Friday, May 13, 2011

The Tofu Experience

So being the only one in the house right now, I kind of have to use up whatever food is in the fridge; I don't like throwing things away. So what happened to be in the fridge a few days ago? Tofu. I have never cooked tofu before, I wasn't even sure if I liked it. But I decided hey why not, let's try something healthy and new. So I looked up a recipe online and it ended up like this:

Tofu fried in oil and fresh pressed garlic, thrown together with penne pasta, broccoli and tomato sauce. Nice and simple. The tofu was pretty good too, but I can only eat so much at a time. It was pretty filling too, I still have leftovers so that's going to be for supper again tonight. Now I still have leftover tofu, there was too much to put in the pasta-what to do with it? Also, there's some zucchini, cucumber, and I think a few other veggies still in the fridge. What to do with them? There's mushrooms as well but I'm going to use them for wild rice. I think it's almost time to go grocery shopping..

So yes, I have been quite on a health kick recently (minus eating the baked goods that were left here, barely untouched by the other two). Everyday I've at least been biking, so I've been pretty active. I've had to, to counterbalance all the sitting around on the couch watching TV ;)
Yesterday was soccer and my legs (well whole body really) are so sore today so I decided to take the day off to relax. I probably should go out at one point to stretch my legs, maybe walk to sobeys.. it's starting to turn into a nice day I guess. Gotta run tomorrow!! 

Man I wish I had my bowling balls, I could be bowling so much! I won't get them back until probably Tuesday now, since I have Mc Dicks orientation when I was supposed to pick up the balls. Dern it! Well, only a week until Montreal now! Woo!

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