Thursday, April 21, 2011

Adventure Bucket List

I want to travel and venture sooo badly. The unfortunate part is that anything fun in this world usually cost money. And travel like this would cost bucket loads. So either I get a kick ass paying job or I marry someone with a kick ass paying job. Preferably both two options, that would be awesome. My fingers and crossed for my future. I'm hoping that bowling and my future career bring me to some of these places-I don't think that's out of the question. I know a few of these are popular picks, and some might not have come to mind right away.

So I present (in no particular order).... The Adventure Bucket List

1. France: I need to go back to Paris, that's for sure, I loved Les Champs Élysées and l'arc de Triomphe, and I'd love to spend more time in the neighborhood of the Eiffel tower at night. I'd also like to to discover some other little gems in the country. I was reading somewhere on the net about unknown wonderful places, and they had St. Malo on there. Such an incredible place. From what I've already seen, it's a remarkable country, and rich with history.

(Honfleur - compliments of me - another little gem)

2. New York City: I experienced the big city vibe in Paris and London, but North American style would be exceptionally cool. Don't forget about the shopping! If said trip happens, I'm not sure how many purchases I might make, but even just window shopping would be cool.
3. Ireland: What a GORGEOUS country. I think an adventure like in "The Holiday" would be so cute. Find a cute cottage to stay in the country side and explore the many pubs.

4. Mexico or Hawaii: Hot weather, beaches, free booze (if in a resort)... what more do I have to say?
5. Montreal: I definitely missed out when there was a gr.10 trip there. Also a city rich with history. But guess what? You already know, I'll be a tourist there soon enough, one month from now!! Can't wait to capture this city in film.
6. Any coastal city in California: Same deal as Mexico, heat, beaches.. ahhh.
7. Greece: Another gorgeous country. Santorini for me please! I'm thinking a great cruise would be prime for this adventure. 

8. Florence, Italy: Maybe I should just say I want to visit anywhere visually breathtaking. Again, this place is that. I also love the language and the food. 

At this point, if I went to just half of these places, that would be amazing. 

9. Spain: During world cup for sure, that would be crazy. As seen from the bachelor(ette) (oh yes!) I know this is also another beautiful city. I'm a sucker for amazing architecture and buildings that you know hold history.
10. Budapest, Hungary: The picture tells all.

I think top 10 is enough, and suffice it to say, as long as it's a pretty place, I want to go there. Out of these 10, if I could pick 3, I think I would chose Santorini, Florence and France.. Budapest may be a close 4th pace vote though.. Europe why are you so gorgeous?!?!

Out of this list, where would you like to go? And/or would you chose somewhere completely different? Do you envision yourself even going? Realistically I think I might only ever go somewhere in Europe once (can you say honeymoon?!?!), long shot at twice. Sticking to North America is more feasible, unfortunately (somewhat, because that would still be an incredible voyage). 

GAH the world is so majestical!!

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