Thursday, July 21, 2011

Monkey See, Monkey Do

I'm sure any athlete will agree with me on this point: If you're watching someone doing/participating in something you love to do, it either makes you a) jealous or b) makes you want to go do it right at that moment.

I have experienced this many times. Whenever I watch my sister play soccer, and now, when I'm watching Team Canada bowl against the best in the world. I'm not talking wanting to be there, but just in general wanting to bowl. I went yesterday afternoon and bowled 5 games. I had to stop because my arm was hurting. I got home, watched some more bowling and once again felt the need to bowl.

I almost don't want to watch anymore because it makes me want to bowl so incredibly bad, but I can't stop because it gives me something to do and I also want to see how they are doing, interact with other people watching.. it's about the whole experience!

So I think I'll be glad when this tourny is over, I couldn't sleep last night because my mind was racing around already thinking about the upcoming season in September. September! It's not even August...

For now, I'll look forward (much too much) to my single days a week of bowling.. :D

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