Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Great Move In

Holy moly what a past few days this has been! Move in day (Thursday) in it's self was exhausting and then unpacking for the next few days was equally exhausting. That's all I can say to describe the past couple of days. Then throw in the conundrum of internet... I don't even want to talk about it. Let's just say I had multiple conversations with them because their instal guy never came, then Amber spoke with them multiple times as I could not "release my inner bitch". We finally decided to go with Shaw so they came this morning and.. ta da! I have internet. Nearly a week later. Oh well, as long as we have it now. It was a pain to go to main campus for it, but at least we only live like a 15 minute walk away. Super close!

What else to talk about? I always think of perfect blog topic while I'm laying in bed but then I never remember when it comes to writing them.

Well I'm also on a hunt for a second job, but I'm not too worried right now. I did the math and as long as I get to work 40 hrs/week when census starts I'll be okay for rent, and I can always get a cash advance on my mastercard.. I think. I know I'm going to get a whole crap load of interest on it, but I will eventually be working 2 jobs, with census paying very well, so I'm not too worried about it. Once I start working and saving up money I'll be able to pay off my bill and get in the green again. I suppose this is something that everyone has to deal with in their life, but I'm not too thrilled that I have to experience it so young. Oh well. And the only reason why it's been difficult for me to start finding a job is that I'm not 100% sure on what my hours will be with the census. I'm pretty sure it'll be evenings and weekends, so I need to find something for mornings.. Do I see going back to Timmies in my future? Possibly but I hope not. I'm keeping my eye on kijiji for now, to find morning jobs. I did apply to one, however. I asked for more details so I'm waiting to hear back from them. I also went to the bowling alley but they're only hiring evenings and weekends. Too bad. But Aicha said she'd call me if she got any openings (Hurray for knowing people in management).

So the plan for the next few days..? I should really try and contact my crew leader for census, see if she can give me more information. I had called and left a message a few days ago but she has yet to get back to me.. I need to go buy bus passes, but man are they ever expensive, I think I'll stick to biking everywhere for now actually. So I'll go around and see if anywhere nearby is hiring. I kind of want a cool part time job though. I know that I won't be able to be picky though, since I need a somewhat flexible job to go along with the census.

Other than that, I'm going to make some banana bread and Meagan will be "supervising" haha. Her words. Then this evening I'm definitely planning on catching up on TV!

Ps. I think pictures may be coming of my new place.. :)
Pps. Here's a picture someone posted on facebook after the royal wedding. So funny.

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