Friday, July 29, 2011


I could probably use a dose of positivity. And I really could use a positive post. So here's the somewhat half year through review.

On January 1st I posted a LJ post about resolutions. Here are the results:

1) Be more healthy: Most definitely achieved! I have fallen off track a bit lately, no veggies wit some of my meals, but most of the time there is a veggie component. I've also been really good at not eating a lot of junk and fast food - which is kind of tough considering where I work! I've also started a little workout regimen before I shower every day. 3 kind of ab exercises, 1 for triceps, 1 for biceps and then pushups for the bigger muscle areas. The only thing I could be doing better is to actually go for a run. But at least I've been biking and walking everywhere instead of transit.
2) Be more social: ...somewhat achieved.. I hung out a lot with Victoria before she left and I've actually seen a lot of JK, and soccer helped a bit. But I haven't made any new friends which was kind of the summer goal. Oh well. One step at a time. But my being comfortable around strangers has most definitely improved, so not all is lost! Room for improvement is the verdict.
3) Cut down mindless activities: ...............................MAJOR FAIL. If I'm not working or doing anything else out of the house, I am on my computer watching TV. This was kind of intended for during the school year though, and I'm sure it will be cut down come this fall.
4) Read more: Decently achieved, I read one whole book (I feel like there was 2 though..) and started 2 others. In total I have bought something like 4 books so I need to get on them.. I read more than the last 2 years so I'm happy with this.

Overall I'm happy with the way I've followed through on these goals. That usually doesn't happen. Or it does for only a month or so, but it's been 6 and I'm doing alright. If I were to create new goals, I would keep 3 and 4, but also add 5) Get out of the house/go for a walk 6) Follow through on things I plan (aka go for a run when I plan to and/or clean when I plan to) 7) Be more tidy: Now this is just getting nit picky, but it's good to get into good habbits

Are you still following through on your New Year's Resolutions? (If you planned any)

Happy long weekend everyone, I will be spending it doing.. dunno, maybe I'll ask around to see what people are doing. I may be bowling Sunday with Dylan and then probably chores and stuff the rest of Sun and Monday. Unfortunately I work 7-3 tomorrow, ugh early shifts.

Ps. Listened to Simple Plan's newest album: Get Your Heart On! yet? It's pretty great!

1 comment:

  1. SO funny that you just posted this. last week sam and i just did a run through at narah about our resolutions!

    i miss you. let's talk when my hellish weekend is over.
