Saturday, July 2, 2011

Ahead Of My Self

So I guess I really should have gotten the full details before getting excited.. turns out it takes at least 2 months to become a crew trainer. So she really did mean "on track".And apparently it's quite the process. You have to go to a class and take a test (?).. So that means no raise for that yet.. But oh well. I really don't care, as long as it's coming.

But (and I'm only about 95% sure on this, it's tough to understand her sometimes) I'm still getting a raise! Apparently I was employee of the month and you automatically get a raise for that! So that's nice :)

So of course I quit the census today. I did it before talking to mcdick's store manager. I wanted to get some hours today, but I was just so exhausted from last night that I just could not muster the energy to go out. But now I'm working today anyways, 4-9 at mcdicks lol. Usually I'll say no if they call me in, but why not today? I now have no reason not too.. It beats sitting in my basement all day long.

So I'm hoping that I'll get a variety of shifts now. Aka less 7am starts?

Either way I feel a lot better today about my current life. So now only 5 more shifts until I get my vacay!

Ps I had an awesome Canada Day. Hope everyone also had a blast!

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