chance of winning $200, and not to forget I would gain valuable experience.

So I'm a bit on the fence, but definitely leaning towards not doing it. I just need to keep things simple, and not worry about $$, though it's payday tomorrow and I just realized I'm getting a good sized cheque so I don't need to worry that much anymore. But also, I need to save up $1000+ for CNC's since I didn't come top 2 in that tourney this year (where they give you the $1000 for CNC's).

So really, I think it would be stupid and a tiny irresponsible if I chose to go in the tourney. I also work the Sunday.. haha wow, I guess there are too many good reasons to not do it. I guess that makes the decision a lot easier. Though I'm not happy about it :p

Countdown time yet..?!?!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

8 Days

That's right, only 8 days left of school. THANK GOD. I don't know how long I can hang on. I had a MUCH needed time back at home this weekend, I was able to relax and forget about the rest of the world, and just spend some quality time with my mom, which I feel I haven't had or appreciated in a very long time.

After being so sick the last week and the week before I had done nothing, just relaxing after exams and assignments were finally done, I really need to catch up on notes. I have no idea whatsoever what's been happening in class and today is the day I had planned on starting to study for finals. It's not going to happen, but I hope to plan out what I want to do each day until my last exam. I also have to factor in work, so it's imperative that I do this right away and follow it as closely as possible. I have to make sure this time to make time for relaxing though. For midterms I would study for 6 hours straight every day. Probably not the best way to go about it. But factoring in work will help with that and I should try to hit the gym every other day.

I neeeeed to stay stress free the next few weeks. I hadn't realized how stressed/unhappy I had become before going back home. Maybe that's why I was having some pretty major health issues. It's tough to de-stress though when you don't even realize that you ARE stressed.. So I need to avoid things that could be stressing me, and get out of the house more.

Here's hoping the next 3 and a half weeks fly by (with little harm) so I can get back home and celebrate the holidays.

Good luck to everyone winding down their studies!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Winter Wonderland

I actually love the snow. I'm not a fan of what develops because of it, ie. icy roads which lead to bad traffic and bad slips, and other annoyances, but that white stuff makes me happy.

We had our first snow fall this weekend, not much but enough, and I was a bit indifferent. But walking home from work late at night, in a field full of the fluffy stuff seemed to cheer me up after a bad night of work. The next night, I was in a fabulous mood once I got through the field, I even had a bounce in my step. Yeah, I know.. :p

Last night, as I had just that day put xmas music on my computer, I was walking through the field once again, listening to those jingling bells and it just fit. There's just something so serene about the chilled, moonlight filled air, and kicking through the snow in my wool boots. It probably helps that it hasn't been overly cold though, the coldest it's been was -9 this morning.

I really enjoy winter so I wish I lived ABOVE ground so I could see all its majesty.. Which would actually put me in a christmassy mood, which everyone around here is already into. Darn you Starbucks and your commercialization of Christmas!!!

Speaking of Christmas, due to poor management of money (AGAIN-somehow-darn Starbucks again!), I'm not sure how I will last and buy presents until I get my next loan payment.. :((( (All money coming in is going towards rent..)

Thursday, November 3, 2011


Wow! Can this be me in about 7+ years please?!
(ps. I've actually bowled with her :))

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Big Payoff

Hallelujah! Finally some results! I got my psych mar back today and it finally shows that I have put in the effort and know what we are talking about. All my other exams, I've felt like I've known the bulk of information but it wasn't translating to my grades.

So this time I changed what I was doing to study and I guess it worked! 81% baby! 11% over class average, which also happens to be the standard deviation. So what does that mean? I've never really tried to understand the statistics when it comes to university marks..

Anyways, I'm just so happy it paid off. I hope I can do it again with my health ed test next Wednesday. I'll for sure be doing the same thing; creating quizzes for myself. I really don't know why I never thought of that before..

I'm also happy because I get to sleep in tomorrow! No 8am soccer class! There's a conference for soccer teachers I guess. So only one class at 11. That means sleep in and then I can go to McDicks to figure out why they aren't scheduling me! I should almost just quit on the spot..

So hopefully my marks can all be pretty good leading into finals. I think I'm sitting decently to get B+ in each class. And that's exactly what I need. Or better. Please better.

Starting this weekend begins the month of packed weekends. Work 5hrs Fridays, bowling and work for 5hrs Saturdays and 7hrs for work on Sundays. Woohoo. But almost literally because these jobs are fun and slack! Heck Saturday I'm getting paid to sit in a penalty box, watch hockey and occasionally open the door!

I'm feeling pretty good for this time of year :D
Though I still want it to be December so that it would actually be appropriate to be playing christmas music :p

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

So Ridiculous It's Awesome

Spoiler Warning. New Girl. I already blogged about this show and how the main character is so odd and ridiculous. I have been able to get over that and I am so glad I did. Tonight's episode had one of the best scenes ever. It relates to the Friends episode where someone accidentally sees someone else's parts so they have to get them back, but accidentally sees someone else, and so on. But in this one it's just Jess, the awkward girl who can't even say penis, who sees her roommates junk and ends up laughing; more so because that's what she does, not because it was funny (ps. how did she have a boyfriend and live with him?!). So of course she feels bad and tries to repay him by waiting for him in his room but turns out he brought a girl home.

So she's trying to crawl out of the room, with a towel around her, and he ends up bending down with all his clothes off. She sees his little friend again, screams, runs towards the door with one hand holding the towel and one over her eyes, crashes into the wall beside the door, lets go of the towel and ta da! So hilarious!! I wish I could find the scene on youtube because it is epic, but New Girl doesn't seem too popular for people who do that kind of stuff-yet.

I just love this show so much, it brightens my day. If you have yet to see this show and have half an hour to kill, watch it! It may not be for you, but maybe give it a few episodes. Zoe Deschannel is so funny!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Rolling In The Green

Earlier in the year I had applied to work as event staff for the University Athletics. I had never heard back so I had assumed that they had enough staff. Last week though I got an email asking if I wanted to come in for an interview. Heck yes!

So Thursday was the interview and today, Monday, I got a phone call, and yes I got the job! It's exciting because one, I'll make ~$11/hr and two, I know people already working there/it's a great chance to meet more people!

I'm a tad concerned that I may be taking on too much now; that's 3 jobs on the go. Max I'd have 4 shifts a week (min 3), but that sounds like a lot. Though doing the equipment room on Sundays will give me some time to study, just not adequately. But this could also be a good thing for me. It'll force me to do school work right away because I now that my weekends will be pretty full.

So in November my schedule should be as follows:

Sun) ER 4:15-11:15
Mon) Leaving the evening open for a chance at sparing in the adult bowling league
Tues) Changing McDick's to possibly 1:30-6ish
Wed) Leaving the evening open for bowling practice which should be starting soon
Thurs) Soccer games are anywhere from 7-10, every week
Fri) Possible athletic events, 4:30-10:30
Sat) Bowling 9-1, possible athletic events 4:30-10:30

Max 24hrs work/week.. I slightly cringe at that thought. But that means some nice moolah for me. And I need it if I want to do all these bowling tournaments, party, eat out/have a good time away from the house, etc.

I hope it's manageable, and it shouldn't be stressful work. But if something has to go, you know which it'll be. I'll feel bad because I just did the crew trainer training but oh well haha.

Crazy times to come but I look forward to the challenge!!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Round 2

Next week begins round 2 of midterms. Psych is up first again and I am already getting started on it. So far I've just caught up the readings (already not following my plan of reading everyday-but it's hard when you always have to study..) and I started making practice questions.

Last year in biochem, we had this online quiz for every module. It was a great idea and really helped. I was able to see where my strengths were are what I needed to spend more time on. So that's where I got the idea of creating an online quiz. My last exam didn't go to well, so I also figured I should try something new.

With ProProfs you can make multiple choice questions, T/F, fill in the blank and essay questions. It's a really handy tool and you can customize it the way you want your quiz to turn out. An advantage to making your own quiz is that you have to look at this information, create questions that you think would be of exam caliber types, and if it's a xchoice question, think up of possible different answers and then distinguish which is the correct answer. If you take the test right after, this is of course going to be a downfall-you just inputted all the correct answers so you're of course going to get close to a perfect score because you remember.

So, after creating 2 quizzes just now, I'm taking a break and then I'll do them later in the day and see how much I've retained. I now I need to review/learn the other things and these quizzes are only from my readings so there's a crap load more to look at, but this is why I'm starting more than a week in advance.

I'm super serious about doing well in this class if you haven't realized yet.. At least I enjoy creating study tools and the information being put into isn't too dull either, which definitely helps.

I've been here for about 4 hours now and am debating going home, or just taking a longish break and then getting back at it.. but my back is sore from this chair :s

And I'm cold now :p

I enjoy being productive :)

Friday, October 7, 2011

Coming Home

It's always weird going back home to Calgary. Familiar yet odd surroundings. Adjusting to being around family again. Adjusting to not slamming kitchen cupboard.. haha. (Mine in Edmonton can't be slammed :p)

It's really just such an odd feeling being back home. Like nothings changed, just in the fact that I get home and there's really no talking or anything, we all go about our own usual ways. I made effort this time, and actually my SISTER made an effort. She actually wanted to play cards with me! And asked if we could go to Cora's for breakfast tomorrow! This is not normal Stephanie behavior, but I sure as hell won't point it out, or else it could be gone in an instant. We shall see how long this persists. The effort on my part was the suggestion of Monopoly, get everyone doing something together, which we very rarely do. So, so far so good.

Tomorrow is a new phone!! I've been eligible for an upgrade for like a year now... I'm actually thinking maybe HTC.. Super stoked on a new phone either way, mine's been acting up for way too long now. I'm also going to pick up some new soccer shoes and then go to this guy's bday party with my friend. Just gotta remember to fit in studying in there. Gotta get some done in the morning, I'm thinking.

I really hope I can just relax and recharge a bit this weekend. And I really want to talk to my mom about everything school wise, like everything that's on my mind and all my worries but that's a really tough thing to start bringing up with her, especially when she makes me feel like she's always judging me. She already did it today, bugging me about my psych exam.. We'll see..

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

It's Ironic

I'm currently taking a health education class and it covers a broad range of topics that pertain to being healthy & well. One of which includes talking about stress. Now if only we were learning how to deal with it effectively, not just broad theoretical categories on coping and what stress models there are..

I think studying about stress, while being stressed, makes me just that more stressed. And I really shouldn't be all that stressed. It's only midterms after all. I don't think I've ever tried this hard/care this much about a midterm. Which is maybe saying something but I'm not too sure what.

And I've kind of come to dead end with this whole studying thing. I studied really well for psych, knew 98% of the material yet barely managed above class average. How does that work? It must mean either I don't focus/pay enough attention/take enough time for each question, I am a horrible exam taker (which is most likely a very dominating part of this problem) or that I don't know how to properly apply knowledge to more practical things. Which in turns stresses me again and also worried me for future, more difficult classes that will impact what happens after my undergraduate degree.

So there's a lot of stress there, also not to mention that I need that 3.4 and it's looking to be a bit more difficult than I thought it would be. I'm almost thinking I should take a GPA booster next semester (physics?) just incase. But we shall see once this semester has progressed a bit more.

So I am definitely in need of a break. To recharge. To not have to deal with daily stresses/annoyances. I need to talk to my mom more, heck I need to talk to my friends more, not just the ones that I live with. But it's so damn hard when you're always studying! I can't imagine how people with full course loads are doing this. How did I manage this in my first year? And it seemed so easy then as well! What has changed? Or is it just that now there's so much relying on what I do at this moment in time that I'm putting a magnifying glass up to everything and forgetting about everything else?

Side note about analyzing things: I took a random online personality test just because and it was the Jung model/approach/whatever you call it and part of my result was that I was a thinker. My score for being a thinker? 100% No kidding..

Anyways back to the rant.. I hope I can sort things out when I go home, see things from a different perspective and get my life in order. Not that it's a total mess, but it doesn't even seem right to me anymore, in no particular way. Something's just off.

And now is the time where the brain is fried and just goes off on anything so it's time to go to bed. I have lab in the morning and I don't even know which room it's in this time so I may not even go and I'll just read over my HE ED notes before the exam instead.

Anyone else having mixed emotions about school this year? Especially if you're halfway done your undergrad, or more?

Ps. Have a great thanksgiving!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

New Girl

If you're a fan of Zooey Deschanel (how could you not be?) then this is a show that you should check out! Her character is very.. emotionally wacko. She just broke up with her boyfriend and has moved in with three random guys she met on the internet. She likes to sing at random times and even makes up a theme song for herself, "Who's that girl? It's Jess!".

Sometimes her character gets on my nerves and makes me say "really?" But then there are parts that just make me laugh so hard that it totally makes up for the ridiculousness of her character.

And the supporting cast is great! I want guy friends like these!!

I was definitely skeptical about continuing watching this after the first one, but tonight, in search of comedy and a 20min show, I decided to watch again and I'm so glad I did. Even better than the first one.

On a side note... I watch WAY TOO MUCH TV!!! Drat

Monday, September 26, 2011

Two Weeks Notice

I had every intention to quit today. I gave her my letter. But somehow she got me to stay.. without even giving me a raise... :(

The proposition: Work one day a week so I can keep my discount and take all of October off to figure things out. She also guilted me because she looked so upset and said that they already had me in the system for crew trainer training and had me planned to become a swing manager for the summer (which will NOT be happening but more on that later). Again she brought up the fact that everyone loves how hard I work blah blah.

Ugh. I can't believe I'm still an employee there. I've already applied to work with Athletics Event Staff at the u. But at least I have the month off and can finally give availability for campus rec and then I can figure everything out. It's still a bit difficult because I still haven't heard anything about soccer. Blah. But at least she knows that I'm uncertain about everything and that the possibility is always there that I might quit.

I really should have just talked to her before handing her that letter. I should have planned it out too, to get her to give me a raise.. But I'm definitely not the kind of person to take the bull by the horn and say, give me a raise or I'm gone..

I'm not happy with everything right now. There's just so much to balance and I already need a break.

On the note of becoming a swing manager.. There's always the possibility that I change my mind once I actually think about it, but the real kicker is that that would be for the summer. Hell no am I staying during the summer. I told her that the reason I was contemplating quitting was because I needed to think of the future and get job experience that is relative to that. So obviously I need a full time, legit job next summer that will be beneficial for the direction of my career. Anyways, let's just say next time I try and quit I have to be more firm, or at least get more out of it ($$$).

Ugh. So now onto studying all day, hurrah.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Non Stop

I really want to post, but not just do a summary of what my busy week has been like-that's boring. So all you need to know is that I worked a lot, played a lot of soccer and didn't get enough school work done because of it. So now here I am, on a Friday night, my muscles tight and sore and just all around I'm exhausted and have still to do school work. So unfortunately, that's what I'll be doing as soon as this gets posted. I have a midterm in 6 days and then a primer quiz the day after. It's time to get serious again about school-it's been tough with work.

I'm already starting bad habits, and I've got to stop them asap! Hence the studying on a Friday night; it's got to get done sometime!

A few random tidbits for you today:

  • I finally got my license renewed, 2 months after expiry. Got a lovely picture taken of someone who should be in jail, aka moi, non-smiling. And there goes 85 bucks as well.
  • In true Alberta fashion, the weather is being weird. Freezing cold one morning, and muggy warm the next few days. Hello fall & 22 degree overcast day!
  • It's really difficult to find women's indoor soccer shoes..!
  • I'm kind of looking forward to going home for thanksgiving
  • Flames game tomorrow, hell yes! Followed by a a housewarming party!
  • I need to get re-organized
  • So. Much. TV to watch this year...
Well enough delaying, time to start studying! Have a great weekend!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

This Year's To Do List

I'm so much more productive if I have a list of things I need to do. So behold a list of things to do and goals for the school year. Let's hope come April, most of these items are checked off. A few things may get added along the way as well.

-Experience RATT (for all you non U of A students, that's our on-campus bar, Room At The Top): I've heard it's a good time there, a great place to go after class!
-Experience Dewey's: U of A's second bar. Though I assume it's more low key, it's more a pub/coffee bar/eatery type deal. It used to be the university's old power station as well.
-Make new friends: I've already met people whom I could run into on campus and have a little chat with but it would be cool to have people from various faculties to hang out with. I'm going to try and snag a study buddy in each class and that could expand my friends circle as well :)
-Keep in better touch with out of city friends


-Get an A-/A/A+: Gotta keep the streak rolling. Of course I would prefer multiple A's :)
-Raise GPA: I dropped 0.3 last year. Not happy about that. So I need to raise 0.3 to get into Kines, but I would much rather raise at least 0.6, I think having a 3.7 would be sweet. While I'm at it, I may as well shoot for a 4.0 :p
-No procrastinating: DO THINGS WHEN I THINK OF IT!!! Enough leaving things for later. Especially now that I have a job that I honestly never really know what kind of shifts I'll get, it is imperative that I do things when I have the time.

-Enjoy playing soccer again: Hopefully I join the right level for my skill and level of drive.
-Get in shape: Shouldn't be too hard with a soccer class, a "movement" lab for my PEDS 294 lecture/lab, fac soccer, indoor soccer and throw in a gym day maybe once a week.
-Improve my bowling average: Every year it's about improvement. I hope to sustain an average in the 190's this year. I'm totally capable of it.
-Go bowling if I get bored: Obviously will help for all around bowling
-Get to nationals/beat Kirsti Long: Last year she won both provincial tournaments and also went to the Youth PABCON in the Dominican. It's someone else's turn..
-Go to drop in soccer once in awhile: Also helps with meeting people :)

-Be happy, enjoy where I am and what I'm doing: I think this just needs a readjustment of my brain, because I think I'm still mourning my failure of getting into kines.
-Try my best all around: I could do better in every aspect of my life

This list is somewhat extensive but by all means do-able. Everything just needs to be in motion for me to see if I can balance everything. Right now that's the biggest question. I don't want to take on too much and then have to back out of something. I also have to remember to have fun and relax. I've definitely lightened up but if I'm focused on something too intently then I can get in a bad place. I do NOT want to revisit that place again..

Hope everyone had a great weekend! I've got to start studying (already) but I'm looking forward to learning some new things!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Who Am I?

I got a text this morning from a friend asking who I was and what I did with Jessica.. I had to laugh. Even just 2 years ago I would have laughed if someone had told me what I'd done in the past week, I would not have believed them one bit.

But something changed the way I thought about life, or maybe I actually started thinking about it, I started paying attention to life, not just the trivial happenings day in and day out. I started analyzing myself as a whole: who I wanted to become and where I wanted to go. Ever since then I've been on this path that I didn't really know where I was going or how or if I would get there. It looked like it was going to be a long road.

But then out of nowhere I went from being that quiet girl at a party, the one who sticks with a few friends and follows them everywhere, and the one that can't have conversations with strangers, to making out with the hottest 1st year and chatting up a bartender all night long to get free drinks.. Granted, alcohol was a major player in my ability do that, but the fact remains that I wanted to do these things consciously and made it happen.

Speaking of alcohol, after last Saturday's events I had planned to control the drinking. Unfortunately for me, and my roomies, I drank too much too fast and then had the bright idea to chat up the bartender to get free drinks. This honestly was more so an experiment to see if I could do it. Turns out I could. I don't think I ever stopped drinking last night, I don't know how many shots he gave me. Suffice it to say I got a Drunk Bitch Citation from the roomies. <3

So the next step is to do this WITHOUT ALCOHOL!!!! Firstly, I can't seem to know when to stop drinking/I just don't go slow enough to realize I've had enough. Secondly, the majority of life is spent being sober, so why practice something one way that when you need to put it to use you'll have to do it another way.

Another side to not seeing this me coming is that I've been volunteering! The last week or so I've spent ~34 hours volunteering.. It's great because now when I'm on campus I recognize people and I say Hi in passing. It's a good feeling to know that you're known.

Also that I rally want to be involved. I never wanted to be involved. At all. Just leave me with my sports and band and I was happy. Nowadays that's just not enough. I need the whole package. I've always thought of myself as well rounded, the whole package. I definitely was, but I guess now I'm more so the better whole package, with new, more exciting things to go into the package on the way.

I almost want to shake my head at myself, for the way I think about everything now. Always analyzing, always criticizing every move. It just seems like a silly notion, but it's actually becoming really important to me. I was talking to the bartender's friend last night and we were talking about this and he said that there are some books that I should check out. He actually gave me his name (incl. last name!) and his email (he's taken, so no #-not that that's what I was looking for from him, he's 29!). So I might decide to check that out.

But all in all, I have to say I'm pretty happy with life right now. I'm just so exhausted that I guess I really haven't even realized this, but I am really happy with things right now. New school year and fresh starts can do that to you I suppose.

Anyways, I kind of still feel like I'm still trying to overcome a hangover and need to get to bed for bowling tomorrow morning. Finally!

Things to do:
-Find a desk
-Buy a chair for said desk
-Buy closet organizer
-Get organized for school (3 days later..)
-Get campus rec job info/apply to any and all applicable jobs

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


The more I think about it, the more stoked I am for this year. I've been thinking about my job situation.. and I'm definitely going to try and work with the U of A Athletics Events on weekends and then I guess hockey equipment room 1-2 days a week. No more ridiculousness of McDonald's for me! It's time to start thinking about myself and my future. I'm glad I got to see the physed schpeal about the faculty during orientation. They said to get experience in a relevant field to your degree. I was already thinking this, but why not start now? PLUS, I'd make more money and have more fun! Who doesn't want that?!

Also, my afternoons are going to be wide open, so I could easily dedicate a few hours a day to studying but then also have time to volunteer. But outside the U of A I'm not going to find any opportunities during weekdays, so I think I'm gonna have a look at some Student Union groups. Maybe the radio station? How cool would that be? Maybe the music library person?

I may be packing in my year, but if I can handle it and feel accomplished by the end of it, why not do it? I just have so much motivation coursing through me to go out there are get involved and meet new people. I almost don't want friends in my classes so that I can make new friends..! (But ironically I have friends in every class this semester haha)

Orientation the last 4 days just gave me so much energy to do so much more. I look around and see all these people from within the same and different faculties getting to know each other and becoming great friends. I wish that had been the case for me, ya I have a few new facebook friends and I'll recognize some people around Van Vliet but it's not the same. I got into it just a bit too late. Oh well. It takes time and I'm getting there quicker than I ever thought I could. I never would have thought I'd be the person I am today, even just 2 years ago. It's amazing what University does to you and for you. I'm gaining momentum and confidence, watch out!

Hope everyone's first day of school was good! I've got soccer class bright and early at 8am and working the beer garden 2-6 at 10$/hr!!!! Which was unexpected (I thought it was strictly volunteering), but that's great!!Also, the party is on tomorrow at Lucky 13!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Getting Involved!

So after Day 1 of Orientation here at the U of A I'm definitely feeling the volunteering vibe. I think I definitely want to get involved with something more long term this year. Wed-Fri is Week of Welcome, which I'm also lending my time to, and I think it would be worth my while to go around campus and see what else is out there. Yes we had clubs fair today and I really should have taken a better look around, but even so, not all the student organizations were represented there, I know there is a lot more. So I need to do some research.

But at the same time I almost feel like I should wait a bit and see how balancing school, sports, work and my social life will work out. But I definitely want to get more involved on campus and meet more people. If not volunteer then at least just spend time on campus! Like explore the buildings and such. Really get to know it. 

So we'll see. At least I'm at that point where I want to do it not because I want to put it on my resume. I also want to climb the "ranks" and be in a leadership position, I want to work on my leadership skills. Orientation is a good start, working with a partner, but it can only do so much.

Any involvement coming from any of you on campus or elsewhere this year?

Friday, September 2, 2011

Here And There

Today was a super productive day. And as in productive I mean this is the first time all day that I've really been able to sit down with my computer and look at nothing :O

Now how does that happen to one certain social media/internet obsessed gal like me? Well it includes work, going to the library, going to Value Village, volunteering and then off for dinner with friends! It's actually been quite like this for a few days now, minimal time spent on the computer, more time working and being with friends. I like it :) Go figure :p

So today, my eighth day straight, was maybe one of the most hectic ones to date. I got there at 7am to only TWO people working. Usually there is 3 or 4. For an hour and a half there was only three of us.......... We had to close the first drive thru window because we were too busy. And to make things slightly worse (for me) was the fact that the only manager working happens to be diabetic and hadn't had time to check her sugar levels/actually eat so that she could function properly. If she were to pass out or something I would have been at a total loss and it would not have been good news bears, that's for sure! But things worked out, another manager finally came in at 9 and then another around 10. Then I was off at 11, a quick 4 hour shift; good way to end my 8 day work week!

EPL: Edmonton Public Library. Downtown. Holy. Crap. It's huge! That's all I really have to say about that.

I now have my tight and bright all set for orientation. Got myself some nice pink leggings and yellow shorts! All I have left to get is a headband and I'm set! I'm gonna look pretty hot if I do say so myself.. Restrain yourselves, first years!! (Oh how funny am I :)) My other volunteering project is with WOW, which I'm sure I talked about before (Week of Welcome). Today all I did was help set up some 100 tables and put table clothes on them for Clubs Fair.

Dinner was Chili's with Amber, Meagan, Matt (the usuals) and then some other fackers. It was just a chill time, drink, eat and catch up. I was honestly so out of it periodically though. Put me near a TV and I will watch. Wether there is something entertaining on or not. Plus I'm just so tired!

Then JAM went to Chapters to peruse the miscellaneous items they have for sale there. There were some super cute book ends and various office/desk items that I really wanted to buy, but I obviously had the sense to restrain myself. First comes the desk, then paying people back, then we'll see where I'm at for buying room accessories. I'm stoked on my room finally coming together and feeling like MY room. Should be any day now!

Next up is orientation training. Woo. I guess I am actually kind of excited to get on with it, but two 8 hour days in a row? Ugh. BUT tomorrow night may make up for it. All the new kids move into rez tomorrow afternoon so all the senior students/past rez kids are going to go "crash" it. Nah, we'll just go to party and meet the new faces. There's ALWAYS a party the first night. Of course there is! It's a rule! How else do you break the uncomfortable silences that come with a bunch of random people you now have to live with? It's gonna be a gooder. I'm keen on seeing how I do in socializing with randoms. It'll be good test, I know I've gotten better as of late :p

So other than looking forward to tomorrow night I guess I have next sat as well to look forward to. It should be my first day back at bowling and I also might get to go play soccer again! Then next is Flames preseason game vs. Edmonton Sept 24th. I'm going with JK, it should be great. We've turned into pretty good friends, I'm glad and relieved to say!

Anywho, I think I'm going to slightly catch up on the TV I've been missing out on this week and then hit the sack.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

For Meagan, That Womang..

I had wanted the title of this post to be "The Same Title".. for a(n) (un)significant reason. I was figuring last year that the title of my blog would be changing, as I would be in my program. But alas, as I did not get in, I am still stuck with "Life of a Barely Full Time Student". But that's alright, this one is creative and who knows what the next would have been called.

So the significance of this post.. Meagan (roomie) is getting on my case for not having blogged in 5 days. Oh the horrors!! Also, her BF keeps saying ya mang to her, as in ya man, but no, she is a woman, so therefore, womang. Oh Meagan.

So what's been up? Not too much. Lots of work actually so I've just been completely wiped. I can't wait for school (for the obvious reasons) but also now because I won't have to be working too much. I'm tired of it. Also, because I've been working SO much (aka today is day 6 in a row) I'm hoping I get a wicked pay cheque, as I SHOULD get overtime. Scratch that. Overtime is 44hrs+ a week. As in Monday-Sunday, not starting any given day and the following days. Sad face :(

So I've been told I should try out plentyoffish, even if it's just for shits and giggles. I have a friend who's had success with it and another who just started it today. It looks really interesting. I honestly don't think I would meet anyone in person, unless I get that feeling and it's been awhile messaging back and forth. I just can't shake what I've been told while growing up. You know, internet security and not meeting people off the internet. Of course I could meet perfectly wonderful guys, but.. I just don't know. Maybe I'll see, just for the heck of it. It could be interesting.. :p

Any thoughts on dating sites?

Anyways the next week is gon be craazy busy, I will for sure be super tired. Watch out for a cranky me next weekend.. :)

Friday, August 26, 2011

The Blogs Go Dry.. I Can Make Up For That!

Even facebook has been very uneventful in the past little while.

So, my biggest news: I discovered google Chrome's capabilities. I didn't know it had free apps and stuff! So cool! So I definitely was not as bored as usual, I only watched Hot in Cleveland and The Lincoln Lawyer today! And as a result, I think I have made the switch to Chrome; for now. I might as well because for whatever reason, bmo won't let me do online banking on safari..

Hmm what else? Well I've taken measures to NOT be on the same team for bowling with this annoying girl that I've been teamed up with for the past 2 years!! I'll be with Carla, we're fairly tight, we'll definitely get to know each other better this year. We'll also need a third member, but I don't care as long as it's not you know who!

I also found this soccer team that may have a spot for me for indoor! The manager invited me to a scrimmage next week to see how I like the girls/if it'll be a good fit for me, etc, but unfortunately I work  :( so hopefully there'll be more that I can go to! I really miss being competitive and having practices and stuff. But the more I think about all these things that I want to do, I realize that something will probably have to give, and no doubt that will be work. I don't even care what they will think about that. They just need to realize I am university student that is involved in sports (and they do know that). Catherine (store manager) had said she would hope for me to do 3 shifts a week.. I'll see how Sept plays out but I have a feeling I'll have to cut back to 2, and probably just be available on certain days. I really don't want to worry about work, I want to focus on #1: school and #2: being happy. Which includes soccer possibly up to 3-4 times a week once fac soccer starts, bowling up to 2-3 times a week, partying and down time with friends. Oh and don't forget doing well in school!! We'll see how it goes I guess. I just can't wait for it to get started!

Tangent Time!

  • I kind of want to set a few goals for this school year, kind of like new year's resolutions. I think most of them are pretty obvious. But I think if I were to write them down, and then reflect on them at the end of the year, then I think that could be used as a pretty good measuring stick of how much I will have grown throughout the year. Not that that's terribly important to me (though self growth is necessary) but it's also really interesting to look back and say, "wow, a few months ago I never would have been doing this", or some variation on that phrase. I love when I realize something like this, and it's happened to me quite frequently in the past few months :)

Ever feel the need to do that? Or do you already have things in mind that you want to do/accomplish this year?

  • I hope the next 2 days go by swiftly, I work 7-3 like today, and then 8-4. I haven't had this many hours in a loooong time, never mind never having three 8 hour shifts in a row! :o And last night I only got ~5hrs of sleep, and tonight might be similar. So of course early on in the shift I'm super groggy but then by the afternoon I;m feeling grr-eat! (Yes, I did just say that!)

  • So other than work on my mind, I now have bowling starting soon and also orientation stuff starts in a week. I am also looking forward to hearing from Gabi! It's been a bit too long again :p

So after a random jumble of a blog I could either go lay in bed for a few hours trying to sleep or bored again..? I think I'm going to attempt sleeping.

Ps. Meagan (final roomie #3) moves back in tomorrow!

Monday, August 22, 2011

A Piece Out Of Place

For everyone who has ever met me, you know how into sports I am. Soccer is the most obvious. I have been playing since I was 5, and it's the only thing that's lets me get out all my stress and tension. I always want to play soccer. Wether it be raining, snowing or 30+ outside. But lately I haven't really felt the need for it at all.

I've been playing with a competitive co-rec team, I had 3 games in two weeks in July, but the last 2 games I've missed.

First of all, that first game I totally forgot about it.. HOW?! The second one I had work but didn't feel the need to let anyone know. Uhh.. I never feel that way.

So what is it? Is it because I have no real connection to the team/the players? Maybe. But even so, you'd think I'd jump at the chance to be getting some physical activity! That's how I ended up playing with them in the first place! But maybe it's also that in the back on my mind I realize that it wasn't officially established that I was ON the team. I haven't paid up yet, which might also be another thing, I don't want to pay :p But seriously, it's only $35.

So I don't know what's going on with that. But as long as I have decent hours at work I'm not going to be giving up my Sunday shifts for soccer.

It's just weird because I have never not wanted to go to soccer, even if I'm sick! But I suppose it really does come down to the people. In minor soccer I had the most wonderful girls to play with, so that's just extra incentive to go!

And I feel bad for the team, not letting them know, but they're also not asking where I've been so.. w/e! School's back on the 7th and I have 4 days of orientation before that, it's gonna be a heavy first week back but I'm slowly getting more excited about it.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Test This!

I really do think most tests/quizes online are total nonsense, but I came upon this one test that was actually fairly accurate. And what's funny is that it came from picking colours..

Your Existing Situation

"Organized and detail-oriented, she has a very precise and methodical manner. she needs relationships which offer her understanding, respect, and approval."  (so very true)

Your Stress Sources

"Always trying to make a good impression on others, but doubtful she is succeeding. Feels she has the right to everything she hopes and dreams of and becomes annoyed and helpless when things don't go her way. Is troubled by the very thought of failure which leaves her feeling miserable. Always sees herself as the victim as if everyone treats her poorly and she never is given her fair share. Feels her failures are no fault of her own, but due to the shortcomings of others." (thought of failure, so very true. no fault of my own, so not)

Your Restrained Characteristics

Current events leave her feeling forced into compromise in order to avoid being cut off from affection or future cooperation.
Giving more than she is getting back and feels misunderstood and unappreciated. Feels she is being forced into compromising and even her close relationships leave her feeling emotional distant.
"Seeking to broaden her horizons and believes her hopes and dreams are realistic. Worries she may not be able to do the things she wants and needs to escape to a peaceful, quiet environment in order to restore her confidence."
Current events leave her feeling forced into compromise in order to avoid being cut off from affection or future cooperation. (I really don't care about current events... not accurate)

Your Desired Objective

Seeks to be known for something she has accomplished and uses her social abilities to win people over. Emotional and sensitive and romantic. (true besides my social abilities.. in my opinion)

Your Actual Problem

"Feeling a lack of energy, she does not wish to be involved in further activity or give in to demands. she is feeling powerless causing her stress, agitation, and irritation, all which she tries to escape by refusing to participate altogether. she tries to escape into a fantasy world where things go her way and her desires are easier to reach." (haha, pretty much in a way)

Your Actual Problem #2

"Is disappointed and let down, feels there is no point in making new goals as they will leave her feeling the same way. Looking for friendly, pleasant relationships with others, who will further develop her intellect. she tries to escape into a fantasy world where things go her way and her desires are easier to reach."
(I am always creating new goals)

Thoughts? If you took this test does it reflect who you are and how you feel? I stumbledupon this and found it interesting and thought I'd enjoy my findings..

Cheers :)

Friday, August 19, 2011

Now What?

Ugggh.. I don't know how much time has elapsed but I finished four seasons of Chuck in a short amount of time. And now I have to wait for October for the fifth and final season.. TOO LONG!!

In the meantime...? I do have this weeks shows to catch up on. And at least I have good long shifts for then next week and a bit.. but still.. Oh well, at least September is approaching quickly.

Man it's bad when my only worries are about what to watch next... :s
Maybe I should try and get through one of those books I have yet to get even halfway thru.. I just want some intellectual stimulation!!!

But it has started to cool down quite a bit, summer is coming to a close already so maybe I'll go one some evening runs.. Or soccer in the field with roomie! I keep forgetting!!

Monday, August 15, 2011

TV Timeout

Augh I'm tired of TV but otherwise I have nothing else to do. And it helps me keep my mind off things that I have no control over.

Not that I don't have control over this, but I started thinking about my future. I was looking at all the classes that I'll be taking or could be taking for kinesiology. It clued in how tough it's going to be once I get to my fourth year (of the program), what with practicum and all (which will actually be really cool though). I can't help but worry that I won't be able to do it. Which is slightly ridiculous because of course I'll be learning things along the way that will prepare with the knowledge to complete these classes. And I know that I shouldn't be worry about what will happen in about 2 years time, because hey, that's 24 months and a person can change in just a sixth of that time. But it's also scary to look past schooling and see what you might be doing after.

There is a bright side to this though. Looking at some of these classes I realized just how well the programs are designed to prepare you for whichever career path you may take. I found that there's a class for ergonomics (which I've looked a bit into) and there's also a note on my degree requirements paper that says to take a certain class if you happen to be interested in biomechanics or motor control-which I very may well might be.

So it's not all doom and gloom in store for 2013-2014 :)
And once again I know I'm being presumptuous and dramatic when I say that, but right now that's how I feel. Just with everything that has happened to me this summer it just seems like that would be my path.

But I gotta keep it positive and look at what I have coming this fall. Now I just wish my advisor had gotten back to me today about the note in beartracks saying contact the faculty for certain restricted classes.. I hope to have at LEAST 4 classes/semester!!!!!! Tomorrow I have the chance to get into 2 more classes, but this time for winter semester.

Half a month to go!!!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Is It Over Yet?

Even though I know I'm going back to school I still have negative emotions. I guess it's just that I still kind of feel the same way I did before talking to my mom and deciding to do whatever it takes to go to school this fall. I so deeply want to be in all those kines classes! The good news is that I out of the 10 classes for the year, I am already in 1, and only 1 other is full at the moment. I have a chance at getting into 2 of them on Monday, and the rest I'm not too sure. I should have looked into this that first day, but I think I have to contact the faculty to let me in. So I emailed my advisor what's up with that. I assume hope that she asks which classes, I give her the list and she manually puts me in or something like that. I just hope that the 15th doesn't mark the day when everyone else has the same idea and tried to get into those classes.. All it said was don't contact the faculty before the 8th.. Man I am just kicking myself in the butt for not having payed any attention to this earlier. So I really have no place to complain if it doesn't fall together. So my fingers are crossed, and the logic works out in my mind that I should be back to a full course load for 2011/12..

A little side note: I love how because the faculty is pretty small that it's really easy to organize your schedule. So far for fall I have it set up that 4 days of the week I am done at 2. How awesome is that? That means more days open for work, soccer AND bowling practice! (And studying I guess.. :p)

I will be SO happy if everything finally just works out!!

Ps: Today was definitely a lazy day, I have barely moved from my living room. It would have been nice to go out on such a beautiful day but my legs (knees) are SO sore from working and then walking around so much yesterday.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

A Social Situation

You all know how I am with people I really don't know. I'm friendly enough but I really can't hold up a conversation. Some days that's the same with my friends, I can just not be in a talkative mood. So you would think a night like tonight may make me anxious.

Surprisingly enough, that was not the case! I was thinking about it a bit, but I wasn't too worried since I get along quite well with my fellow coworkers. If you're wondering, this occasion was the Keg dinner for the 4 drink specialists at my work, we got $200 to spend since we hit our sales target for the month of July.

So for my $50 I got a prime rib dinner, 2 Keg sized drinks, a regular caesar and a tequila shots. The "older" lady (she's about 40, about twice the age of us other 3) bought the tequila. And it was the good stuff! Didn't need the lime at all!

While waiting for our table we were just chatting in the bar (that was a tad uncomfortable, shifty eyes (plus there was a soccer game on right in front of me-I couldn't help myself)) and then while we waited for our food we played Dirty Minds. If you don't know what it is, you definitely need to play it! Someone reads 3 clues and you have to guess what it is. But these clues make you think it's something dirty. The restaurant manager came over and saw and he even played a round with us, it quite funny.

My manager got a tad tipsy and she kept saying that we'll never think the same of her again. Slightly true, I'll just always remember that she's a light weight, haha.

All in all a great, free night!! I then walked home in the rain and finally got to see my roomie after almost 3 months!

I'll probably be in bed shortly, but it's the best Saturday night I've had in a while! Tomorrow is soccer, providing it doesn't rain!! It's shaping up to be a great weekend!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Fuck I Love Chuck!!

I love this show soooo much!!! Zachary Levi is just hilarious as Chuck and I just love him and Sarah! I wasn't feeling to great today, but once I popped in a disc, the laughs came swiftly and got me in a good mood again :D

They are entering their 5th and final season this fall though..  >:( What will I do without them? And I really must get my hands on seasons 3&4 :p

Apparently this show has twice come upon the risk of being cancelled but the fans saved the series. Thank goodness. If I had to chose between Friends, (and you know how much I love that show, which never should have come to an end) it would be really, really tough!!

And it's unfortunate that NBC only ordered 15 or so episodes.. but as long as they tie it up nicely I'll be happy.

I'm really looking forward to Saturday. I'll actually be busy all day and Amber gets here!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Any Day Now

I'm pretty sure I'll be hearing from the University any day now. I checked beartracks and it says my application is completed... And my class schedule is still there. Do I take this as a good thing (that I didn't get booted out of any classes)? Or is there still processing to do? I'm definitely going to wait for the official word before I get excited. But in the meantime I realized that my parents are going out of town soon so I should get on filling out my student loan application. Obviously I won't be submitting it until I hear from the U of A, but if it drags out too long I'll have to submit it anyways..? It takes 4-6 weeks to process if I remember correctly.

I just filled it out, I'm glad it's not a tough process. Now to wait - still.

Monday, August 1, 2011

More Cleaning

I don't remember being so bored this summer!! Maybe it's because I haven't had a two day weekend in a while, but none the less I'm not a fan. Let's see what I've been up to the last little while..

1) Staying current with all my summer programming

  • Rookie Blue
  • SYTYCD (I started at top 10 though)
  • Hot in Cleveland
  • Pretty Little Liars
  • Futurama
  • Flashpoint
  • The Glee Project
2) Watching new movies and movies I had yet to see
  • Dreamgirls
  • Source Code
  • Limitless
  • Chicago (I only got 20 mins in though)
3) Rewatching movies 
  • Killers
  • Easy A
  • Hairspray
4) Caught up in TV series
  • Modern Family
  • Community (This was a few weeks ago though)
........TOO MUCH
At least yesterday I went for a run and cleaned a bit. I guess I need to keep that going today, I just can't stand just sitting around all day! There are things that I could go do, but it's just that those things aren't exceptionally important so I don't have the boost to go do it. Plus I'm stuck walking everywhere now, and my legs are sore from running yesterday now :p sad excuse, I know. 

Well 5 days until Amber finally gets home, HURRAYYYYYY, which is super close so that's good :D

Ok time to make lunch then get cleaning

Ps. Anyone having problems with safari not finding the Facebook server? It's driving me INSANE. I'm thinking it may just be my computer..

Friday, July 29, 2011


I could probably use a dose of positivity. And I really could use a positive post. So here's the somewhat half year through review.

On January 1st I posted a LJ post about resolutions. Here are the results:

1) Be more healthy: Most definitely achieved! I have fallen off track a bit lately, no veggies wit some of my meals, but most of the time there is a veggie component. I've also been really good at not eating a lot of junk and fast food - which is kind of tough considering where I work! I've also started a little workout regimen before I shower every day. 3 kind of ab exercises, 1 for triceps, 1 for biceps and then pushups for the bigger muscle areas. The only thing I could be doing better is to actually go for a run. But at least I've been biking and walking everywhere instead of transit.
2) Be more social: ...somewhat achieved.. I hung out a lot with Victoria before she left and I've actually seen a lot of JK, and soccer helped a bit. But I haven't made any new friends which was kind of the summer goal. Oh well. One step at a time. But my being comfortable around strangers has most definitely improved, so not all is lost! Room for improvement is the verdict.
3) Cut down mindless activities: ...............................MAJOR FAIL. If I'm not working or doing anything else out of the house, I am on my computer watching TV. This was kind of intended for during the school year though, and I'm sure it will be cut down come this fall.
4) Read more: Decently achieved, I read one whole book (I feel like there was 2 though..) and started 2 others. In total I have bought something like 4 books so I need to get on them.. I read more than the last 2 years so I'm happy with this.

Overall I'm happy with the way I've followed through on these goals. That usually doesn't happen. Or it does for only a month or so, but it's been 6 and I'm doing alright. If I were to create new goals, I would keep 3 and 4, but also add 5) Get out of the house/go for a walk 6) Follow through on things I plan (aka go for a run when I plan to and/or clean when I plan to) 7) Be more tidy: Now this is just getting nit picky, but it's good to get into good habbits

Are you still following through on your New Year's Resolutions? (If you planned any)

Happy long weekend everyone, I will be spending it doing.. dunno, maybe I'll ask around to see what people are doing. I may be bowling Sunday with Dylan and then probably chores and stuff the rest of Sun and Monday. Unfortunately I work 7-3 tomorrow, ugh early shifts.

Ps. Listened to Simple Plan's newest album: Get Your Heart On! yet? It's pretty great!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

#1 Pass Time

Went bowling with Max and Brendan this evening after work and kicked their butts!! To be fair, Brendan is coming off an injury and Max hasn't bowled in 2 months and I bowled 5 games last week, but still! It was so great! I went 818 for 4 - for a 204.5 average. For it not even being August, that is sick. But they came back and beat me the last game.. lol. I had a 250 something in there though, I only threw 2 games higher than that all of last season!! We're going to try to do this every week now. They're really nice, fun guys, I wish I had been friends with/closer to them sooner. But it's all good :) Just glad to have friends to bowl with, much more fun than by yourself!

So I look forward to the season now, to see how much damage I can do :) Look out miss Team Canada who goes and "drops the ball" (pardon the pun) at major tournaments.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


It started out with me flipping head over heels off my bike into a puddle of mud. Nice.

It continued with another stolen bike. Fucking fantastic.

To conclude, I received an email back from my advisor and my fears were confirmed. If I don't get into Kines, I'm stuck with my current faculty while trying to get into some kines classes IF they open up.

Since my bike got stolen from McDick's, my manager suggested I call the police officer who patrols the area. I did and he came to take my statement. He will be calling me back to see how I feel about seeing a line up to pick out the offender. Apparently there are a crap load of bike thefts that happen in this area. That makes me feel better. I just lost a $200 bike that I use to get EVERYWHERE. And the stupid video camera didn't even catch the guy because of the stupid tree branches in the way. Good one McDonalds..

The only good thing that came from today is that tomorrow I now work 11-5 (the BIG bosses are coming in). But next week I have some more 4 hour shifts - I am not happy. I especially need the money now. Buuuut maybe not because it's shaping out to look like I will not be returning to school this coming academic year. But then again I'll still need the money because I'll have to start paying back my student loans - yippee... And I can't wait for that phone call to my mom...

But honestly if that happens, I will be inconsolable. It's only been 3 months and I feel my brain rotting away. I can't do a brain dead job for an ENTIRE YEAR!!!! I don't even want to think about that because it makes me depressed. I hope to GOD that they somehow manage to squeeze a 3.4 out of my most recent *24.

A guy at work asked if I needed a hug. Yes, yes I do, but not from you, person who I don't even know your name...

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

I've Been At War

Well I just tried to write a post on LJ and it didn't save.. well then. I guess no one gets to know what I wrote about (in depth :p)

I went on a tiny rant about school, and then I just proceeded to email my academic advisor. I asked my questions that I should have asked when I first applied to transfer.. really, how dumb of me not to figure that out MUCH sooner than now... I am sooo mad at myself. If I get in, all is forgiven but if I don't.... don't plan on seeing me happy for a year (besides when I play soccer or have bowling..).

1) I get in: Everything is right in the world
2) I get in on probation: I have no problem working hard to get off probation, that was the original plan (to work hard) anyways
3) I get into physed only: That's okay because I can still take those classes that require a specific program (which is what I am worried about)
4) I am completely rejected and have to stay in sciences: ....well. Then I may need to talk face to face with my advisor..

3 scenarios that I am okay with, but most likely to happen...? #4 unfortunately. And it is majorly bringing me down. I just realized the other day that that's probably why I'm having sleeping problems again. Deep down it is FREAKING ME OUT. And yeah it's all my fault.

Why do the things that really matter not go my way sometimes?!?!
I hope you're all having a better summer than me..

Random Photo Time!

My disgruntlement at biking home in the rain. I was soaked. 

New shirt + hair cooperating! :D

Say what? :p

New outfit - Yes, I went against Gabi's scolding and wore the shirt over top
 (Good outfit for 27 degree weather me thinks)

The door to our theater for Harry Potter :)

Teensy Greyhound "station" in Olds

Monday, July 25, 2011

What Creatures They Are..

Boys. Yes how perplexing are they? The ones I just met are especially.

An incident came up at our second soccer game of the night last night (my new co-rec team). This one guy wasn't feeling too good. Then he came out of the blue and was like "I have to shit." Uhhmmm, thanks for the info.. Immediately all of the guys told him to go in the bushes but he just stood there bent over and then was pacing, "figuring out [his] body". Oh.

The girls who have cars there were even offering to drive him to a washroom! Finally he decided to go in the bush-thank goodness someone had paper towel in their car.. Everyone was mature about it, obviously they are all 20+ but still laughing about it and joked whenever the ball went out of play anywhere near where he ..uh.. flushed his system..

These are actual adults who don't care what they say or care about who hears it. I'm not very used to that so it was weird. And kind of funny.

Either way they're an odd group, very tight knit. It's pretty cool, I'm glad I heard about this-so much better than ANY of my rec teams in the past! This would be more competitive rec, the guys have SICK moves!

Anyways, there's an odd blog post for the day!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

A Few ...

1. I'm so freaking tired but my hair is too wet to go to bed
2. I could blow dry it but then I'd get all hot and icky for bed
3. The blisters are back - 2 soccer games back to back will do that. Or just soccer in my cleats will do that.
4. I'm soooooooo pissed about the bike being stolen!!!!
5. I get to wake up at 6:20 tomorrow. Yay.
6. The people on this team are all super nice, new friends coming my way? :p
7. I only got half the things on my "to do list" done today.. I didn't go for a run-thank god, I wasn't aware of the double header soccer game, and I didn't fully clean my bathroom or the rest of the basement
8. I have a headache because I'm so tired.
9. I BETTER get some good sleep tonight, I haven't had this much physical activity since the soccer marathon in march.
10. NO MORE SPENDING MONEY. Thank you bike stealer, I now owe more money
11. I was finally starting to get back on track... we'll see how I respond tomorrow
12. So I went to Elementary with this guy, and guess who happens to be on this soccer team and gave me a ride today? No.. but it's his brother! Freaking small world sometimes.
13. I was starving after getting back to my bike at McDick's (had a meeting before soccer), so I had.. 16 nuggets, small fries and a cinnamelt. BARF. I can't believe I ate all that... Soccer took more out of me than I thought but still... McDicks...
14. The meeting was for crew trainers which I am not yet. I am currently in the process, so do these things apply to me..? I should have asked. It probably does...(?)
15. Screw it, I'm going to bed after spewing some vehement words into my journal..

Thursday, July 21, 2011


Great movie. I looove the idea.

If you don't know what I'm talking about here's the trailer:


Not necessarily for the money (though, who are we kidding, I'd be all over that!), but just for the enlightenment and discovery. It would be that "something more" that I feel like I am missing in my life right now. Side note: I think that that "something" is a challenge, I need to use my brain!!

But I think if there was a world of people using this miraculous drug, it'd be pretty lame and life would be pointless. People would be pretty much the same.. all deserving of the same (for the most part).. 

It definitely makes you think..

Ps. And yes, if you were wondering, this is what I was doing this morning instead of going for a run or doing anything productive :p

Monkey See, Monkey Do

I'm sure any athlete will agree with me on this point: If you're watching someone doing/participating in something you love to do, it either makes you a) jealous or b) makes you want to go do it right at that moment.

I have experienced this many times. Whenever I watch my sister play soccer, and now, when I'm watching Team Canada bowl against the best in the world. I'm not talking wanting to be there, but just in general wanting to bowl. I went yesterday afternoon and bowled 5 games. I had to stop because my arm was hurting. I got home, watched some more bowling and once again felt the need to bowl.

I almost don't want to watch anymore because it makes me want to bowl so incredibly bad, but I can't stop because it gives me something to do and I also want to see how they are doing, interact with other people watching.. it's about the whole experience!

So I think I'll be glad when this tourny is over, I couldn't sleep last night because my mind was racing around already thinking about the upcoming season in September. September! It's not even August...

For now, I'll look forward (much too much) to my single days a week of bowling.. :D

Monday, July 18, 2011

Missed That Train

I've been pondering for sufficient blogging topics so that I don't bore/offend/annoy any readers and I have finally come up with one that may be a bit interesting, though it's still a way for me to rant. If you've had enough hearing about bowling, I suggest skipping this :p

In all seriousness, do you want to know where I would LOVE to be right now? The Dominican. Why? Because over a year ago, at my first Team Canada Trial I was qualifying to go there for the Youth PABCON tournament. I came one place out of being a substitute, not bad right? I was pretty proud. Then I found out that that was my last chance of making the youth team.. HUH? Why did no one inform me of this tournament sooner? Last year was the first year I had ever heard of any of this, I never knew that it all existed. Thanks Calgary coaches.. good to know you're there for us youth bowlers.

So that made me a bit sad but I got over it, because in the end, I'm still getting experience I never thought I'd get and I'm still having fun.

What changed since then? Well, the tourney is going on right now. I have a friend from Manitoba bowling there as we speak and also a "frenemy" from Edmonton bowling there. She pulled out the win last year, just barely-in the last 4 games or so. Yes she fully deserved it because she was bowling injured, but she's one of those people that things just go her way, even if she doesn't work hard for it. So many people are.. not a fan of hers, to put it politely. So I'm definitely jealous, seeing as I am just as good as her, we have a pretty similar average.

But there's another bowler in Edmonton, the other girl who I am always competing against, that I feel sorry for. I know she's killing to be there right now just as I am, and she is much more deserving and a much better bowler, in my opinion; even if the three of us all hang around the same average. She had been bowling at the Trials for years and never made it, and the one who did, this is her second go around.

Ya we all still have the adult tourney's to compete for, but that's a lot more daunting of a task. I know that someday, I could be really close to making it, but that's just darn far away!!!

I definitely mark this one up to jealousy, which I never usually experience, not to this extent. That's what happens when you have something to be passionate about, I suppose. But at least I have 2 more years to make it back to the Canadian Nationals.

Oh man I just got a crazy idea (I would never do it though). It would be so awesome if I could go out to Manitoba to work on my bowling. My friend is out there and a lot of the top Canadian Youth bowlers are out there, not to forget my uncle who bowled at the world cup. He's retired and still bowls so he could be a BIG help to me! Wishful thinking but how sweet would that be?

On a side note, I think in the coming weeks I'm going to try and get out to the alley once a week and throw a few games to get back into it. My coach had told me that that's one of the problems with youth bowlers, they're out of it for too long and then it takes them to long to get into again and by then the major tournies are here and it's really tough on them. So I definitely want to get a step up on everyone and start bowling again. Plus it'll give me something to do :)

Friday, July 15, 2011

Fingers Crossed

I finally emailed an advisor about when to expect news about my acceptance to Kinesiology, and FML. They finalized the entrance GPA to 3.4 and I only have a 3.1. But just right now I realized that that is my overall, and they only take into account the most recent 24 credits, and last year I only had 18. So it might be close.. But also I'm transferring so does that apply? (But why would she tell me that if it didn't..?) Gah, I hope that if the worst happens, that they put me in general phys ed so I can still take some of those classes.. Ef this better work out! I'm going to go calculate this out..

-> Ugh even if they take my two highest from last year's winter semester (2 A's) I'm only at 3.3 so I'm really hoping that it's good enough for them..

Why oh why didn't I think of this sooner so I could have easily gotten in after first year?!?!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Family History

I learnt a little bit about my Dad's side of the family today.. suffice it to say it's a little worrying and very sad. I already knew that my grandmother was schizophrenic and that's why she died when I was about 6 years old. But it turns out that my Dad had this brother who was also schizophrenic.. and he committed suicide because of it when he was 20 something. Turns out another of my uncle's might have it as well, just not as bad. Now that looks like that's an inheritable trait..

There's just something about that family. There are.. 6 (?) of them (there was supposed to be 8, another did during birth) which is not too unusual for a farm family. But the last 2 are/were kinda crazy-the whole schizophrenia thing. My Dad was the last one before them. He straddles that messed up line I think. He is an addict, that's where his flaws start. And it only happened after the divorce. But he's also somewhat an introvert-that's where I get it from, but not nearly as bad. He has no friends, he is always by himself. I feel bad but that's the cards he was dealt I guess.

I think that's a kind of sign, that a woman should only have so many children. Because then genes start getting messed up-that's my take. Maybe Amber will come upon this during her studies, that would be neat to figure out.

Ps. My Dad can retire in September-crazy!!

Edmonton is Home

Never in my wildest dreams would I think that I would call Edmonton home, least of all be wishing to be back there at this moment. But yes, it has happened. I got into Calgary Saturday evening so I've been here about 4 days now.. Doesn't seem like much does it? But I spent a lot of time with my two good friends from high school, Nikki and Jenny, and now there's nothing left.

Monday we had breakfast at Cora's, then Jenny and I were off to the Stampede for the entire day. At 6 the three of us were in Jenny's hot tub just chatting. I don't know why, but it seems like there's not much to talk about with them. I think they're too much like me in that regard-not having much to say.

Then Tuesday the three of us went to the Stampede breakfast in Douglas Square, just across Deerfoot from my house. It was soo good! I hadn't been to a Stampede breakfast in at least a decade! They had native dancers, ponies, a petting zoo and live music. I was worried it would rain but it was really sunny at 10am. Of course at 11 it was clouding over again. For the rest of the day we went our own ways but then reunited again for supper. We BBQd The Keg hamburgers, they were delicious! Jenny had some smore fixins kicking around so we had some of those as well as an ice cream sandwich each! We were super cool and did the smores on the BBQ. We played Life, Skip Bo and Uno to pass the time.

After that I decided I had my fill of hanging out with people. So I bought my ticket to Edmonton today, I will be leaving tomorrow at 3. My mom's reaction was "Already?". Well there's only so much I can do here, by myself, of course I could always go hang out with Gabi but she has work and school but I'm also just bored of being here. All I really wanted here was the Stampede.. I could be doing nothing in Edmonton as well :p

What will I miss most? The PS3; just kidding. Every time I come home I play it whenever I'm not doing anything else so I get sick of it, just so I will get my fill and not miss it while I'm away. Nerdy-I know :)

Up next is drinking with Victoria and her sister tomorrow night, then bday dinner and HP FRIDAY, then paint ball and partying on Whyte for my birthday! Then I don't work until Wednesday which is super lame. Time to start working out again! Also time to get back to my musical roots, I now have my sax back in my possession and I'm going to bring up my music and also my sister's guitar books. It's crazy to think that July is basically half over now so that means only a month until school starts again! I'm pretty stoked, I can't lie. I'm also stoked for Amber to come home in August and then Meagan sometime after that!

I think it's time to email PhysEd and find out what the deal is..

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Something I'm not terribly good at right now. This summer I was supposed to COOK, I wanted to learn guitar, and most recently I wanted to start singing again to get my vocal cord strength back. I was supposed to be running almost every morning and doing other exercises. 

..well at least I'm back to cooking. I made a quesadilla the other night and I'm hoping to make curry before I leave for Calgary on Saturday. Now that I am actually home during dinner time and have the ENERGY needed it's not a problem.

Not sure what happened with the guitar. I still get bored but.. I dunno. It was just one of those things where you think, "Oh, that would be cool!" but then you're bored of it after a bit.

The signing thing just occurred to me when I thought it would be cool to do a duet with my sister. But I always forget. If you don't happen to know, I sang for many years when I was younger with the Calgary Youth Singers. At that time I had dance (I know right?), soccer, bowling.. so something had to go. First was dance, then singing followed once I got older and time commitment went through the roof and talks about European tours were in the air. Then in Junior High my classmates and me sang for some government official.. was it just O Canada? Anyways.. I think we sang a lot that year and because I was (sorry to toot my own horn) one of the best, I was always belting it out and ended up hurting my throat. So after that performance I stopped singing and really haven't sang since then, minus the occasional rock band jams, and my throat kills after 3 songs.. So it's time to get the muscle back and get back to what I enjoy. 

Now the exercise regimen.. well since I work every morning at 7am.. running was out of the question (I don't go in the day because it's too warm) and I didn't on weekends or even do anything else because I was always so tired or sore from being on my feet all day. I know, I know.. excuses, excuses :p But I'm going to try to get back to it, no more census to drag me down. And my start times might change now that I opened up my availability. I plan on running when I'm home for the week. Gotta offset the ingestion of pancake breakfast(s)!

On a different note, I'm really missing soccer and these girls:

By far the best team I've ever had, and they'll be my friends forever, no matter how far apart we are and how seldom we speak. Much like the friends I have in my life right now, but definitely not the same. If we could create this team again when everyone is done uni, how sick would that be?

Now no more soccer for me this summer, we didn't have enough players for the summer term league.. I may have to go to the park by my lonesome and play around with a ball. 

8 more hours to work and 3 days 'til my mini vacay yipee!!

Hope all your summers are going well! It will REALLY feel like summer once I get home. The nice weather has been helping too :) 

Monday, July 4, 2011

Ego Boost

If you need one of these.. please direct yourself here. LOL

The accolades keep coming, I now know for sure now that I am employee of the month. One of my managers sat with me during part of my break today and told me to keep it going.

Thing is, this is me. I am a hard worker. I hardly ever do anything half assed. It's the right way or it's no way. It doesn't seem fair to get things from me just being me, but it is nice to be recognized. And of course I'm not turning down the raise - those whole 5 cents!

Also, I don't know what it is but 2 of my managers keep commenting on my looks. One (when she was here) kept saying I look like Hannah Montana... urm.. I think I'll take that as a compliment, since Miley is very pretty. Then another manager today was talking to another and was like, she's so pretty! Isn't she pretty? Then she pinched my cheek.. thanks Grandma.. (which she actually might be..) She also commented on how green my eyes are.. Good thing she's a woman or I would be highly concerned...

So I'm feeling pretty good about myself right now. It also helps that I'm out of census hell. I honestly didn't know it had THAT bad an effect on me. I came home after 8 hours today (after only 6hrs max of sleep) and felt fine. I cleaned my dishes and even cleaned my bathroom!! That never would have happened had I still been on with census!

Pretty good day overall I might say.. and FIVE days until I'm home and relaxing!!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Ahead Of My Self

So I guess I really should have gotten the full details before getting excited.. turns out it takes at least 2 months to become a crew trainer. So she really did mean "on track".And apparently it's quite the process. You have to go to a class and take a test (?).. So that means no raise for that yet.. But oh well. I really don't care, as long as it's coming.

But (and I'm only about 95% sure on this, it's tough to understand her sometimes) I'm still getting a raise! Apparently I was employee of the month and you automatically get a raise for that! So that's nice :)

So of course I quit the census today. I did it before talking to mcdick's store manager. I wanted to get some hours today, but I was just so exhausted from last night that I just could not muster the energy to go out. But now I'm working today anyways, 4-9 at mcdicks lol. Usually I'll say no if they call me in, but why not today? I now have no reason not too.. It beats sitting in my basement all day long.

So I'm hoping that I'll get a variety of shifts now. Aka less 7am starts?

Either way I feel a lot better today about my current life. So now only 5 more shifts until I get my vacay!

Ps I had an awesome Canada Day. Hope everyone also had a blast!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Fast Track To A Career: Welcome To McDonald's

First off, NO I am NOT going to have a career at McDick's. I only plan on being there for 10 more months at the most.

But my regional manager (aka The Boss) wants me to be. She doesn't want to "lose" me.

For all of you who may not know, I am absolutely terrified of getting in trouble. I have no idea where this came from, I never got in trouble as a child, I have never been grounded. But the prospect terrifies me.

So when the manager asked to talk to me at the end of my shift, for some reason my mind automatically jumped to this.. First words out her mouth: "So I've had multiple managers coming to speak to me.." OH SHIT. WHAT DID I DO?????

Oh, maybe I should let her finish: "and having very positive feedback about you." Oh shucks, me?

Haha jumped the gun a bit much? Anyways, she said many nice things about me, reinforced the point that it wasn't just one manager who had that feeling. So that was nice to hear. But then, "I want to get you on track for a career at McDonald's". Uh... HELL NO. I had to act quick and restrain a laugh..

Of course there are options: trainer, then crew leader, then manager. I suppose being a trainer would be okay. At least it would be a raise. But my availability would have to be a lot better. It's fairly unlikely this could work during the school year, but summer would work nicely. Then quitting the census would be absolutely no problem at all. I just wonder how quickly I could make this happen. Of course there's probs studying involved, she said she could give me the book.. lol.

I actually think I'll go talk to her and find out a bit more info on that, but it sounds like a good deal. And heck, after only a month here? I'll take it.

I'm really just glad that I got recognized by the big boss that I'm working hard. Because most days it seems like all they care about are numbers and times.

So bye bye census. This is likely my last week doing you. But then I feel bad. Our team has already had 3 people quit, Victoria will be leaving as well soon, so especially if we go within a few days I think that'll look really bad. Like we can only work together.. But I suppose why should I care too much? I can forget about it once I'm gone and I don't have to use census as a reference :p (I have Timmy Ho's and McDick's for that haha)

PS: 10 days till Calgary!! SO stoked for the stampede and to be able to chill in the SUN on my DECK. (I will shoot someone if we get crappy weather like last year)

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Facebook Friends

Here's a topic, and not just a rant about my life. Well... that's a lie. It stemmed from my life.

Lesson: Never have facebook chat open.

Why? Because you get those random people who added you just because you spoke to them a few times and you have a bunch of mutual friends. And then they decide to chat with you.

I do not know annnnything about you except for where your from..

I maay have given you a drunken hug but that gives you a reason to chat? I don't think so.

If you have something to talk about, or have a question. Then sure. But if you just say hey and then make no effort..? Don't bother me!

Maybe you're bored..? Go chat with someone you can actually chat with!!

It's that awkward chat silence, with is ironic, but still. It feels like I'm ignoring you. Not cool. Oh well, at least I'm a year away from (possibly) seeing you again.

Then, after a practically non existent convo, do I have to say goodbye?!

I have learnt this lesson, but I wanted to talk to a friend so there was nothing I could do about it.. grrr..

I would say this ranks quite high on my list of pet peeves :p
