Monday, March 28, 2011

Buckle Down

Soo my 2nd and final exam mark for round 2 is in. Not too pleased. I've never had bad marks like this before. It's something that the past few weeks I've had to learn to deal with and not linger and dwell on it. Obviously this is probably a result from not starting to study until a week before the exam. Last year and last semester I was very capable of getting away with it, but not this time. Maybe it's because they are my first 200 level courses? Bottom line, my laziness and going out has to be reduced. I need to spend my time studying and doing work. To start off the week, it's been good. I've been trying to perfect my essay that is due Friday. I have to leave for bowling today at 5 so I think, a bit more time on my essay and I'll be good. The rest of the week is still going to be spent perfecting the essay, I'm going to get some people to peer review it, work on the other one due no later than the 13th and I NEED NEED NEED to read my textbooks and notes. This will actually take up a good chunk of time and then I'm going to start making up some study tools. As there are already so many events going on until the end of classes, I can't make any extra plans. I've got 2 volunteer celebration things, a council celebration dinner thing, FĂȘte de la Francophonie, probably another party to celebrate the end of the semester and also another girls night. Oh and throw in bowling and one more night of work. For me, that's a lot that's going to be happening in just 2 and a half weeks! It's time to buckle down! (I spent all of yesterday watching 18 to Life, oops.) It's gonna be tough, but I HAVE to do it so I can own my finals and get into Kines!! At least I'll have my parties as rewards!

16 - End of term
31 - JAM!

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