Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Fast Track To A Career: Welcome To McDonald's

First off, NO I am NOT going to have a career at McDick's. I only plan on being there for 10 more months at the most.

But my regional manager (aka The Boss) wants me to be. She doesn't want to "lose" me.

For all of you who may not know, I am absolutely terrified of getting in trouble. I have no idea where this came from, I never got in trouble as a child, I have never been grounded. But the prospect terrifies me.

So when the manager asked to talk to me at the end of my shift, for some reason my mind automatically jumped to this.. First words out her mouth: "So I've had multiple managers coming to speak to me.." OH SHIT. WHAT DID I DO?????

Oh, maybe I should let her finish: "and having very positive feedback about you." Oh shucks, me?

Haha jumped the gun a bit much? Anyways, she said many nice things about me, reinforced the point that it wasn't just one manager who had that feeling. So that was nice to hear. But then, "I want to get you on track for a career at McDonald's". Uh... HELL NO. I had to act quick and restrain a laugh..

Of course there are options: trainer, then crew leader, then manager. I suppose being a trainer would be okay. At least it would be a raise. But my availability would have to be a lot better. It's fairly unlikely this could work during the school year, but summer would work nicely. Then quitting the census would be absolutely no problem at all. I just wonder how quickly I could make this happen. Of course there's probs studying involved, she said she could give me the book.. lol.

I actually think I'll go talk to her and find out a bit more info on that, but it sounds like a good deal. And heck, after only a month here? I'll take it.

I'm really just glad that I got recognized by the big boss that I'm working hard. Because most days it seems like all they care about are numbers and times.

So bye bye census. This is likely my last week doing you. But then I feel bad. Our team has already had 3 people quit, Victoria will be leaving as well soon, so especially if we go within a few days I think that'll look really bad. Like we can only work together.. But I suppose why should I care too much? I can forget about it once I'm gone and I don't have to use census as a reference :p (I have Timmy Ho's and McDick's for that haha)

PS: 10 days till Calgary!! SO stoked for the stampede and to be able to chill in the SUN on my DECK. (I will shoot someone if we get crappy weather like last year)

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