Sunday, June 12, 2011

Warning: More Complaining

OK.. it's that time again, where I start hating summer and wishing school was about to start. Why?

Well let's see, let's do the math. 30% of a day is spent sleeping-swell. Some days I wish it was more, so I would have less of nothing to do. Then, I spend another 30% working. But I dread when those days come because I have to wake up so damn early!! And then I can't wait to be done because I'm hungry and my feet hurt. So there leaves 40% of a day to do anything. Unfortunately there's not much to do when you live by yourself (not counting the temp roommate), and really only have one friend in the city that you can call up whenever to do whatever.

When that happens, it's great! Company, someone to laugh with and make the day go by quickly. But I can't rely on that person all the time, they have a life, other friends and frankly, you can only spend so much time with 1 person.

So what to do to pass the time when there's no one around? I've gone for bike rides and have hung out on campus in the sun, but there's not much to do. Or at least not much that is fun to do by yourself, without feeling like a tool. I would have loved to go to the pool today, but alone..? Err, no thanks.

Solutions? Make new friends? How?
Start later at McDicks so as to increase sleeping time to 40%, and decrease afternoon nothingness? Sounds like I'll have to resort to that. I just feel bad if I change my availability on them, again, for the 3rd time in like 2 weeks. And I think they need early morning people. Maybe talk to (who?!) about being available for 7am but would prefer later starts? It just seems like a big hassle. But I know that if it's going to make a big deal in my life, influence my happiness, then I should really do it.

And it doesn't help that the f'n Census is pissing me off. How on EARTH are people doing a min of 20 hrs a week? I can maaaybe be get 10..! I honestly wouldn't care if I got "let go" because of poor productivity. But it's not my fault if people are never home! So I have to go after supper I guess. And it's a freaking pain in the butt to bike all the way down to bdoon! (Got that out of my system-sort of)


SLEEP: 11-9
Work: 10-4
Miscellaneous: 4-6
Census: 6-8
Miscellaneous: 8-11

There's still too much free time though! I don't understand where the need to be doing something all the time came in. I did plenty of nothing during the school year and was fine with it. But maybe that's it, I've had enough and am fed up with it? Gah!

Mostly I've just posted this to complain-and for something to do! (Though I could have gone to bed 30mins ago, which I will do now.)
I look forward to the days that I am happiest, but they are few and far between. I am actually looking forward to going home in July. I might take a whole week off to chill down there.

Night all! I hope everyone is enjoying their summers more than I am on most days!

Ps. I forgot about the weekends, those suck most. But I also forgot that I could go bowling for free.. but I kind of want to wait till the lanes get redone next month so my balls don't get destroyed. Though I do have 2 "new" ones... we shall see. If I remember, I keep forgetting!


  1. I wish I had a summer U-pass. Cuz then I'd be coming to see you lots! Unfortunately, it costs me over $10 for a round trip. I think I'm getting a bike soon, so maybe we can go for a bike ride and you can come over for supper and we'll party it up or something!!!
    Miss you and your pretty face <3

  2. Oh I agree!! Supper would be lovely! Sadly I'm actually getting sick and tired of biking everywhere but I would still go biking with you :p
    Miss you too!
