Tuesday, October 4, 2011

It's Ironic

I'm currently taking a health education class and it covers a broad range of topics that pertain to being healthy & well. One of which includes talking about stress. Now if only we were learning how to deal with it effectively, not just broad theoretical categories on coping and what stress models there are..

I think studying about stress, while being stressed, makes me just that more stressed. And I really shouldn't be all that stressed. It's only midterms after all. I don't think I've ever tried this hard/care this much about a midterm. Which is maybe saying something but I'm not too sure what.

And I've kind of come to dead end with this whole studying thing. I studied really well for psych, knew 98% of the material yet barely managed above class average. How does that work? It must mean either I don't focus/pay enough attention/take enough time for each question, I am a horrible exam taker (which is most likely a very dominating part of this problem) or that I don't know how to properly apply knowledge to more practical things. Which in turns stresses me again and also worried me for future, more difficult classes that will impact what happens after my undergraduate degree.

So there's a lot of stress there, also not to mention that I need that 3.4 and it's looking to be a bit more difficult than I thought it would be. I'm almost thinking I should take a GPA booster next semester (physics?) just incase. But we shall see once this semester has progressed a bit more.

So I am definitely in need of a break. To recharge. To not have to deal with daily stresses/annoyances. I need to talk to my mom more, heck I need to talk to my friends more, not just the ones that I live with. But it's so damn hard when you're always studying! I can't imagine how people with full course loads are doing this. How did I manage this in my first year? And it seemed so easy then as well! What has changed? Or is it just that now there's so much relying on what I do at this moment in time that I'm putting a magnifying glass up to everything and forgetting about everything else?

Side note about analyzing things: I took a random online personality test just because and it was the Jung model/approach/whatever you call it and part of my result was that I was a thinker. My score for being a thinker? 100% No kidding..

Anyways back to the rant.. I hope I can sort things out when I go home, see things from a different perspective and get my life in order. Not that it's a total mess, but it doesn't even seem right to me anymore, in no particular way. Something's just off.

And now is the time where the brain is fried and just goes off on anything so it's time to go to bed. I have lab in the morning and I don't even know which room it's in this time so I may not even go and I'll just read over my HE ED notes before the exam instead.

Anyone else having mixed emotions about school this year? Especially if you're halfway done your undergrad, or more?

Ps. Have a great thanksgiving!

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