Saturday, June 25, 2011

Random Saturday

Here are a few things I'd like to comment on..

1) McDick's asked me Friday if I could work Sat morning. I said no. They called me this afternoon to ask if I could work in the evening.. WHAT DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND ABOUT NO WEEKENDS, THAT I HAVE 2 JOBS!?!?! Now really..
2) I'm learning to hate the sentence "I'm not supposed to let anyone in.." Well I'm a government employee there on government business, I really don't care what you're not supposed to do..
3) On the subject of MCDicks, I overheard my name said between two managers, then they asked me how long I had been there for. Like a month, I replied. I'm hoping that's a good thing and that maybe a raise is in order..?! Because god knows I'm better than half the people who have been there for much longer..
4) I was excited to start learning the guitar but I'm juts too exhausted for it now..
5) I also want to start singing again, aka singing along to songs when no one is home so I can regain the strength to my vocal chords. I really want to record a duet with Steph, how cool would that be. (ps. we sound scary identical sometimes)
6) Plants hate me. They are all alive but not exactly flourishing.. there's a reason why I never bought any myself..
7) Can the U of A please just tell me already if I got in or not?!
8) It's annoying when there are so many things to look forward to but time just ends up slowing down.
9) I watched the Adjustment Bureau. They so copied an idea from Fringe-sorta. I love the take on it though, and how it raises religious questions. I love movies where they make you think. And Matt Damon was a nice treat :)
10) 14 days till Calgary and Stampede festivities!!
11) Saw a man in cowboy hat, jeans and boots. Almost told him he was two weeks too early and in the wrong city

Any plans for Canada day? I hope some friends will be joining me for at least fireworks down by the river. As long as I can stay awake..