Monday, July 18, 2011

Missed That Train

I've been pondering for sufficient blogging topics so that I don't bore/offend/annoy any readers and I have finally come up with one that may be a bit interesting, though it's still a way for me to rant. If you've had enough hearing about bowling, I suggest skipping this :p

In all seriousness, do you want to know where I would LOVE to be right now? The Dominican. Why? Because over a year ago, at my first Team Canada Trial I was qualifying to go there for the Youth PABCON tournament. I came one place out of being a substitute, not bad right? I was pretty proud. Then I found out that that was my last chance of making the youth team.. HUH? Why did no one inform me of this tournament sooner? Last year was the first year I had ever heard of any of this, I never knew that it all existed. Thanks Calgary coaches.. good to know you're there for us youth bowlers.

So that made me a bit sad but I got over it, because in the end, I'm still getting experience I never thought I'd get and I'm still having fun.

What changed since then? Well, the tourney is going on right now. I have a friend from Manitoba bowling there as we speak and also a "frenemy" from Edmonton bowling there. She pulled out the win last year, just barely-in the last 4 games or so. Yes she fully deserved it because she was bowling injured, but she's one of those people that things just go her way, even if she doesn't work hard for it. So many people are.. not a fan of hers, to put it politely. So I'm definitely jealous, seeing as I am just as good as her, we have a pretty similar average.

But there's another bowler in Edmonton, the other girl who I am always competing against, that I feel sorry for. I know she's killing to be there right now just as I am, and she is much more deserving and a much better bowler, in my opinion; even if the three of us all hang around the same average. She had been bowling at the Trials for years and never made it, and the one who did, this is her second go around.

Ya we all still have the adult tourney's to compete for, but that's a lot more daunting of a task. I know that someday, I could be really close to making it, but that's just darn far away!!!

I definitely mark this one up to jealousy, which I never usually experience, not to this extent. That's what happens when you have something to be passionate about, I suppose. But at least I have 2 more years to make it back to the Canadian Nationals.

Oh man I just got a crazy idea (I would never do it though). It would be so awesome if I could go out to Manitoba to work on my bowling. My friend is out there and a lot of the top Canadian Youth bowlers are out there, not to forget my uncle who bowled at the world cup. He's retired and still bowls so he could be a BIG help to me! Wishful thinking but how sweet would that be?

On a side note, I think in the coming weeks I'm going to try and get out to the alley once a week and throw a few games to get back into it. My coach had told me that that's one of the problems with youth bowlers, they're out of it for too long and then it takes them to long to get into again and by then the major tournies are here and it's really tough on them. So I definitely want to get a step up on everyone and start bowling again. Plus it'll give me something to do :)

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