Monday, May 9, 2011


It seems as if the blogging world has a hit a wall as of late, so I want to make up that. Also, as I still do not have a job I have nothing better to do than to blog. Since I've really been doing nothing lately, there's not too much to comment on. So here's some more random blurbs going through my head.. enjoy!

  • I know way too many teenage moms. I have a strong opinion about this but this is one of those topics that can get pretty touchy. Let's just say I would NOT ever want to be them.. Why is everything happening at such a young age now?!?
  • My landlords sound like crazy partiers. I think they were drunk this evening, because I don't know what on earth they could have been watching/listening that could make them laugh so hard and make so much noise as in to make me feel like I am in the same room as them.
  • I'm trying really hard not to think about who I am, I'm trying to think about my positives-which make me the person I am. Gotta be happy with yourself :)
  • Challenge for the month of May: Go the whole month without buying groceries (besides milk). This could prove to be difficult, but at least I have rice, chicken and KD!
  • Being poor sucks. I am so going to be rich one day. Legit because I won't be spending anymore money than necessary so I'll earn a whole bunch of interest of money sitting in the bank (once I pay off all my student loans.. so who knows when, but I know it's coming!)
  • Thank goodness Victoria is still in town and that I finally got to facetime with Gabi!
  • I am going to be so fit by the time I actually start working. I run every other morning and I bike everywhere because I can't afford a bus pass :)
If you have any other good ideas for blogging that you don't want to use/won't get around to doing, let me know! It's not like I don't have the time! :)

Hope everyone's summers are going well! I only wish I had a deck so I could be lazy out in the sun instead of in a cold, dark basement.. let's get started soccer!

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