Sunday, September 18, 2011

This Year's To Do List

I'm so much more productive if I have a list of things I need to do. So behold a list of things to do and goals for the school year. Let's hope come April, most of these items are checked off. A few things may get added along the way as well.

-Experience RATT (for all you non U of A students, that's our on-campus bar, Room At The Top): I've heard it's a good time there, a great place to go after class!
-Experience Dewey's: U of A's second bar. Though I assume it's more low key, it's more a pub/coffee bar/eatery type deal. It used to be the university's old power station as well.
-Make new friends: I've already met people whom I could run into on campus and have a little chat with but it would be cool to have people from various faculties to hang out with. I'm going to try and snag a study buddy in each class and that could expand my friends circle as well :)
-Keep in better touch with out of city friends


-Get an A-/A/A+: Gotta keep the streak rolling. Of course I would prefer multiple A's :)
-Raise GPA: I dropped 0.3 last year. Not happy about that. So I need to raise 0.3 to get into Kines, but I would much rather raise at least 0.6, I think having a 3.7 would be sweet. While I'm at it, I may as well shoot for a 4.0 :p
-No procrastinating: DO THINGS WHEN I THINK OF IT!!! Enough leaving things for later. Especially now that I have a job that I honestly never really know what kind of shifts I'll get, it is imperative that I do things when I have the time.

-Enjoy playing soccer again: Hopefully I join the right level for my skill and level of drive.
-Get in shape: Shouldn't be too hard with a soccer class, a "movement" lab for my PEDS 294 lecture/lab, fac soccer, indoor soccer and throw in a gym day maybe once a week.
-Improve my bowling average: Every year it's about improvement. I hope to sustain an average in the 190's this year. I'm totally capable of it.
-Go bowling if I get bored: Obviously will help for all around bowling
-Get to nationals/beat Kirsti Long: Last year she won both provincial tournaments and also went to the Youth PABCON in the Dominican. It's someone else's turn..
-Go to drop in soccer once in awhile: Also helps with meeting people :)

-Be happy, enjoy where I am and what I'm doing: I think this just needs a readjustment of my brain, because I think I'm still mourning my failure of getting into kines.
-Try my best all around: I could do better in every aspect of my life

This list is somewhat extensive but by all means do-able. Everything just needs to be in motion for me to see if I can balance everything. Right now that's the biggest question. I don't want to take on too much and then have to back out of something. I also have to remember to have fun and relax. I've definitely lightened up but if I'm focused on something too intently then I can get in a bad place. I do NOT want to revisit that place again..

Hope everyone had a great weekend! I've got to start studying (already) but I'm looking forward to learning some new things!

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