Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Self Improvement Project

Alright, so I had this blog all planned out in my head, but then I remembered I wanted to give props to Glee, so I've kind of lost my train of thought for this.

The main point, however, is that I've noticed some personal growth in the last year. And I'm super proud of this fact. Around this time last year, I was convinced to apply as an orientation leader (show a group of high school students around campus for orientation). I went to the first phase of the process, the group interview. Here is where they just get to know you and see how you work with others. First up is a "team building" activity, where you actually have to build something. This has to be done with minimal supplies, and overall it's a tough enough task but it relies on teamwork. Then are some multiple choice questions or strongly agree/agree/disagree/strongly disagree questions where you go stand in the corner of the room where that option is posted. Then you discuss in your group about your reasoning and then you share with everyone else. Finally is a skit that your group performs that has a theme (eg. sitcom) that has to be tailored for supporting/talking about orientation.

Last year, I did not really feel comfortable doing this, and I didn't find it that fun. This year however, was different because of the following: I've been working on my social skills (yes, because as my MOM points out, I have little to no social skills). This has entailed mostly forcing myself to talk to random people when I go out with groups of people so that I feel more comfortable meeting new people. So, this time around for the group interview, I found this "training" paid off! I felt SO much more comfortable, I was immediately giving ideas to the group, freely giving my opinion and being spokesperson for the little discussion groups. I had an AWESOME time. I seriously felt like if I had more time, I could have made friends there. Like I'm sad that the people that were in my group for the skit are not in my faculty (since orientation groups are faculty specific). Meaning if I get the job, I might not see them again and have an opportunity to become friends.

That being said, I really do hope I get the job so I can make new friends. I honestly never thought I'd say that, but I really look forward to making new friends. I need new friends. I'm SO not saying I'm over my current ones (except maybe Meagan, if she's reading this, because she makes me get up early for the gym..kidding!!), but I DO need some change in my life. Granted, this will happen once I get out rez (thank god), but I need to extend my circle of friends. Or at least start networking!! I'm so jealous of Meagan and Amber when we're at main and we keep running into all these people they know. Plus if my current friends are busy and I want to do something, then chances are if I have other friends, they might be free!

So, I am happy with my development since last year. I know this sounds sort of strange and maybe somewhat philosophical (is that the word?) (I HATE when my brain goes all philosophical-it does it a lot lately), but in the end, it's the things that make you happy that matter right? Well I am sure that as long as I keep getting more comfortable with myself and other people, I will indeed be happier in the end.