Friday, April 8, 2011

Random Friday

  1. I went to the doctor yesterday. I have an ear infection, in BOTH ears. SO not impressed. Today was bad hearing wise, I don't know how many times I said, "Huh?", "What?", "Sorry?". Ugh. And now that ringing and pulsating sound of blood passing through the veins in my head/ears is really loud and super annoying. 
  2. SO many people are into tumblr now, and I love it! The reason why I decided to get an account is because I (unfortunately) started an account on stumbleupon and have found such amazing pictures, quotes, etc that I want to share! My studying if for sure going to take a hit from this..
  3. I wish I was a little kid again. You know, skipping school because your sick, lying on the couch all day watching TV while your mom takes care of you.. It's been awhile since I've felt that maternal mother presence around me.. you know, instead of that person who's giving you a hard time about everything because they want to push you to your limits, who isn't comforting anymore, who seems like a distant family member..
  4. I REALLY need to go home. I need to recharge. Be reborn again. This sickness is killing me. 
  5. 20 days till JAM
  6. 44 till MTL (perhaps a bit soon to start counting down..)
  7. I'm actually thinking about going back to Calgary for the Stampede to work! Last time I made over a grand in just over a week. Imagine what I could make now that I'm over-age and could work somewhere like Nashville North?!
  8. I wish I was somewhere warm, Maui or Mexico.. laying on the beach soaking up the sun.. ahh..
  9. I just need to be healthy again!
  10. Hopefully I'll be home during easter. I could care less that it's easter but refer to #4. If it's not then, then it'll be something like June, which is too long!
  11. Every day I take a minute to think of my friends and realize how special they all are and how lucky I am to have them in my life!

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