Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A Barely Full Time Year Review

Well, my second academic year is over, I wrote my last exam this afternoon. Now comes packing and move out!! Self reflexion is sometimes good, so I'm going to do exactly that.

This year feels like it was so long but went by really fast. At the beginning I was so excited to be back in rez, ready to accomplish and experience new things. These expectations were fully met, I was on council and did some amazing work with that, had two jobs and made a new friend, made another friend through Girls Night which would be known as a monthly ritual for the rest of the year, partied, made mistakes, got messy, got rewarded for hard work, spent too much money, was sick way too many times and had a blast with friends. When things were good, it was great, but when things were bad it sucked so much.

The first semester seems like an entire world away. Filled with that excitement of a new year and new prospects. I had a class that I loved, one that I hated and one that I really just didn't care for. I was going to the gym weekly, I was playing soccer weekly. I was going out A LOT. I spent SO much money. But as far as I can remember, I was happy. I was somewhat proactive when it came to anatomy-the class that I adored. Come finals I remember studying super hard for anatomy, and not so much for sociology of sport. Then I got my marks, B+ and A- respectively. That was a major win. I wasn't expecting that A.

Coming to the end of that semester I was definitely getting drained, as everyone does by final exam time. The holidays were way too long for me though. This is when I got incredibly sick too. Some sort of super flu I think. I was only just feeling better xmas eve. I'm pretty sure all that break I just spent my time playing my hockey game. I regret (I only have one regret and this is not it!) wish I had spent more time with friends but I did spend some good times with them. Highlight was definitely spending New Years eve with the usual suspects of Gabi, Sam, Jacob and Nicole. It was pretty laid back, not what I was expecting but that was alright.

Final second semester had started and I had goals. I wanted to do school work everyday. Be super proactive, because I knew I was taking tough classes, and I needed to keep up my GPA to get into Kines for September. I wanted to go to the gym more often, especially once soccer ended. I wanted to spend more time in the kitchen, or at least not in my room, and get to know more about these people I live with. This did not happen. I definitely turned into a recluse for the last 4 months. And the partying went down, which played a part in that solidarity. There were the occasional parties, birthdays and St Pattie's day, but other than that, I really wasn't in a partying mood.

School was super stressful this time around, I had 2 amazing profs though, I loved biochem and PEDS 203 was at least somewhat interesting. Again/still I had English which does not mesh with who I am. I feel like with school this semester it was a roller coaster. And it's because that I have such high expectations of myself that I felt like this and that I was so stressed. I wish I could say in the end it all worked out-but I can't. I have zero marks back yet. I was calculating my GPA so far though and I'm sitting at about a 3.45, and even if I drop to a C+ in a class but everything else is B or higher, I think I'm good. Which is comforting. Because I may have blown my english exam.. :s

I think if I had to summarize this school year in just a few words, I would say stressful and tiring but somewhat awesome (when I'm in the mood to feel that way). I'm just at the exhaustion point where all I feel is tired and unless I am physically laughing I don't feel happy. And my brain is still not functioning properly. But I have to admit I had an amazing time with friends and I became so so incredibly tight with my girls night girls that nothing else really seems to matter sometimes. And the fact that I'm moving out in two days makes me so happy, because it's another new beginning, a fresh slate. It's a new chapter in my life that I am anxiously awaiting, and I know it'll be a blast.

Monday, April 25, 2011

And Just Like That..

..it's better again. Never thought I'd be so glad to be in Edmonton. You Calgarians understand how big that it.

All it took was a day spent with a friend.

I always ask myself where I'd be without my friends. I honestly don't even want to know that answer. So what is super exciting is that in 3 days I get to move in with 2 of my closest friends. It's too bad that they will leave me so soon into "summer" but at least I'll still have other friends around.

Things to look forward to:

-Last exam tomorrow. 5 o'clock means freedom!
-JAM move in on Thursday!!
-Shopping Friday!
-Tanning on the balcony+sushi+long islands (if we get nice weather after Victoria's exam)


Sunday, April 24, 2011

What Am I Doing Here?

That's a very good question. My though was that I would recharge from exam stress, get over being sick, enjoy some home cooked meals, see some friends and bottom line, just relax. The past 3 days have been anything but relaxing, and most definitely it has been disappointing.

The first 5 minutes were okay, but then bam! "So your sister nearly got kicked out of the house." Huh? Really? You greet me with that news? There's kind of a reason I don't like talking to you much because you'll bring up stuff like that. Now I know that I should be more supportive, blah blah, but that stuff is hard to hear and I have no sympathy for someone as stupid as my sister, and I don't need to hear it. What am I supposed to do about it anyways? Thanks for keeping me in the loop...? This is a loop that I really would like to stay out of thanks..

Friday was a friend's birthday party at Roadhouse. I am not a club goer anymore, and that night proved it. But I said what the heck, because I thought a lot of my friends from soccer were going to be there. Nope. Just one; plus the birthday girl. At least I went with my other friend, but it was still kind of a let down. And our other friend "forgot" but also doesn't like dancing so she didn't come. So the night wasn't that great, I only had one drink, we were there for 2 hours then went home.

The next day, I wanted to hang out with that friend that "forgot". She was so excited when I told her I was coming home for a bit. So I text her and say, so after the hockey game you can come over and we can order Harry Potter on pay-per-view. Initially we were going to be doing something either way. 20 minutes after that last text she says, oh I forgot it was easter tomorrow and  I have to get up freakishly early to go to church so it probably wouldn't be a good idea. .....uh ok, I'm only leaving Monday morning, I don't know when I'll be back next and now we won't see each other. Cool. Whatever. I half understand because she is a terrible morning person, she will sleep til 3 if it was up to her. But the movie would end at 11 and she could be in bed by 11:30. Small price to pay to see a friend whom you haven't seen in 4 months, no? But I guess I am kind of used to it. She is always forgetting, or has some kind of excuse. It's the lazy in her. It still irks me, but it's not the end of the world. It's just another thing that made the whole, already frustrating weekend, more frustrating.

I'm just so tired and bored. I came back basically to get my fill of NHL '11 (don't judge..lol) and HD NHL playoffs. I have been staring at the TV screen almost every hour of the day, except for when I'm eating or sleeping (hence the extreme exhaustion). What else am I going to do? Study? No. I have lost the motivation (did I have it in the first place?). At least I have tomorrow and Tuesday morning. It's only english anyways..

At 4 we're off to Joe's parents place for italian easter dinner (it was SUPPOSED to be here). Gah I'm just in such a bad mood here. Funny enough the best part (besides catching up with Nikki) was when I met up with my dad at the mall. Got a free lunch and 40 bucks out of it. Not that was the idea of meeting up with him (for my sister it totally was. She demanded if he was going to have money).

Sooo the next time I'm in town I hope it will just be for like 2 days max. Andddd I never thought I'd say this but.. Edmonton I miss you!!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Adventure Bucket List

I want to travel and venture sooo badly. The unfortunate part is that anything fun in this world usually cost money. And travel like this would cost bucket loads. So either I get a kick ass paying job or I marry someone with a kick ass paying job. Preferably both two options, that would be awesome. My fingers and crossed for my future. I'm hoping that bowling and my future career bring me to some of these places-I don't think that's out of the question. I know a few of these are popular picks, and some might not have come to mind right away.

So I present (in no particular order).... The Adventure Bucket List

1. France: I need to go back to Paris, that's for sure, I loved Les Champs Élysées and l'arc de Triomphe, and I'd love to spend more time in the neighborhood of the Eiffel tower at night. I'd also like to to discover some other little gems in the country. I was reading somewhere on the net about unknown wonderful places, and they had St. Malo on there. Such an incredible place. From what I've already seen, it's a remarkable country, and rich with history.

(Honfleur - compliments of me - another little gem)

2. New York City: I experienced the big city vibe in Paris and London, but North American style would be exceptionally cool. Don't forget about the shopping! If said trip happens, I'm not sure how many purchases I might make, but even just window shopping would be cool.
3. Ireland: What a GORGEOUS country. I think an adventure like in "The Holiday" would be so cute. Find a cute cottage to stay in the country side and explore the many pubs.

4. Mexico or Hawaii: Hot weather, beaches, free booze (if in a resort)... what more do I have to say?
5. Montreal: I definitely missed out when there was a gr.10 trip there. Also a city rich with history. But guess what? You already know, I'll be a tourist there soon enough, one month from now!! Can't wait to capture this city in film.
6. Any coastal city in California: Same deal as Mexico, heat, beaches.. ahhh.
7. Greece: Another gorgeous country. Santorini for me please! I'm thinking a great cruise would be prime for this adventure. 

8. Florence, Italy: Maybe I should just say I want to visit anywhere visually breathtaking. Again, this place is that. I also love the language and the food. 

At this point, if I went to just half of these places, that would be amazing. 

9. Spain: During world cup for sure, that would be crazy. As seen from the bachelor(ette) (oh yes!) I know this is also another beautiful city. I'm a sucker for amazing architecture and buildings that you know hold history.
10. Budapest, Hungary: The picture tells all.

I think top 10 is enough, and suffice it to say, as long as it's a pretty place, I want to go there. Out of these 10, if I could pick 3, I think I would chose Santorini, Florence and France.. Budapest may be a close 4th pace vote though.. Europe why are you so gorgeous?!?!

Out of this list, where would you like to go? And/or would you chose somewhere completely different? Do you envision yourself even going? Realistically I think I might only ever go somewhere in Europe once (can you say honeymoon?!?!), long shot at twice. Sticking to North America is more feasible, unfortunately (somewhat, because that would still be an incredible voyage). 

GAH the world is so majestical!!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A New Level

I took procrastination to a new level today...
I checked out

I spent way too much time on these. The first too are hilarious, and most times messed up pictures. Cleverbot is sort of like a google interface, but you just have a conversation with it. It was entertaining for probably a good 20 minutes...

Cleverbot Fails:


PEDS 203 exam tomorrow at 2pm. Wish me luck! Then it's off to Calgary until Monday!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Cooking Up A Storm

At the beginning of this semester my goal was to start cooking more, to cook more creative meals. I started out really good about this but then I don't know what happened, and I got super lazy. Today I got back that urge to make something good. I figured I'd make salmon, I had some in the freezer. Then I had to figure out what to go with it. Then I remembered one of the most delicious things that go with fish... wild rice!! Om nom nom. It was soooo good! I dunno how other people make it, but my mom puts in chopped up mushrooms and grated carrots and chicken oxo. So that's how I did it. It was absolutely delicious!! The rice actually had to cook a bit more but I was so hungry I didn't care! For the salmon I used a tiny bit vegetable oil and seasoned it with montreal steak spice. Also delish!!

I wish I had the motivation to do this more often.. maybe I will during the summer, learn some new recipes and surprise the roomies with great meals when they come back from their summer adventures!

Ps: Here's another random iPod pic :)

This is an awesome italian bakery/deli right in the heart of Chinatown Edmonton. I know... what? Haha
Whenever my family would come to Edmonton for our various tournaments we always had to stop in here and buy a trunk-full (literally) of this one kind of bread. They also make awesome sandwiches.
A few months ago Victoria and I had a random bus adventure through the d.t. and we went by this place so I just had to grab a pic!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Definitions - Pt 2 - A Best Friend

Following the last blog post, just for coherence sake I'm using the term best friend. 

A Best Friend...

... is someone you can go months without speaking to or seeing, and then when you do it's like you never left their side
... is someone who (when you meet for the first time) feels like they have been there forever
... is someone you can make fun of constantly and both laugh over it
... is someone who will talk for the majority of a 2 hour car ride and think you're the perfect road trip buddy
... is someone you can lie in bed with for hours and talk about the most significant and insignificant things in life
... is someone you can bitch to about whomever and whatever and they have the exact same feelings
... is someone who will tackle you during a game drop in soccer and lie on you just because they can
... is someone who can say "roomie" and it all gets better
... is someone who's day is made if you incorporate a random quote from TV into daily conversation
... is someone who takes a 3 hour study break to accompany you to buy a dress but in turn ends up buying 2 herself
... is someone you can insult right from the beginning but then it turns into something great
... is someone who motivates you when you need it most, and also compliments you when you need it most

There's SO much more to this list but you guys get the gist and you know who you are

Definitions - Pt 1

For whatever reason since junior high school I've had trouble defining my friends. In a group of friends there's always the best friend, the friend that you don't really know why they hang out with with you and then the other "good" friends. Especially now I have trouble making designations like that. Not including the "why are you here girl", I don't have any of those. I think maybe because for so long not one of my friends in my group stuck out as my #1 bff, so I called them all my "good friends" (And don't get me wrong, there is absolutely nothing wrong with this).

Now I find myself paying attention to people when they say my "best friend so and so", and then "my good friend so and so" and not really caring who they name but more so how they come about it, why they are that designation. I think that I am a person that never wants to hurt anyone's feelings (on purpose) which is why I always say "my friend". But now I find myself getting older and the people I surround myself with are getting just that much more important. They aren't just my friends they are my family. They are all super awesome great friends.

I don't quite know why I feel the need to figure this out, its an enigma (not to forget it's a pretty good blog topic too haha). Am I the only one that ever thinks about this? Do you think about who you call your bff? I realize it isn't a big deal, but I'm curious ;)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

No Hockey Tangents, I promise ;)

Oh man. What a day. I was at main from 10:30 to 5:30 to study for biochem. Victoria, then Meagan, then Amber all joined me by the end of the day. We have the final Saturday morning so we're hcore studying for it-or at least I am. I only have 3 exams so I can afford to only focus on one exam at this moment. Thank goodness, because as I've stated previously I need to boost my mark so badly! Today was a good day for making this happen. For the last 2 hours or so we used an empty classroom to use the whiteboard and quiz each other from our notes and questions online. This is the best way to study. You find out how much you know and if there's something you don't understand, chances are someone else will and can clearly explain it to you. No joke, I think these girls are some of the smartest people I know. Also the silliest. When our brains start to get fried... interesting things tend to happen. It was such a blast studying today. Weird hey?

After that was ARFSJ's retreat, to celebrate our legendary year in residence. We had a budget to spend on ourselves so we went to Julio's. Which means.... MARGARITAS!! Oh yes. The snow outside did not curb our craving for these delicious slushy drinks. So free meal and drinks + getting a teensy bit tipsy after a hard days work of studying = priceless. Especially when you're surrounded by some of your closest friends. It was a great way to end long, successful year at RSJ.

So while I sober up (at 8pm, oh yes) I am blogging and contemplating studying some more. I don't think my brain can handle more tough thinking so I might just print out my notes from PEDS 203 and read through them, get somewhat of a start on them. Then I might watch part or all of a movie. Or watch some Arrested Development.. Victoria is getting on my case for not being done yet..

Also, following Gabi's blog, I kind of want to share some more pics so I'm thinking of posting some random pictures that I've taken with my iPod. They are truly random pictures, with no meaning. Most of them I find funny in some way though ;)

Mmm no thanks. (Found in a bathroom of the U of A)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Ok, so after that somewhat intellectual post (I just had to) I want to share how excited I am for tomorrow. (And yes this was a recent facebook post, with less words)

Hurray for tomorrow since it's the last day of classes!! Woohoo! I only have english and I doubt there will be a point of being there for more than 5 minutes. We have papers due, but other than that, what can we do? So I plan on getting a lot of good studying done. I'm really starting to worry about my finals. The exams are going to be tough, and there's just so much material. What is wrong with non-cumulative tests?! GAH!
So after studying all day will come wings at walkabout! Yum. I haven't been in a really long time because I wanted to save money and also I've been trying to eat as healthy as possible (obviously my body doesn't know that that's a good thing and it rewarded me with sickness..). So this will be in celebration-I can't wait.
And also, perfect timing, playoffs begin!! So stoked. Here comes the good hockey. Battling every single minute on that clock to win each game. It's going to be epic. I will definitely be keeping my eyes on the TVs at walkabout tomorrow.. sorry guys! I am cheering on the Penguins, Habs and I guess Chicago because I always cheer for the repeat.

Onto a hockey tangent: I want to see Crosby return and get the Pens to the final. It would be awesome to see a Habs vs Pen Conference Final showdown. For the West I'm thinking Anaheim has a real chance at the cup. 4 scenarios I could see happening for the Cup:

          • Pittsburgh vs Anaheim
          • Pittsburgh vs Chicago/Vancouver
          • Washington/Rangers vs Anaheim
          • Washington/Rangers vs Chicago/Vancouver
I really can't see a clear cut winner in the East besides the Pens. I think after the first round it'll be more clear, the teams will have shown what they're made of for the playoffs. Ultimately I'd like to see the pens win, but I think the cup is staying in the West this year. 

Technology Dependent

A lot of young adults and teenagers are becoming way too dependent on technology, and I for sure do not count myself out. If I'm without my cell phone for more than a day I get anxious. If I can't check facebook or my email more than 3 times a day I get anxious.

Then there are the social networking sites that do a lot of good but also do harm. They're good for keeping in touch with friends and family and seeing what everyone is up to. But what is taken away from us if this is used too often, is the ability to have a conversation with a person.

Example:  A friend from work, JK, has facebook and blogspot. I have him as a friend on fbook and was following his blog. At work he was talking about what was new with him, but everything he had to say, I already knew because he had posted about it. It took away the fun for him telling me exciting news and then we also had nothing to talk about. This has also happened to me but not quite to the same extent.

I find it so ridiculous that we need these things so much now, because we're used to it. Some days I find myself wishing these things were never invented, but others I'm wondering what I would have done without them.

So just like with food, everything in moderation is good for you ;)

Sunday, April 10, 2011

A Good Night's Talk

The purpose of this post is soley to reflect upon last night's somewhat awesome event :)

It has been probably about a year and a half since I've talked to this person. Not because anything went down, it was just that we weren't really apart of each other's lives very much and trying to keep in contact was tough. I also made a point of not talking to him anymore because I got too attached and couldn't let him go. Until last night, he was far out of my mind, I never thought of him. And then bang! All the same emotions and thoughts came flooding back. Thanks.

I was almost regretting replying to him on chat, but it had been a very long time so I was curious to what he was up to. Turns out he's still the same, so that's good and not so good. Our conversation is all about him, and he talks about things I don't care about anymore and don't understand. He also tends to overuse emoticons. Especially the winky one. If he uses that after almost everything he says, what does that mean? Are you being serious or just joking around? Or are you serious but want it to seem like it's joking because you don't want to lead me on? Two and a half years ago I really would have loved this answer, but now it's just something that bugs me. I know that he'll only ever be that guy that I had feelings for and he had them for me but he didn't want to do anything serious about it. (Hello, we could have had a pretty great 2 months.. I guess I was lucky to get a peck on the forehead and a baseball/peters "date") So there's still the longing, but I have accepted that it's just feelings and I'm okay with that. At least some of the stuff he felt confident in saying without a winky smile; many times he told me my profile pic was pretty, especially for being sick (I've been getting that from everyone haha).

But after the initial him talking about him, we had a really great conversation! It's funny how I can talk to him about anything. Like relationship stuff. And it's not awkward or weird. That was nice. Normally we would run out of things to say, but we almost ended up having one of those "life" conversations. Just general things about life. It was great! I almost didn't want to stop, but then we did hit a lull once my friends barged into my room ;) He also makes me smile when I talk to him. As much as the emoticons kind of annoy me, it's also his humor, which is awesome.

He still has growing up to do though. He asked me if he was childish back when we would chat and I was like uhh maybe.. I really didn't want to insult him. Then he said that he for sure thought he was childish. In my opinion, the smiley faces and his was of flirting/joking around (who really knew) were a bit immature. So then it still makes him childish.. but I don't care! I know nothing will ever be (hmm.. i guess you never know in 5 years..lol) and I got to have a great conversation!! It was still overall a good night :)

I do, however, would like to eventually know what exactly he felt for me, or how strongly and if he still slightly does now..

Maybe some things aren't meant to be known and I'm okay with that :) 

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Day 6

Still sick with new additions of ear infection x2 and no taste! But I'm a trooper, gotta keep going and studying, first final in T minus 7 days!! Anyways, photobooth distracted me.. AGAIN...

Friday, April 8, 2011

Random Friday

  1. I went to the doctor yesterday. I have an ear infection, in BOTH ears. SO not impressed. Today was bad hearing wise, I don't know how many times I said, "Huh?", "What?", "Sorry?". Ugh. And now that ringing and pulsating sound of blood passing through the veins in my head/ears is really loud and super annoying. 
  2. SO many people are into tumblr now, and I love it! The reason why I decided to get an account is because I (unfortunately) started an account on stumbleupon and have found such amazing pictures, quotes, etc that I want to share! My studying if for sure going to take a hit from this..
  3. I wish I was a little kid again. You know, skipping school because your sick, lying on the couch all day watching TV while your mom takes care of you.. It's been awhile since I've felt that maternal mother presence around me.. you know, instead of that person who's giving you a hard time about everything because they want to push you to your limits, who isn't comforting anymore, who seems like a distant family member..
  4. I REALLY need to go home. I need to recharge. Be reborn again. This sickness is killing me. 
  5. 20 days till JAM
  6. 44 till MTL (perhaps a bit soon to start counting down..)
  7. I'm actually thinking about going back to Calgary for the Stampede to work! Last time I made over a grand in just over a week. Imagine what I could make now that I'm over-age and could work somewhere like Nashville North?!
  8. I wish I was somewhere warm, Maui or Mexico.. laying on the beach soaking up the sun.. ahh..
  9. I just need to be healthy again!
  10. Hopefully I'll be home during easter. I could care less that it's easter but refer to #4. If it's not then, then it'll be something like June, which is too long!
  11. Every day I take a minute to think of my friends and realize how special they all are and how lucky I am to have them in my life!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Adults + Facebook

So much for me not having time to blog..

Anyways, I don't understand why adults whom you barely know decide to friend you on facebook. What's the point? I'm not your friend. I barely speak to you when I do see you/if I see you because I feel like a child when speaking to you. I understand if it's family, it's a way to keep in touch, see what everyone in your family is up to. But a total random, aka a father from bowling, is a bit weird. He is very nice, but still! It also lets them see stuff that only my closet friends should see aka very drunken night pictures.. oh well..

Procrastination Strikes Again!

I got.. sidetracked by photobooth.. but I actually crossed some things off my to do list so it balances out okay I think ;)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

To Do

  • Write up "La Rumeur", send it to get it corrected, then print it (ASAP)
  • Research for Anglais essay (13th) Work in progress
  • Writing Strategies Inventory for Anglais (13th) Work in progress
  • Reflective Report for Anglais (ASAP) Work in progress
  • Write a letter to Dad (ASAP)
  • Get my computer fixed
  • Volunteer Appreciation Night (Tomorrow)
  • Birthday #1 (7th) I didn't go, way too sick!
  • Birthday #2 (9th) Still sick, just went to dinner.
  • Birthday #3, 4, 5, 6 (13th) Even if I'm healthy I'm not going, need to study!
  • STUDY (When I'm not doing everything else)
  • Clean (When I'm tired of doing everything else)
Most of this would have been done over the last 2 days, but alas, I am freaking sick! AGAIN! It's a pretty horrible head cold. Monday I stayed in bed for many hours watching movies because I had such a bad headache that I couldn't do anything. Today I HAD to get my ass out of bed to go to PEDS or else I'd have no notes for the class AND I had the census testing session at 2:30. Then I had to get groceries. I was finally able to study for almost 2 hours then had an hour long exec. meeting. At least it was the last one! Woohoo! Now/still I'm exhausted so I should go to bed. Seeing as I won't/shouldn't have time for blogging in the next little bit, I thought I'd do it now, while also writing out what I need to do. 

I'm not stressing yet (at least on the surface) so that's a good thing. Here's to hoping this cold goes away quickly so I can get some good studying and homework done!

Good luck in this last little stretch everyone!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Mad Love

I can't help but love the people I live with. They are amazing, too bad I only realize when I have a tad too much too drink... But at least I realize it and it's juts my inhibitions that are gone that enable me to realize this and tell people this LOL. Oh man. It's bed time. Success on my part for no drunk slapping or texting! Hurrah!

Mad Love

Friday, April 1, 2011

Pet Peeves/Complaints in General

I am a person that can get annoyed at the smallest things. Sometimes it is actually quite ridiculous but I can't help it :)

  1. People sitting in my seat. Excuse me, but I think after almost a whole semester of me sitting in the exact same seat, you would realize I like that seat. But no, you decide in the last few weeks of classes to steal my seat and make me sit really high up where there is a draft. And I do realize that it is extremely ridiculous that I got so mad the first few times this happened. 
  2. People drinking MY milk. Someone actually went as far as to open up my NEW jug of milk that HAD MY NAME ON IT. Suffice it to say I keep my milk in my room now. 
  3. Strangers sitting next to me in class, specifically on my right. I think this is because in biochem I don't have anyone on my right.. I just feel like my space in being invaded..
  4. Dirty dishes being left out for more than a day. I call BS that you don't have enough time to clean them. Even if this is true, then hide the damn things! 
  5. Those people who shake their legs/tap their feet really hard like they're super anxious for something. Hello, but all our seats in class are connected and I can feel you doing it. 
  6. Waiting forever for a text reply. This I understand though, but it still irks me sometimes :p
I am sure there are way more than this, so once I think about them, I will add :)