Monday, November 28, 2011

10 Pin Dilemma

I went into this year saying that I'm going in every tournament so I can get more "big game" experience. There was one yesterday, but I missed it because I was in Calgary; though I probably would have skipped it either way - $50 and my finger is still sort of healing. There's another next weekend, both days, and I really want to do it.

But. I have a CT scan scheduled for Sunday morning, same time as the tourney. I don't really want to push that back because it might end up being a long wait. The tourney is also $75.. a bit steep, though there's a chance of winning $200, and not to forget I would gain valuable experience.

So I'm a bit on the fence, but definitely leaning towards not doing it. I just need to keep things simple, and not worry about $$, though it's payday tomorrow and I just realized I'm getting a good sized cheque so I don't need to worry that much anymore. But also, I need to save up $1000+ for CNC's since I didn't come top 2 in that tourney this year (where they give you the $1000 for CNC's).

So really, I think it would be stupid and a tiny irresponsible if I chose to go in the tourney. I also work the Sunday.. haha wow, I guess there are too many good reasons to not do it. I guess that makes the decision a lot easier. Though I'm not happy about it :p

Countdown time yet..?!?!

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