Sunday, March 27, 2011

Right In Front Of Me

After a floor BBQ tonight, celebrating the year coming to an end, I realize that I've wasted time here. Let me explain how I got to this conclusion and what I mean. Our RA printed off pieces of paper with everyone's name on it and we all passed them around writing little notes to these people. For more than half the people I had an actual comment, not the generic "Hope you had a great year, have a good summer..", blah, blah crap. It was either a nice memory or an inside joke.. something specific.

For the past few months I have been spending as little time as possible in the kitchen, eating almost every meal in my room. By myself. And this is what I mean by wasting time. Had I been feeling social enough, I could have been spending time with these awesome people that I've already shared awesome moments with! And on the not so rare occasion that these awesome moments have been drunken, I could have gotten to know them better. I guess I keep forgetting how awesome all of them are, and now it's getting too late. Next year I won't see half of them at all. The other half, I'll only see at random fac parties. Does this mean I'll make a point of spending more time with them? Probably not, just because I've been somewhat grumpy lately and I'll be spending a lot of time either studying or bowling. And if I'm brutally honest, watching TV. I have become EXTREMELY lazy and I can't help it.

So this is for everyone of those awesome people in rez, with whom I've shared awesome talks, awesome drunk-capades and awesome laughs. Thanks for the great memories, hopefully we can make some more next year :)

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