Thursday, April 14, 2011

No Hockey Tangents, I promise ;)

Oh man. What a day. I was at main from 10:30 to 5:30 to study for biochem. Victoria, then Meagan, then Amber all joined me by the end of the day. We have the final Saturday morning so we're hcore studying for it-or at least I am. I only have 3 exams so I can afford to only focus on one exam at this moment. Thank goodness, because as I've stated previously I need to boost my mark so badly! Today was a good day for making this happen. For the last 2 hours or so we used an empty classroom to use the whiteboard and quiz each other from our notes and questions online. This is the best way to study. You find out how much you know and if there's something you don't understand, chances are someone else will and can clearly explain it to you. No joke, I think these girls are some of the smartest people I know. Also the silliest. When our brains start to get fried... interesting things tend to happen. It was such a blast studying today. Weird hey?

After that was ARFSJ's retreat, to celebrate our legendary year in residence. We had a budget to spend on ourselves so we went to Julio's. Which means.... MARGARITAS!! Oh yes. The snow outside did not curb our craving for these delicious slushy drinks. So free meal and drinks + getting a teensy bit tipsy after a hard days work of studying = priceless. Especially when you're surrounded by some of your closest friends. It was a great way to end long, successful year at RSJ.

So while I sober up (at 8pm, oh yes) I am blogging and contemplating studying some more. I don't think my brain can handle more tough thinking so I might just print out my notes from PEDS 203 and read through them, get somewhat of a start on them. Then I might watch part or all of a movie. Or watch some Arrested Development.. Victoria is getting on my case for not being done yet..

Also, following Gabi's blog, I kind of want to share some more pics so I'm thinking of posting some random pictures that I've taken with my iPod. They are truly random pictures, with no meaning. Most of them I find funny in some way though ;)

Mmm no thanks. (Found in a bathroom of the U of A)