Saturday, March 26, 2011

While I Drink My Water

Another one of those nights.. an awesome girls night that is!! Drank a bit too much in the sense that I need to drink some water so I don't feel like crap tomorrow but other than that it's good!

Tonight was a gooder! So much good conversations! Then we went and kinda crashed boy's night, oh well haha. How cute, them having boys night while we have girls night? :p They tried to lock the door on us but somehow my boot got lodged in between the door and the doorjamb, and then once they let their guard down I pulled myself through. Winner!! Baha. Unfortunately through this process I got ice cream in my hair (my flurry from McDonald's-which, by the way, took at LEAST 30mins to get! Worst Micky D's EVER!) and my spoon fell on the floor :(

This post is more or less just a time killer so I can drink my bottle of water without downing before bed and also to say how much I absolutely LOVE my friends. I'm REALLY going to miss girls night during the summer! But at least those of us left in he city can still get together really anytime I guess and do whatever. We've got one more left for this semester, kind of sad.

I had had in mind something to actually talk about, but of course, I forgot. And I'm freaking exhausted again, thanks to late work night Thurs and warly morning gym. And what do I do? Drink, get tipsy and then go to bed around 2. I have bowling in the morning people! And now because of the ice cream I have to shower, therefore an earlier wake up time. I think I'm going to nap once I get back from bowling. I miss feeling rested!!

Anyways, thanks so much ladies for another awesome night!! Already looking forward to the next!!

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