Friday, August 26, 2011

The Blogs Go Dry.. I Can Make Up For That!

Even facebook has been very uneventful in the past little while.

So, my biggest news: I discovered google Chrome's capabilities. I didn't know it had free apps and stuff! So cool! So I definitely was not as bored as usual, I only watched Hot in Cleveland and The Lincoln Lawyer today! And as a result, I think I have made the switch to Chrome; for now. I might as well because for whatever reason, bmo won't let me do online banking on safari..

Hmm what else? Well I've taken measures to NOT be on the same team for bowling with this annoying girl that I've been teamed up with for the past 2 years!! I'll be with Carla, we're fairly tight, we'll definitely get to know each other better this year. We'll also need a third member, but I don't care as long as it's not you know who!

I also found this soccer team that may have a spot for me for indoor! The manager invited me to a scrimmage next week to see how I like the girls/if it'll be a good fit for me, etc, but unfortunately I work  :( so hopefully there'll be more that I can go to! I really miss being competitive and having practices and stuff. But the more I think about all these things that I want to do, I realize that something will probably have to give, and no doubt that will be work. I don't even care what they will think about that. They just need to realize I am university student that is involved in sports (and they do know that). Catherine (store manager) had said she would hope for me to do 3 shifts a week.. I'll see how Sept plays out but I have a feeling I'll have to cut back to 2, and probably just be available on certain days. I really don't want to worry about work, I want to focus on #1: school and #2: being happy. Which includes soccer possibly up to 3-4 times a week once fac soccer starts, bowling up to 2-3 times a week, partying and down time with friends. Oh and don't forget doing well in school!! We'll see how it goes I guess. I just can't wait for it to get started!

Tangent Time!

  • I kind of want to set a few goals for this school year, kind of like new year's resolutions. I think most of them are pretty obvious. But I think if I were to write them down, and then reflect on them at the end of the year, then I think that could be used as a pretty good measuring stick of how much I will have grown throughout the year. Not that that's terribly important to me (though self growth is necessary) but it's also really interesting to look back and say, "wow, a few months ago I never would have been doing this", or some variation on that phrase. I love when I realize something like this, and it's happened to me quite frequently in the past few months :)

Ever feel the need to do that? Or do you already have things in mind that you want to do/accomplish this year?

  • I hope the next 2 days go by swiftly, I work 7-3 like today, and then 8-4. I haven't had this many hours in a loooong time, never mind never having three 8 hour shifts in a row! :o And last night I only got ~5hrs of sleep, and tonight might be similar. So of course early on in the shift I'm super groggy but then by the afternoon I;m feeling grr-eat! (Yes, I did just say that!)

  • So other than work on my mind, I now have bowling starting soon and also orientation stuff starts in a week. I am also looking forward to hearing from Gabi! It's been a bit too long again :p

So after a random jumble of a blog I could either go lay in bed for a few hours trying to sleep or bored again..? I think I'm going to attempt sleeping.

Ps. Meagan (final roomie #3) moves back in tomorrow!

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