Wednesday, June 1, 2011


The census has commenced. As I have taken a life long oath of secrecy I can't divulge any information regarding my job, but I can and will say that it's not as tough as I thought it would be. So I'm glad. Plus I'll get better at it after a few days. As long as we get the information I think that's all the government should care about.

Other than that.... I've done nothing. Oh but I have discovered that with gmail you can call anywhere in Canada and the US for free! I wish I had known that at the beginning of the year so I could have called my fam whenever. It's too late now, I really don't need/want to talk to them.

Update on things keeping me busy (lame, but I really am that bored):
-I'm on the 3rd last disc of Friends!! I'll probs be done tomorrow :( I guess I'll start reading. Actually that's an awesome idea! I can go do that outside!! :)
-I'm in need of more friends on LJ to keep up my rep on sims hospital so I have added randoms but have closed my journal to everyone
-I need to go for a run tomorrow! I had said I would go this morning but I was just too tired/lazy. Ugh.
-I turned down bowling tomorrow cuz I have soccer. I should have gone to soccer last week and done bowling tomorrow. Oh well.

There's honestly not much else to report on. I have a roommate now, but that really doesn't change much except for that I'm sharing a space with someone. Next year I'm getting a "real" job, aka 8-4 (ish) job. I'd much rather be bored at night than during the day.

Can't wait for my friends in Calg to come visit! I'm expecting 3 visits this summer :)

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