Sunday, April 24, 2011

What Am I Doing Here?

That's a very good question. My though was that I would recharge from exam stress, get over being sick, enjoy some home cooked meals, see some friends and bottom line, just relax. The past 3 days have been anything but relaxing, and most definitely it has been disappointing.

The first 5 minutes were okay, but then bam! "So your sister nearly got kicked out of the house." Huh? Really? You greet me with that news? There's kind of a reason I don't like talking to you much because you'll bring up stuff like that. Now I know that I should be more supportive, blah blah, but that stuff is hard to hear and I have no sympathy for someone as stupid as my sister, and I don't need to hear it. What am I supposed to do about it anyways? Thanks for keeping me in the loop...? This is a loop that I really would like to stay out of thanks..

Friday was a friend's birthday party at Roadhouse. I am not a club goer anymore, and that night proved it. But I said what the heck, because I thought a lot of my friends from soccer were going to be there. Nope. Just one; plus the birthday girl. At least I went with my other friend, but it was still kind of a let down. And our other friend "forgot" but also doesn't like dancing so she didn't come. So the night wasn't that great, I only had one drink, we were there for 2 hours then went home.

The next day, I wanted to hang out with that friend that "forgot". She was so excited when I told her I was coming home for a bit. So I text her and say, so after the hockey game you can come over and we can order Harry Potter on pay-per-view. Initially we were going to be doing something either way. 20 minutes after that last text she says, oh I forgot it was easter tomorrow and  I have to get up freakishly early to go to church so it probably wouldn't be a good idea. .....uh ok, I'm only leaving Monday morning, I don't know when I'll be back next and now we won't see each other. Cool. Whatever. I half understand because she is a terrible morning person, she will sleep til 3 if it was up to her. But the movie would end at 11 and she could be in bed by 11:30. Small price to pay to see a friend whom you haven't seen in 4 months, no? But I guess I am kind of used to it. She is always forgetting, or has some kind of excuse. It's the lazy in her. It still irks me, but it's not the end of the world. It's just another thing that made the whole, already frustrating weekend, more frustrating.

I'm just so tired and bored. I came back basically to get my fill of NHL '11 (don't and HD NHL playoffs. I have been staring at the TV screen almost every hour of the day, except for when I'm eating or sleeping (hence the extreme exhaustion). What else am I going to do? Study? No. I have lost the motivation (did I have it in the first place?). At least I have tomorrow and Tuesday morning. It's only english anyways..

At 4 we're off to Joe's parents place for italian easter dinner (it was SUPPOSED to be here). Gah I'm just in such a bad mood here. Funny enough the best part (besides catching up with Nikki) was when I met up with my dad at the mall. Got a free lunch and 40 bucks out of it. Not that was the idea of meeting up with him (for my sister it totally was. She demanded if he was going to have money).

Sooo the next time I'm in town I hope it will just be for like 2 days max. Andddd I never thought I'd say this but.. Edmonton I miss you!!

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