Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Residence Community Awards

I thought I got invited to this because I'm on council and wether or not we were winning something we got invited because we deserve free food for all our hard work :p. Turns out I actually won something!! Outstanding volunteer for RSJ! That's super cool. My RA nominated me and I got the letter that she submitted. SUCH nice words! I love love love getting letters like these. They just make you feel so good inside and remind you that you ARE an extraordinary person, even if sometimes you don't feel like it at all.  Along with the letter I got a certificate, a starbucks card and ceramic travel mug! The night was pretty nice, lots of good food and then dessert after the awards!

BUT. On the other hand. Firstly I'll say that yeah, I do deserve this award because I think at some points throughout the year I went above and beyond my job description, but I had no problem helping out other people, I had 3 classes compared to their 5. Now I'll say that I don't think I was the best person to pick for this award. I appreciate it no doubt, but I think Amber deserves it a hell of a lot more. She threw some kick ass parties this year, while dealing with a whole bunch of shit, had to deal with ridiculous hot tub stuff, and all this on top of joining an organization called SIHA. Every other week she has a meeting to organize stuff and learn stuff that they'll need for when they go to Africa to help educate people about their health, etc. She also has been doing a lot of fundraising, this trip is for sure not cheap, so a lot of time needs to go into this. I know it's been an especially stressful year for her as well, so I think she deserves something. Well I guess she did get étoile de la semaine last semester... lol. Nah, I honestly think she deserves this more than me (but I'm keeping the cup ;) ). So this is my shout-out to her, to recognize her for all her work that she's done. And even with all the craziness and her being a bit bananas some times, she's still been an awesome friend :)

Rez would not have been the awesome place it has been this year without you!! (same goes for other council members, but especially you!!!) So here's my award for you :)

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