Saturday, April 16, 2011

Definitions - Pt 2 - A Best Friend

Following the last blog post, just for coherence sake I'm using the term best friend. 

A Best Friend...

... is someone you can go months without speaking to or seeing, and then when you do it's like you never left their side
... is someone who (when you meet for the first time) feels like they have been there forever
... is someone you can make fun of constantly and both laugh over it
... is someone who will talk for the majority of a 2 hour car ride and think you're the perfect road trip buddy
... is someone you can lie in bed with for hours and talk about the most significant and insignificant things in life
... is someone you can bitch to about whomever and whatever and they have the exact same feelings
... is someone who will tackle you during a game drop in soccer and lie on you just because they can
... is someone who can say "roomie" and it all gets better
... is someone who's day is made if you incorporate a random quote from TV into daily conversation
... is someone who takes a 3 hour study break to accompany you to buy a dress but in turn ends up buying 2 herself
... is someone you can insult right from the beginning but then it turns into something great
... is someone who motivates you when you need it most, and also compliments you when you need it most

There's SO much more to this list but you guys get the gist and you know who you are

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