Friday, September 2, 2011

Here And There

Today was a super productive day. And as in productive I mean this is the first time all day that I've really been able to sit down with my computer and look at nothing :O

Now how does that happen to one certain social media/internet obsessed gal like me? Well it includes work, going to the library, going to Value Village, volunteering and then off for dinner with friends! It's actually been quite like this for a few days now, minimal time spent on the computer, more time working and being with friends. I like it :) Go figure :p

So today, my eighth day straight, was maybe one of the most hectic ones to date. I got there at 7am to only TWO people working. Usually there is 3 or 4. For an hour and a half there was only three of us.......... We had to close the first drive thru window because we were too busy. And to make things slightly worse (for me) was the fact that the only manager working happens to be diabetic and hadn't had time to check her sugar levels/actually eat so that she could function properly. If she were to pass out or something I would have been at a total loss and it would not have been good news bears, that's for sure! But things worked out, another manager finally came in at 9 and then another around 10. Then I was off at 11, a quick 4 hour shift; good way to end my 8 day work week!

EPL: Edmonton Public Library. Downtown. Holy. Crap. It's huge! That's all I really have to say about that.

I now have my tight and bright all set for orientation. Got myself some nice pink leggings and yellow shorts! All I have left to get is a headband and I'm set! I'm gonna look pretty hot if I do say so myself.. Restrain yourselves, first years!! (Oh how funny am I :)) My other volunteering project is with WOW, which I'm sure I talked about before (Week of Welcome). Today all I did was help set up some 100 tables and put table clothes on them for Clubs Fair.

Dinner was Chili's with Amber, Meagan, Matt (the usuals) and then some other fackers. It was just a chill time, drink, eat and catch up. I was honestly so out of it periodically though. Put me near a TV and I will watch. Wether there is something entertaining on or not. Plus I'm just so tired!

Then JAM went to Chapters to peruse the miscellaneous items they have for sale there. There were some super cute book ends and various office/desk items that I really wanted to buy, but I obviously had the sense to restrain myself. First comes the desk, then paying people back, then we'll see where I'm at for buying room accessories. I'm stoked on my room finally coming together and feeling like MY room. Should be any day now!

Next up is orientation training. Woo. I guess I am actually kind of excited to get on with it, but two 8 hour days in a row? Ugh. BUT tomorrow night may make up for it. All the new kids move into rez tomorrow afternoon so all the senior students/past rez kids are going to go "crash" it. Nah, we'll just go to party and meet the new faces. There's ALWAYS a party the first night. Of course there is! It's a rule! How else do you break the uncomfortable silences that come with a bunch of random people you now have to live with? It's gonna be a gooder. I'm keen on seeing how I do in socializing with randoms. It'll be good test, I know I've gotten better as of late :p

So other than looking forward to tomorrow night I guess I have next sat as well to look forward to. It should be my first day back at bowling and I also might get to go play soccer again! Then next is Flames preseason game vs. Edmonton Sept 24th. I'm going with JK, it should be great. We've turned into pretty good friends, I'm glad and relieved to say!

Anywho, I think I'm going to slightly catch up on the TV I've been missing out on this week and then hit the sack.

Have a great weekend everyone!

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