Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A Barely Full Time Year Review

Well, my second academic year is over, I wrote my last exam this afternoon. Now comes packing and move out!! Self reflexion is sometimes good, so I'm going to do exactly that.

This year feels like it was so long but went by really fast. At the beginning I was so excited to be back in rez, ready to accomplish and experience new things. These expectations were fully met, I was on council and did some amazing work with that, had two jobs and made a new friend, made another friend through Girls Night which would be known as a monthly ritual for the rest of the year, partied, made mistakes, got messy, got rewarded for hard work, spent too much money, was sick way too many times and had a blast with friends. When things were good, it was great, but when things were bad it sucked so much.

The first semester seems like an entire world away. Filled with that excitement of a new year and new prospects. I had a class that I loved, one that I hated and one that I really just didn't care for. I was going to the gym weekly, I was playing soccer weekly. I was going out A LOT. I spent SO much money. But as far as I can remember, I was happy. I was somewhat proactive when it came to anatomy-the class that I adored. Come finals I remember studying super hard for anatomy, and not so much for sociology of sport. Then I got my marks, B+ and A- respectively. That was a major win. I wasn't expecting that A.

Coming to the end of that semester I was definitely getting drained, as everyone does by final exam time. The holidays were way too long for me though. This is when I got incredibly sick too. Some sort of super flu I think. I was only just feeling better xmas eve. I'm pretty sure all that break I just spent my time playing my hockey game. I regret (I only have one regret and this is not it!) wish I had spent more time with friends but I did spend some good times with them. Highlight was definitely spending New Years eve with the usual suspects of Gabi, Sam, Jacob and Nicole. It was pretty laid back, not what I was expecting but that was alright.

Final second semester had started and I had goals. I wanted to do school work everyday. Be super proactive, because I knew I was taking tough classes, and I needed to keep up my GPA to get into Kines for September. I wanted to go to the gym more often, especially once soccer ended. I wanted to spend more time in the kitchen, or at least not in my room, and get to know more about these people I live with. This did not happen. I definitely turned into a recluse for the last 4 months. And the partying went down, which played a part in that solidarity. There were the occasional parties, birthdays and St Pattie's day, but other than that, I really wasn't in a partying mood.

School was super stressful this time around, I had 2 amazing profs though, I loved biochem and PEDS 203 was at least somewhat interesting. Again/still I had English which does not mesh with who I am. I feel like with school this semester it was a roller coaster. And it's because that I have such high expectations of myself that I felt like this and that I was so stressed. I wish I could say in the end it all worked out-but I can't. I have zero marks back yet. I was calculating my GPA so far though and I'm sitting at about a 3.45, and even if I drop to a C+ in a class but everything else is B or higher, I think I'm good. Which is comforting. Because I may have blown my english exam.. :s

I think if I had to summarize this school year in just a few words, I would say stressful and tiring but somewhat awesome (when I'm in the mood to feel that way). I'm just at the exhaustion point where all I feel is tired and unless I am physically laughing I don't feel happy. And my brain is still not functioning properly. But I have to admit I had an amazing time with friends and I became so so incredibly tight with my girls night girls that nothing else really seems to matter sometimes. And the fact that I'm moving out in two days makes me so happy, because it's another new beginning, a fresh slate. It's a new chapter in my life that I am anxiously awaiting, and I know it'll be a blast.

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