Friday, July 29, 2011


I could probably use a dose of positivity. And I really could use a positive post. So here's the somewhat half year through review.

On January 1st I posted a LJ post about resolutions. Here are the results:

1) Be more healthy: Most definitely achieved! I have fallen off track a bit lately, no veggies wit some of my meals, but most of the time there is a veggie component. I've also been really good at not eating a lot of junk and fast food - which is kind of tough considering where I work! I've also started a little workout regimen before I shower every day. 3 kind of ab exercises, 1 for triceps, 1 for biceps and then pushups for the bigger muscle areas. The only thing I could be doing better is to actually go for a run. But at least I've been biking and walking everywhere instead of transit.
2) Be more social: ...somewhat achieved.. I hung out a lot with Victoria before she left and I've actually seen a lot of JK, and soccer helped a bit. But I haven't made any new friends which was kind of the summer goal. Oh well. One step at a time. But my being comfortable around strangers has most definitely improved, so not all is lost! Room for improvement is the verdict.
3) Cut down mindless activities: ...............................MAJOR FAIL. If I'm not working or doing anything else out of the house, I am on my computer watching TV. This was kind of intended for during the school year though, and I'm sure it will be cut down come this fall.
4) Read more: Decently achieved, I read one whole book (I feel like there was 2 though..) and started 2 others. In total I have bought something like 4 books so I need to get on them.. I read more than the last 2 years so I'm happy with this.

Overall I'm happy with the way I've followed through on these goals. That usually doesn't happen. Or it does for only a month or so, but it's been 6 and I'm doing alright. If I were to create new goals, I would keep 3 and 4, but also add 5) Get out of the house/go for a walk 6) Follow through on things I plan (aka go for a run when I plan to and/or clean when I plan to) 7) Be more tidy: Now this is just getting nit picky, but it's good to get into good habbits

Are you still following through on your New Year's Resolutions? (If you planned any)

Happy long weekend everyone, I will be spending it doing.. dunno, maybe I'll ask around to see what people are doing. I may be bowling Sunday with Dylan and then probably chores and stuff the rest of Sun and Monday. Unfortunately I work 7-3 tomorrow, ugh early shifts.

Ps. Listened to Simple Plan's newest album: Get Your Heart On! yet? It's pretty great!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

#1 Pass Time

Went bowling with Max and Brendan this evening after work and kicked their butts!! To be fair, Brendan is coming off an injury and Max hasn't bowled in 2 months and I bowled 5 games last week, but still! It was so great! I went 818 for 4 - for a 204.5 average. For it not even being August, that is sick. But they came back and beat me the last game.. lol. I had a 250 something in there though, I only threw 2 games higher than that all of last season!! We're going to try to do this every week now. They're really nice, fun guys, I wish I had been friends with/closer to them sooner. But it's all good :) Just glad to have friends to bowl with, much more fun than by yourself!

So I look forward to the season now, to see how much damage I can do :) Look out miss Team Canada who goes and "drops the ball" (pardon the pun) at major tournaments.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


It started out with me flipping head over heels off my bike into a puddle of mud. Nice.

It continued with another stolen bike. Fucking fantastic.

To conclude, I received an email back from my advisor and my fears were confirmed. If I don't get into Kines, I'm stuck with my current faculty while trying to get into some kines classes IF they open up.

Since my bike got stolen from McDick's, my manager suggested I call the police officer who patrols the area. I did and he came to take my statement. He will be calling me back to see how I feel about seeing a line up to pick out the offender. Apparently there are a crap load of bike thefts that happen in this area. That makes me feel better. I just lost a $200 bike that I use to get EVERYWHERE. And the stupid video camera didn't even catch the guy because of the stupid tree branches in the way. Good one McDonalds..

The only good thing that came from today is that tomorrow I now work 11-5 (the BIG bosses are coming in). But next week I have some more 4 hour shifts - I am not happy. I especially need the money now. Buuuut maybe not because it's shaping out to look like I will not be returning to school this coming academic year. But then again I'll still need the money because I'll have to start paying back my student loans - yippee... And I can't wait for that phone call to my mom...

But honestly if that happens, I will be inconsolable. It's only been 3 months and I feel my brain rotting away. I can't do a brain dead job for an ENTIRE YEAR!!!! I don't even want to think about that because it makes me depressed. I hope to GOD that they somehow manage to squeeze a 3.4 out of my most recent *24.

A guy at work asked if I needed a hug. Yes, yes I do, but not from you, person who I don't even know your name...

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

I've Been At War

Well I just tried to write a post on LJ and it didn't save.. well then. I guess no one gets to know what I wrote about (in depth :p)

I went on a tiny rant about school, and then I just proceeded to email my academic advisor. I asked my questions that I should have asked when I first applied to transfer.. really, how dumb of me not to figure that out MUCH sooner than now... I am sooo mad at myself. If I get in, all is forgiven but if I don't.... don't plan on seeing me happy for a year (besides when I play soccer or have bowling..).

1) I get in: Everything is right in the world
2) I get in on probation: I have no problem working hard to get off probation, that was the original plan (to work hard) anyways
3) I get into physed only: That's okay because I can still take those classes that require a specific program (which is what I am worried about)
4) I am completely rejected and have to stay in sciences: ....well. Then I may need to talk face to face with my advisor..

3 scenarios that I am okay with, but most likely to happen...? #4 unfortunately. And it is majorly bringing me down. I just realized the other day that that's probably why I'm having sleeping problems again. Deep down it is FREAKING ME OUT. And yeah it's all my fault.

Why do the things that really matter not go my way sometimes?!?!
I hope you're all having a better summer than me..

Random Photo Time!

My disgruntlement at biking home in the rain. I was soaked. 

New shirt + hair cooperating! :D

Say what? :p

New outfit - Yes, I went against Gabi's scolding and wore the shirt over top
 (Good outfit for 27 degree weather me thinks)

The door to our theater for Harry Potter :)

Teensy Greyhound "station" in Olds

Monday, July 25, 2011

What Creatures They Are..

Boys. Yes how perplexing are they? The ones I just met are especially.

An incident came up at our second soccer game of the night last night (my new co-rec team). This one guy wasn't feeling too good. Then he came out of the blue and was like "I have to shit." Uhhmmm, thanks for the info.. Immediately all of the guys told him to go in the bushes but he just stood there bent over and then was pacing, "figuring out [his] body". Oh.

The girls who have cars there were even offering to drive him to a washroom! Finally he decided to go in the bush-thank goodness someone had paper towel in their car.. Everyone was mature about it, obviously they are all 20+ but still laughing about it and joked whenever the ball went out of play anywhere near where he ..uh.. flushed his system..

These are actual adults who don't care what they say or care about who hears it. I'm not very used to that so it was weird. And kind of funny.

Either way they're an odd group, very tight knit. It's pretty cool, I'm glad I heard about this-so much better than ANY of my rec teams in the past! This would be more competitive rec, the guys have SICK moves!

Anyways, there's an odd blog post for the day!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

A Few ...

1. I'm so freaking tired but my hair is too wet to go to bed
2. I could blow dry it but then I'd get all hot and icky for bed
3. The blisters are back - 2 soccer games back to back will do that. Or just soccer in my cleats will do that.
4. I'm soooooooo pissed about the bike being stolen!!!!
5. I get to wake up at 6:20 tomorrow. Yay.
6. The people on this team are all super nice, new friends coming my way? :p
7. I only got half the things on my "to do list" done today.. I didn't go for a run-thank god, I wasn't aware of the double header soccer game, and I didn't fully clean my bathroom or the rest of the basement
8. I have a headache because I'm so tired.
9. I BETTER get some good sleep tonight, I haven't had this much physical activity since the soccer marathon in march.
10. NO MORE SPENDING MONEY. Thank you bike stealer, I now owe more money
11. I was finally starting to get back on track... we'll see how I respond tomorrow
12. So I went to Elementary with this guy, and guess who happens to be on this soccer team and gave me a ride today? No.. but it's his brother! Freaking small world sometimes.
13. I was starving after getting back to my bike at McDick's (had a meeting before soccer), so I had.. 16 nuggets, small fries and a cinnamelt. BARF. I can't believe I ate all that... Soccer took more out of me than I thought but still... McDicks...
14. The meeting was for crew trainers which I am not yet. I am currently in the process, so do these things apply to me..? I should have asked. It probably does...(?)
15. Screw it, I'm going to bed after spewing some vehement words into my journal..

Thursday, July 21, 2011


Great movie. I looove the idea.

If you don't know what I'm talking about here's the trailer:


Not necessarily for the money (though, who are we kidding, I'd be all over that!), but just for the enlightenment and discovery. It would be that "something more" that I feel like I am missing in my life right now. Side note: I think that that "something" is a challenge, I need to use my brain!!

But I think if there was a world of people using this miraculous drug, it'd be pretty lame and life would be pointless. People would be pretty much the same.. all deserving of the same (for the most part).. 

It definitely makes you think..

Ps. And yes, if you were wondering, this is what I was doing this morning instead of going for a run or doing anything productive :p

Monkey See, Monkey Do

I'm sure any athlete will agree with me on this point: If you're watching someone doing/participating in something you love to do, it either makes you a) jealous or b) makes you want to go do it right at that moment.

I have experienced this many times. Whenever I watch my sister play soccer, and now, when I'm watching Team Canada bowl against the best in the world. I'm not talking wanting to be there, but just in general wanting to bowl. I went yesterday afternoon and bowled 5 games. I had to stop because my arm was hurting. I got home, watched some more bowling and once again felt the need to bowl.

I almost don't want to watch anymore because it makes me want to bowl so incredibly bad, but I can't stop because it gives me something to do and I also want to see how they are doing, interact with other people watching.. it's about the whole experience!

So I think I'll be glad when this tourny is over, I couldn't sleep last night because my mind was racing around already thinking about the upcoming season in September. September! It's not even August...

For now, I'll look forward (much too much) to my single days a week of bowling.. :D

Monday, July 18, 2011

Missed That Train

I've been pondering for sufficient blogging topics so that I don't bore/offend/annoy any readers and I have finally come up with one that may be a bit interesting, though it's still a way for me to rant. If you've had enough hearing about bowling, I suggest skipping this :p

In all seriousness, do you want to know where I would LOVE to be right now? The Dominican. Why? Because over a year ago, at my first Team Canada Trial I was qualifying to go there for the Youth PABCON tournament. I came one place out of being a substitute, not bad right? I was pretty proud. Then I found out that that was my last chance of making the youth team.. HUH? Why did no one inform me of this tournament sooner? Last year was the first year I had ever heard of any of this, I never knew that it all existed. Thanks Calgary coaches.. good to know you're there for us youth bowlers.

So that made me a bit sad but I got over it, because in the end, I'm still getting experience I never thought I'd get and I'm still having fun.

What changed since then? Well, the tourney is going on right now. I have a friend from Manitoba bowling there as we speak and also a "frenemy" from Edmonton bowling there. She pulled out the win last year, just barely-in the last 4 games or so. Yes she fully deserved it because she was bowling injured, but she's one of those people that things just go her way, even if she doesn't work hard for it. So many people are.. not a fan of hers, to put it politely. So I'm definitely jealous, seeing as I am just as good as her, we have a pretty similar average.

But there's another bowler in Edmonton, the other girl who I am always competing against, that I feel sorry for. I know she's killing to be there right now just as I am, and she is much more deserving and a much better bowler, in my opinion; even if the three of us all hang around the same average. She had been bowling at the Trials for years and never made it, and the one who did, this is her second go around.

Ya we all still have the adult tourney's to compete for, but that's a lot more daunting of a task. I know that someday, I could be really close to making it, but that's just darn far away!!!

I definitely mark this one up to jealousy, which I never usually experience, not to this extent. That's what happens when you have something to be passionate about, I suppose. But at least I have 2 more years to make it back to the Canadian Nationals.

Oh man I just got a crazy idea (I would never do it though). It would be so awesome if I could go out to Manitoba to work on my bowling. My friend is out there and a lot of the top Canadian Youth bowlers are out there, not to forget my uncle who bowled at the world cup. He's retired and still bowls so he could be a BIG help to me! Wishful thinking but how sweet would that be?

On a side note, I think in the coming weeks I'm going to try and get out to the alley once a week and throw a few games to get back into it. My coach had told me that that's one of the problems with youth bowlers, they're out of it for too long and then it takes them to long to get into again and by then the major tournies are here and it's really tough on them. So I definitely want to get a step up on everyone and start bowling again. Plus it'll give me something to do :)

Friday, July 15, 2011

Fingers Crossed

I finally emailed an advisor about when to expect news about my acceptance to Kinesiology, and FML. They finalized the entrance GPA to 3.4 and I only have a 3.1. But just right now I realized that that is my overall, and they only take into account the most recent 24 credits, and last year I only had 18. So it might be close.. But also I'm transferring so does that apply? (But why would she tell me that if it didn't..?) Gah, I hope that if the worst happens, that they put me in general phys ed so I can still take some of those classes.. Ef this better work out! I'm going to go calculate this out..

-> Ugh even if they take my two highest from last year's winter semester (2 A's) I'm only at 3.3 so I'm really hoping that it's good enough for them..

Why oh why didn't I think of this sooner so I could have easily gotten in after first year?!?!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Family History

I learnt a little bit about my Dad's side of the family today.. suffice it to say it's a little worrying and very sad. I already knew that my grandmother was schizophrenic and that's why she died when I was about 6 years old. But it turns out that my Dad had this brother who was also schizophrenic.. and he committed suicide because of it when he was 20 something. Turns out another of my uncle's might have it as well, just not as bad. Now that looks like that's an inheritable trait..

There's just something about that family. There are.. 6 (?) of them (there was supposed to be 8, another did during birth) which is not too unusual for a farm family. But the last 2 are/were kinda crazy-the whole schizophrenia thing. My Dad was the last one before them. He straddles that messed up line I think. He is an addict, that's where his flaws start. And it only happened after the divorce. But he's also somewhat an introvert-that's where I get it from, but not nearly as bad. He has no friends, he is always by himself. I feel bad but that's the cards he was dealt I guess.

I think that's a kind of sign, that a woman should only have so many children. Because then genes start getting messed up-that's my take. Maybe Amber will come upon this during her studies, that would be neat to figure out.

Ps. My Dad can retire in September-crazy!!

Edmonton is Home

Never in my wildest dreams would I think that I would call Edmonton home, least of all be wishing to be back there at this moment. But yes, it has happened. I got into Calgary Saturday evening so I've been here about 4 days now.. Doesn't seem like much does it? But I spent a lot of time with my two good friends from high school, Nikki and Jenny, and now there's nothing left.

Monday we had breakfast at Cora's, then Jenny and I were off to the Stampede for the entire day. At 6 the three of us were in Jenny's hot tub just chatting. I don't know why, but it seems like there's not much to talk about with them. I think they're too much like me in that regard-not having much to say.

Then Tuesday the three of us went to the Stampede breakfast in Douglas Square, just across Deerfoot from my house. It was soo good! I hadn't been to a Stampede breakfast in at least a decade! They had native dancers, ponies, a petting zoo and live music. I was worried it would rain but it was really sunny at 10am. Of course at 11 it was clouding over again. For the rest of the day we went our own ways but then reunited again for supper. We BBQd The Keg hamburgers, they were delicious! Jenny had some smore fixins kicking around so we had some of those as well as an ice cream sandwich each! We were super cool and did the smores on the BBQ. We played Life, Skip Bo and Uno to pass the time.

After that I decided I had my fill of hanging out with people. So I bought my ticket to Edmonton today, I will be leaving tomorrow at 3. My mom's reaction was "Already?". Well there's only so much I can do here, by myself, of course I could always go hang out with Gabi but she has work and school but I'm also just bored of being here. All I really wanted here was the Stampede.. I could be doing nothing in Edmonton as well :p

What will I miss most? The PS3; just kidding. Every time I come home I play it whenever I'm not doing anything else so I get sick of it, just so I will get my fill and not miss it while I'm away. Nerdy-I know :)

Up next is drinking with Victoria and her sister tomorrow night, then bday dinner and HP FRIDAY, then paint ball and partying on Whyte for my birthday! Then I don't work until Wednesday which is super lame. Time to start working out again! Also time to get back to my musical roots, I now have my sax back in my possession and I'm going to bring up my music and also my sister's guitar books. It's crazy to think that July is basically half over now so that means only a month until school starts again! I'm pretty stoked, I can't lie. I'm also stoked for Amber to come home in August and then Meagan sometime after that!

I think it's time to email PhysEd and find out what the deal is..

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Something I'm not terribly good at right now. This summer I was supposed to COOK, I wanted to learn guitar, and most recently I wanted to start singing again to get my vocal cord strength back. I was supposed to be running almost every morning and doing other exercises. 

..well at least I'm back to cooking. I made a quesadilla the other night and I'm hoping to make curry before I leave for Calgary on Saturday. Now that I am actually home during dinner time and have the ENERGY needed it's not a problem.

Not sure what happened with the guitar. I still get bored but.. I dunno. It was just one of those things where you think, "Oh, that would be cool!" but then you're bored of it after a bit.

The signing thing just occurred to me when I thought it would be cool to do a duet with my sister. But I always forget. If you don't happen to know, I sang for many years when I was younger with the Calgary Youth Singers. At that time I had dance (I know right?), soccer, bowling.. so something had to go. First was dance, then singing followed once I got older and time commitment went through the roof and talks about European tours were in the air. Then in Junior High my classmates and me sang for some government official.. was it just O Canada? Anyways.. I think we sang a lot that year and because I was (sorry to toot my own horn) one of the best, I was always belting it out and ended up hurting my throat. So after that performance I stopped singing and really haven't sang since then, minus the occasional rock band jams, and my throat kills after 3 songs.. So it's time to get the muscle back and get back to what I enjoy. 

Now the exercise regimen.. well since I work every morning at 7am.. running was out of the question (I don't go in the day because it's too warm) and I didn't on weekends or even do anything else because I was always so tired or sore from being on my feet all day. I know, I know.. excuses, excuses :p But I'm going to try to get back to it, no more census to drag me down. And my start times might change now that I opened up my availability. I plan on running when I'm home for the week. Gotta offset the ingestion of pancake breakfast(s)!

On a different note, I'm really missing soccer and these girls:

By far the best team I've ever had, and they'll be my friends forever, no matter how far apart we are and how seldom we speak. Much like the friends I have in my life right now, but definitely not the same. If we could create this team again when everyone is done uni, how sick would that be?

Now no more soccer for me this summer, we didn't have enough players for the summer term league.. I may have to go to the park by my lonesome and play around with a ball. 

8 more hours to work and 3 days 'til my mini vacay yipee!!

Hope all your summers are going well! It will REALLY feel like summer once I get home. The nice weather has been helping too :) 

Monday, July 4, 2011

Ego Boost

If you need one of these.. please direct yourself here. LOL

The accolades keep coming, I now know for sure now that I am employee of the month. One of my managers sat with me during part of my break today and told me to keep it going.

Thing is, this is me. I am a hard worker. I hardly ever do anything half assed. It's the right way or it's no way. It doesn't seem fair to get things from me just being me, but it is nice to be recognized. And of course I'm not turning down the raise - those whole 5 cents!

Also, I don't know what it is but 2 of my managers keep commenting on my looks. One (when she was here) kept saying I look like Hannah Montana... urm.. I think I'll take that as a compliment, since Miley is very pretty. Then another manager today was talking to another and was like, she's so pretty! Isn't she pretty? Then she pinched my cheek.. thanks Grandma.. (which she actually might be..) She also commented on how green my eyes are.. Good thing she's a woman or I would be highly concerned...

So I'm feeling pretty good about myself right now. It also helps that I'm out of census hell. I honestly didn't know it had THAT bad an effect on me. I came home after 8 hours today (after only 6hrs max of sleep) and felt fine. I cleaned my dishes and even cleaned my bathroom!! That never would have happened had I still been on with census!

Pretty good day overall I might say.. and FIVE days until I'm home and relaxing!!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Ahead Of My Self

So I guess I really should have gotten the full details before getting excited.. turns out it takes at least 2 months to become a crew trainer. So she really did mean "on track".And apparently it's quite the process. You have to go to a class and take a test (?).. So that means no raise for that yet.. But oh well. I really don't care, as long as it's coming.

But (and I'm only about 95% sure on this, it's tough to understand her sometimes) I'm still getting a raise! Apparently I was employee of the month and you automatically get a raise for that! So that's nice :)

So of course I quit the census today. I did it before talking to mcdick's store manager. I wanted to get some hours today, but I was just so exhausted from last night that I just could not muster the energy to go out. But now I'm working today anyways, 4-9 at mcdicks lol. Usually I'll say no if they call me in, but why not today? I now have no reason not too.. It beats sitting in my basement all day long.

So I'm hoping that I'll get a variety of shifts now. Aka less 7am starts?

Either way I feel a lot better today about my current life. So now only 5 more shifts until I get my vacay!

Ps I had an awesome Canada Day. Hope everyone also had a blast!