Tuesday, June 21, 2011

In A Mood

But good news!! It's a good mood! :D
Honestly, I can't remember just feeling good about my self! It's not anything in particular but I just feel good! I think it's a bad thing that it's been such a long time since I've felt this way..

What caused this? Oh something called sunshine. And soccer. But ironically soccer almost should have put me in a horrible mood. Usually we have like 20 people showing up, but today we only had 6.. but 2 randoms joined us so we had enough to at least scrimmage. And we won!! The only game of the season and it doesn't even count since we had two players that weren't from our team lol. But it was a great game. Then we just sat around for 15 minutes enjoying the sun and chatting. Very nice people :) I almost wish I was going to the Orientation BBQ now (my soccer team is made up of orientation volunteers for next year), but I'm going to have to work the stupid census.

By the way I'm in such a good mood that that evil word doesn't even get me down!! I wish I could capture this in a bottle!! But alas, I'll be in bed in about 1.5 hrs, then up at 6am and grumpy again.

Reasons why I should be in a bad mood:
1. It rained again
2. I burnt my arm again on the oven (and it's killing!)
3. Most of my soccer team is flaky
4. McDick's got on my nerves again today ("90s target time Jessica..x10" I've been here a month, so gee, really?!?!)
5. I'm alone
6. Census every day for the rest of the week

Reasons why I'm in a good mood:
1. We won our game
2. Nice people at soccer
3. It didn't rain on (my parade) me on my way home
4. I got to play soccer

The math really doesn't work out but I'm a-okay with that!!
And it looks like I'm really into the list thing lately..

Now to go work on my abs, shower and settled down for the night!

Calgary in 18!!

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