Wednesday, July 27, 2011


It started out with me flipping head over heels off my bike into a puddle of mud. Nice.

It continued with another stolen bike. Fucking fantastic.

To conclude, I received an email back from my advisor and my fears were confirmed. If I don't get into Kines, I'm stuck with my current faculty while trying to get into some kines classes IF they open up.

Since my bike got stolen from McDick's, my manager suggested I call the police officer who patrols the area. I did and he came to take my statement. He will be calling me back to see how I feel about seeing a line up to pick out the offender. Apparently there are a crap load of bike thefts that happen in this area. That makes me feel better. I just lost a $200 bike that I use to get EVERYWHERE. And the stupid video camera didn't even catch the guy because of the stupid tree branches in the way. Good one McDonalds..

The only good thing that came from today is that tomorrow I now work 11-5 (the BIG bosses are coming in). But next week I have some more 4 hour shifts - I am not happy. I especially need the money now. Buuuut maybe not because it's shaping out to look like I will not be returning to school this coming academic year. But then again I'll still need the money because I'll have to start paying back my student loans - yippee... And I can't wait for that phone call to my mom...

But honestly if that happens, I will be inconsolable. It's only been 3 months and I feel my brain rotting away. I can't do a brain dead job for an ENTIRE YEAR!!!! I don't even want to think about that because it makes me depressed. I hope to GOD that they somehow manage to squeeze a 3.4 out of my most recent *24.

A guy at work asked if I needed a hug. Yes, yes I do, but not from you, person who I don't even know your name...

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