Wednesday, August 31, 2011

For Meagan, That Womang..

I had wanted the title of this post to be "The Same Title".. for a(n) (un)significant reason. I was figuring last year that the title of my blog would be changing, as I would be in my program. But alas, as I did not get in, I am still stuck with "Life of a Barely Full Time Student". But that's alright, this one is creative and who knows what the next would have been called.

So the significance of this post.. Meagan (roomie) is getting on my case for not having blogged in 5 days. Oh the horrors!! Also, her BF keeps saying ya mang to her, as in ya man, but no, she is a woman, so therefore, womang. Oh Meagan.

So what's been up? Not too much. Lots of work actually so I've just been completely wiped. I can't wait for school (for the obvious reasons) but also now because I won't have to be working too much. I'm tired of it. Also, because I've been working SO much (aka today is day 6 in a row) I'm hoping I get a wicked pay cheque, as I SHOULD get overtime. Scratch that. Overtime is 44hrs+ a week. As in Monday-Sunday, not starting any given day and the following days. Sad face :(

So I've been told I should try out plentyoffish, even if it's just for shits and giggles. I have a friend who's had success with it and another who just started it today. It looks really interesting. I honestly don't think I would meet anyone in person, unless I get that feeling and it's been awhile messaging back and forth. I just can't shake what I've been told while growing up. You know, internet security and not meeting people off the internet. Of course I could meet perfectly wonderful guys, but.. I just don't know. Maybe I'll see, just for the heck of it. It could be interesting.. :p

Any thoughts on dating sites?

Anyways the next week is gon be craazy busy, I will for sure be super tired. Watch out for a cranky me next weekend.. :)

1 comment:

  1. OMG YOU HAVE TO DO POF!!! if not for your own entertainment, but for mine as well ;) haha
