Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Props to Glee

I want to give a shout out to Glee for venturing further into society's issues than I believe any other TV show has done before. Over all they are telling kids that it's okay for you to be who you are, whether that is an athlete, a geek, a gleek, gay/lesbian, etc. I think this is really needed for kids these days, who believe there is a specific norm and that they have to abide to it. This doesn't even have to reach out to just kids, adults who watch this show and who struggle with who they think they are can benefit from the messages from this show.

At times this show has been a joke, with no real story line with performances of over played top 40 songs. More recently, however, there has been a consistent theme of sending a message to the audience. (And the songs have been better.) I'm really enjoying this new side of Glee, because it sort of makes me think. And as an intellectual, I love that.

Even if you're not into Glee, I think you should check out their most recent episode, "Sexy". It deals with the issues of being gay and lesbian, which I think is probably one of the biggest problems with youth, not knowing who they really are, and this episode sends a strong message to these people saying that it's alright to be what you feel.

To top it all off, it was quite a funny episode as well :)
And yay for Will Shuester!


  1. i'd like to disagree about their whole sending a message out.. yes they're doing that, but i still think it's more of a satire of all those teen shows that *actually* aim to do that (degrassi... 90210... all of THOSE shows.) but they're forced to try a bit harder because of the preteens that are into glee, which i think takes away from the show. i just watched the sex ed episode... i like gwyneth paltrow, but thought their whole "sending the message out" thing was so lame.

    maybe i'm just sick of glee.

  2. I can see your point, especially if you haven't been that into glee lately. Because earlier in the season I definitely felt that way as well.Lately I don't feel like it's being forced, I feel like it's what the story is (yes I guess it was a kind of random topic, but it could happen in high school) and that the message is a bonus.

    But to each one's own :)
