Monday, July 4, 2011

Ego Boost

If you need one of these.. please direct yourself here. LOL

The accolades keep coming, I now know for sure now that I am employee of the month. One of my managers sat with me during part of my break today and told me to keep it going.

Thing is, this is me. I am a hard worker. I hardly ever do anything half assed. It's the right way or it's no way. It doesn't seem fair to get things from me just being me, but it is nice to be recognized. And of course I'm not turning down the raise - those whole 5 cents!

Also, I don't know what it is but 2 of my managers keep commenting on my looks. One (when she was here) kept saying I look like Hannah Montana... urm.. I think I'll take that as a compliment, since Miley is very pretty. Then another manager today was talking to another and was like, she's so pretty! Isn't she pretty? Then she pinched my cheek.. thanks Grandma.. (which she actually might be..) She also commented on how green my eyes are.. Good thing she's a woman or I would be highly concerned...

So I'm feeling pretty good about myself right now. It also helps that I'm out of census hell. I honestly didn't know it had THAT bad an effect on me. I came home after 8 hours today (after only 6hrs max of sleep) and felt fine. I cleaned my dishes and even cleaned my bathroom!! That never would have happened had I still been on with census!

Pretty good day overall I might say.. and FIVE days until I'm home and relaxing!!

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