Friday, October 7, 2011

Coming Home

It's always weird going back home to Calgary. Familiar yet odd surroundings. Adjusting to being around family again. Adjusting to not slamming kitchen cupboard.. haha. (Mine in Edmonton can't be slammed :p)

It's really just such an odd feeling being back home. Like nothings changed, just in the fact that I get home and there's really no talking or anything, we all go about our own usual ways. I made effort this time, and actually my SISTER made an effort. She actually wanted to play cards with me! And asked if we could go to Cora's for breakfast tomorrow! This is not normal Stephanie behavior, but I sure as hell won't point it out, or else it could be gone in an instant. We shall see how long this persists. The effort on my part was the suggestion of Monopoly, get everyone doing something together, which we very rarely do. So, so far so good.

Tomorrow is a new phone!! I've been eligible for an upgrade for like a year now... I'm actually thinking maybe HTC.. Super stoked on a new phone either way, mine's been acting up for way too long now. I'm also going to pick up some new soccer shoes and then go to this guy's bday party with my friend. Just gotta remember to fit in studying in there. Gotta get some done in the morning, I'm thinking.

I really hope I can just relax and recharge a bit this weekend. And I really want to talk to my mom about everything school wise, like everything that's on my mind and all my worries but that's a really tough thing to start bringing up with her, especially when she makes me feel like she's always judging me. She already did it today, bugging me about my psych exam.. We'll see..

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