Thursday, March 31, 2011

Blast From the Past!

Holy shiiiit!! I just saw the last person on earth I thought I'd see here! I'm working right now giving out equipment to the hockey players and I see this guy. He looked familiar, so I looked at his onecard and saw his name. I totally know him. He's the brother of the girl I used to be best friends with in elementary school!! And he's freaking hot!! Super small world hey??

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Residence Community Awards

I thought I got invited to this because I'm on council and wether or not we were winning something we got invited because we deserve free food for all our hard work :p. Turns out I actually won something!! Outstanding volunteer for RSJ! That's super cool. My RA nominated me and I got the letter that she submitted. SUCH nice words! I love love love getting letters like these. They just make you feel so good inside and remind you that you ARE an extraordinary person, even if sometimes you don't feel like it at all.  Along with the letter I got a certificate, a starbucks card and ceramic travel mug! The night was pretty nice, lots of good food and then dessert after the awards!

BUT. On the other hand. Firstly I'll say that yeah, I do deserve this award because I think at some points throughout the year I went above and beyond my job description, but I had no problem helping out other people, I had 3 classes compared to their 5. Now I'll say that I don't think I was the best person to pick for this award. I appreciate it no doubt, but I think Amber deserves it a hell of a lot more. She threw some kick ass parties this year, while dealing with a whole bunch of shit, had to deal with ridiculous hot tub stuff, and all this on top of joining an organization called SIHA. Every other week she has a meeting to organize stuff and learn stuff that they'll need for when they go to Africa to help educate people about their health, etc. She also has been doing a lot of fundraising, this trip is for sure not cheap, so a lot of time needs to go into this. I know it's been an especially stressful year for her as well, so I think she deserves something. Well I guess she did get étoile de la semaine last semester... lol. Nah, I honestly think she deserves this more than me (but I'm keeping the cup ;) ). So this is my shout-out to her, to recognize her for all her work that she's done. And even with all the craziness and her being a bit bananas some times, she's still been an awesome friend :)

Rez would not have been the awesome place it has been this year without you!! (same goes for other council members, but especially you!!!) So here's my award for you :)

Life is a Puzzle..

..and a few pieces are slowly falling into place. Nothings a sure bet as of yet, but at least it's looking good. I finally heard from statscanada about the job for this summer's census. For whatever reason, no one had called me to set up a day for the exam (to make sure you're capable, ie. not an idiot I guess) so I called them to ask if they had even received my application. A week after this (today) I got a call saying yeah they got it and "oh no one's called you yet? I'll make that happen." Wow, that was easy. And sure enough, about an hour later I get a call telling me about the exam day.

So that makes me feel a lot better. I was worrying that I'm going to end up with a low paying job that's going to drive me crazy because I'll be trying to work as much as possible. Granted, that could still happen, but at least with this job application in the process, I don't see why I wouldn't get the job. Still.. knock on wood and fingers crossed!

Now there was another reason why I was feeling so good about the near future.. maybe it was just that I was finally able to do some good "studying" today for biochem? I dunno. If I remember I'll repost. But I guess it's good I had that feeling, but now I am really tired and getting a headache.. ah! It's because nice weather is closing in on us!

Oh I think I know what that other thing was. I've decided I'm going ahead and buying a new ball. I'm going to go to West Ed Saturday morning/afternoon to talk to Dan about it and most likely make a purchase. Exciting! (And hopefully my computer will get fixed that day, gonna go to the apple store. Killing two birds with one stone!)

Hmm, maybe a quick nap before community awards at Lister?

Monday, March 28, 2011

For The Love of The Game

Honestly, bowling completes me. I am ever so thankful that my parents were bowlers and that I annoyed the hell out of my mom enough to put me in it. I didn't have the training that the bowlers I bowl with now did. I started at a house (where you bowl out of) with a guy who was a friend of my mom's helping me out. No actual coaches. Then I moved on to another house. They had tons of coaches here! They definitely improved my game, but there were still things wrong with it. One pretty major fix, and many small fixes, but I don't think they really had the training to do anything about it. Then I moved to Edmonton.. best move of my life! There are two EXCELLENT coaches. They really know they're stuff and are amazing bowlers themselves. With their help, since coming from Calgary, my average has jumped nearly 30 pins! This is incredible since it's only been a short amount of time. I still have kinks to work out, but I am one heck of a bowler now! Once these get straightened out-I hope they do and relatively quickly-my coach is convinced that I will be nearly unbeatable. Sold. I'm in.

I already knew that staying in Edmonton was going to be a good thing bowling wise-I get free bowling since I'm in the youth program and I was definitely going to profit from that. But now, my coach Ted and this other coach want to change me, and now they'll be able to do that over the summer. Can't do it now since I still have a tournament coming up that I need to be able to perform as well as I can. But look out! I know it's going to be a lot of work, it's going to be tough to change things that I've been doing for 10 years but if that's what it takes to become the elite, I'm ready for it! I'm planning on doing this until the day I die (literally! Ok, well as long as I can lift a ball!!), and I want to get as good as I can while I have the means. I only have about 2 years of youth left, so I've gotta get on it. Plus I want to go to Nationals a few more times.

So Ted is my main coach. He makes sure he watches me every day and always tells me what I'm doing wrong, how to fix it etc. He is very good at this. But this isn't the only reason why I love this guy. Whenever we talk after or before a tournament, he really gives me a boost. He's kind of giving me an ego boost actually, and I think sometimes I actually do need that. I don't have a big ego, and I don't hear this often anymore, my mom used to brag to friends about me but I don't hear it anymore, obviously lol. He also makes me feel better about what's going on and he's understanding. At the last tournament I broke down and cried. I had 3 coaches helping me but nothing was working. The weekend after this, Ted comes up to talk to me. Just trying to basically say that it's not the end of the world, it was a tough day, and there wasn't just one thing I was doing wrong and he was sorry he couldn't catch one of the biggest things that was going wrong. Then he said that even if I don't win, I'll still be loved, everyone loves me no matter how I do, it's just that I try that counts. And look how far I've come... That last part made me say aw. I don't think these things, I just really wanted to friggen win! And it so wasn't his fault, I just wasn't in the groove-shit happens.

He is awesome, it's really hard to show exactly how so, but without him I would not be here. I would not be loving the sport as much as I am. He pretty much said that it sucks that I have school, because it's getting in the way of bowling. LOL. Oh if only. I think another reason why I like him so much, and Aisha, the woman who is in charge of all of this, is because they are like my parents here in Edmonton. Aisha always comes and gives me hug, asks how it's going, etc. She saw my break down, she was there to give me a hug. She asked me today how I was doing. In other capacities than just bowling I have people here for me. I know this has sort of strayed away from what I intended this post to be, but it also reinforces my love for bowling. The people are awesome, they are like my 3rd family (I have my real one and also my friends/rez). I hate to admit this, but being away from home for so long is making me love my other families more.. well maybe not love, or caring more about the people up here, but that's really what it feels like.

So without bowling, I really don't know what my life would have been like, or what it would be like right now. I just know for sure that I would have been miserable this year, and I'm glad that I've had bowling as a source of joy, distraction, time consumer, and of course money :p

I'm seriously planning on keeping on with it until I'm hopefully in my 80's, until, like I said earlier, I can't hold onto the ball anymore.

Ps. I was filling out my form for CNC's today and it asks for interesting info about your family. So I surfed the web for my uncle Clem. I had already known that he had bowled in the World Championships. But what I didn't know was that he came 18th!!!! AND that he was inducted into the Manitoba Bowling Hall of Fame in '96. (And he only just recently bowled his first 300 LOL) I kind of wish he could come watch me in Montreal, but for some reason I don't feel comfortable asking, mostly because I find it's a lot to ask, since he lives in Winnipeg (he's retired but still).

Major love <3

Buckle Down

Soo my 2nd and final exam mark for round 2 is in. Not too pleased. I've never had bad marks like this before. It's something that the past few weeks I've had to learn to deal with and not linger and dwell on it. Obviously this is probably a result from not starting to study until a week before the exam. Last year and last semester I was very capable of getting away with it, but not this time. Maybe it's because they are my first 200 level courses? Bottom line, my laziness and going out has to be reduced. I need to spend my time studying and doing work. To start off the week, it's been good. I've been trying to perfect my essay that is due Friday. I have to leave for bowling today at 5 so I think, a bit more time on my essay and I'll be good. The rest of the week is still going to be spent perfecting the essay, I'm going to get some people to peer review it, work on the other one due no later than the 13th and I NEED NEED NEED to read my textbooks and notes. This will actually take up a good chunk of time and then I'm going to start making up some study tools. As there are already so many events going on until the end of classes, I can't make any extra plans. I've got 2 volunteer celebration things, a council celebration dinner thing, Fête de la Francophonie, probably another party to celebrate the end of the semester and also another girls night. Oh and throw in bowling and one more night of work. For me, that's a lot that's going to be happening in just 2 and a half weeks! It's time to buckle down! (I spent all of yesterday watching 18 to Life, oops.) It's gonna be tough, but I HAVE to do it so I can own my finals and get into Kines!! At least I'll have my parties as rewards!

16 - End of term
31 - JAM!


I somehow got into my old blogspot account! So I have transfered my posts from last year onto this blog. If you want to read them, just look under the 2010 title on the right hand side of this blog.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Right In Front Of Me

After a floor BBQ tonight, celebrating the year coming to an end, I realize that I've wasted time here. Let me explain how I got to this conclusion and what I mean. Our RA printed off pieces of paper with everyone's name on it and we all passed them around writing little notes to these people. For more than half the people I had an actual comment, not the generic "Hope you had a great year, have a good summer..", blah, blah crap. It was either a nice memory or an inside joke.. something specific.

For the past few months I have been spending as little time as possible in the kitchen, eating almost every meal in my room. By myself. And this is what I mean by wasting time. Had I been feeling social enough, I could have been spending time with these awesome people that I've already shared awesome moments with! And on the not so rare occasion that these awesome moments have been drunken, I could have gotten to know them better. I guess I keep forgetting how awesome all of them are, and now it's getting too late. Next year I won't see half of them at all. The other half, I'll only see at random fac parties. Does this mean I'll make a point of spending more time with them? Probably not, just because I've been somewhat grumpy lately and I'll be spending a lot of time either studying or bowling. And if I'm brutally honest, watching TV. I have become EXTREMELY lazy and I can't help it.

So this is for everyone of those awesome people in rez, with whom I've shared awesome talks, awesome drunk-capades and awesome laughs. Thanks for the great memories, hopefully we can make some more next year :)

Saturday, March 26, 2011

While I Drink My Water

Another one of those nights.. an awesome girls night that is!! Drank a bit too much in the sense that I need to drink some water so I don't feel like crap tomorrow but other than that it's good!

Tonight was a gooder! So much good conversations! Then we went and kinda crashed boy's night, oh well haha. How cute, them having boys night while we have girls night? :p They tried to lock the door on us but somehow my boot got lodged in between the door and the doorjamb, and then once they let their guard down I pulled myself through. Winner!! Baha. Unfortunately through this process I got ice cream in my hair (my flurry from McDonald's-which, by the way, took at LEAST 30mins to get! Worst Micky D's EVER!) and my spoon fell on the floor :(

This post is more or less just a time killer so I can drink my bottle of water without downing before bed and also to say how much I absolutely LOVE my friends. I'm REALLY going to miss girls night during the summer! But at least those of us left in he city can still get together really anytime I guess and do whatever. We've got one more left for this semester, kind of sad.

I had had in mind something to actually talk about, but of course, I forgot. And I'm freaking exhausted again, thanks to late work night Thurs and warly morning gym. And what do I do? Drink, get tipsy and then go to bed around 2. I have bowling in the morning people! And now because of the ice cream I have to shower, therefore an earlier wake up time. I think I'm going to nap once I get back from bowling. I miss feeling rested!!

Anyways, thanks so much ladies for another awesome night!! Already looking forward to the next!!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Bored Again


  • Why does technology hate me lately? Computer, phone and iPod ALL on the fritz!
  • I hate when people get things they don't deserve. I've seen this a lot lately.
  • Not sure I'm looking forward to work tonight
  • Grey's is finally back after who knows how many weeks of absence?
  • I NEED to do better leading up to finals
  • I'm sure at the first sign of stress I'm going to get sick
  • Do I spend $200+ on a new ball before CNC's in May or do I save it to pay for rent/other costly living expenses?
  • People are getting on my nerves lately
  • I'm close to starting a countdown
  • There's 99% certainty that the Flames have missed the playoffs. Again. At least they turned themselves into a respectable opponent for the last half of the season
  • I REALLY should have gotten a real job at the beginning of the school year. At least I got 2 with campus rec I guess.. ~$350/month isn't too bad I suppose.
  • I'm worried that Statistics Canada didn't receive my application for the census. That would have been a SICK job for part of the summer. If they did get it.. why on earth would they not hire me?
  • Omega-3 is nasty

Monday, March 21, 2011

I thought I'd be feeling better after having written exams. But guess what? No way. First of all, yesterday, apparently the bowling gods were NOT with me. I came in 3rd. I deserved it but I should have bowled much better. Now today I get my biochem mark back. I knew it hadn't gone well. It was a really tough, unfair test. Apparently I did MUCH worse than I thought. Much worse than the class average as well. The 1st test I wasn't much higher than the average so now I am sitting below the curve. Therefore I am NOT FUCKING IMPRESSED! And how much more do I need to study to do well? A couple hundred I guess. I studied my ass off for that test, I actually felt more prepared for it than the last one where I got an 85%!! This class was supposed to be my GPA booster. Now what do I have? Unless I got above 90 in PEDS I'm NOT sitting pretty to get into Kinesiology. And what happens if I don't get in? Then I am fucking screwed! I don't even want to think about it right now. This is now my lowest grade in University. Both my lowest have come this semester-not good. I better have fucking done well on PEDS or else I may actually be reduced to tears. Which, in fact, is a tough feat for me, only bowling like crap in a super important tournament yesterday has made me cry in a VERY long time.

Now I'm going to take my small egg (what Victoria and I call those cream eggs) and eat it, with a glass of milk and watch TV. Thank god Chuck is on tonight.

And yay.. (note the sarcasm) I have to man the polling booth tomorrow at 9am. Joy.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

I want to win. SO BAD.

Please please please be with me tomorrow, bowling gods!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Best Rebecca Black joke ever: "no wonder Rebecca Black didn't take the bus, she would've had a panic attack from all the seating options"

I laughed my ass off every time I read this yesterday (Thursday), so hilarious. If you don't know who rebecca black is, follow this link

Get it now? Pure genius thanks to a facebook friend's post.

Luck O' the Irish

St. Pattie's day for the win? Not sure. I know I had fun, but at a cost. I know no one really cares, especially because obviously I was drunk, and drunk people are ridiculous, but I am highly embarrassed at myself last night. And there are so many black spots! So bad. My friend made me go to bed last night. Probably a good thing or else I might have passed out on the kitchen counter and I would have been mortified.

Reason for being so hammered? Well, besides the obvious date, I had just finish my last midterm and as soon as I got home (8:30) I cracked open a beer. In an hour I had downed 3 of them. Then we all went to the guys' hockey game, had one there and then went to a pub called Gallagher's. There I had 2 glasses of green beer (woo!), 2 shots of After 8, some other shot and then a pint of beer (not green, they ran out!!). So ya... too much.

Without going into detail, because I hate myself for it, let's just say some things I do when I get drunk are turning into a habit, and I'm not happy about it. I also woke up with bruises. Apparently I got tackled when I got back to res but I have no recollection! So bad. Next round will probs be next weekend at girls night, but I am SO NOT getting wasted. For one, I don't think my body could handle it, and two, neither can my wallet.

And thank goodness for no class today, it was cancelled!! So today will consist of cleaning, laundry and hopefully a nap.

I hate being ridiculous.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I love to complain. I try to keep most of it inside though. Today on the other hand, I was able to get it off my chest. Thank you Meagan for complaining with me :) I'm glad you feel the same way.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Self Improvement Project

Alright, so I had this blog all planned out in my head, but then I remembered I wanted to give props to Glee, so I've kind of lost my train of thought for this.

The main point, however, is that I've noticed some personal growth in the last year. And I'm super proud of this fact. Around this time last year, I was convinced to apply as an orientation leader (show a group of high school students around campus for orientation). I went to the first phase of the process, the group interview. Here is where they just get to know you and see how you work with others. First up is a "team building" activity, where you actually have to build something. This has to be done with minimal supplies, and overall it's a tough enough task but it relies on teamwork. Then are some multiple choice questions or strongly agree/agree/disagree/strongly disagree questions where you go stand in the corner of the room where that option is posted. Then you discuss in your group about your reasoning and then you share with everyone else. Finally is a skit that your group performs that has a theme (eg. sitcom) that has to be tailored for supporting/talking about orientation.

Last year, I did not really feel comfortable doing this, and I didn't find it that fun. This year however, was different because of the following: I've been working on my social skills (yes, because as my MOM points out, I have little to no social skills). This has entailed mostly forcing myself to talk to random people when I go out with groups of people so that I feel more comfortable meeting new people. So, this time around for the group interview, I found this "training" paid off! I felt SO much more comfortable, I was immediately giving ideas to the group, freely giving my opinion and being spokesperson for the little discussion groups. I had an AWESOME time. I seriously felt like if I had more time, I could have made friends there. Like I'm sad that the people that were in my group for the skit are not in my faculty (since orientation groups are faculty specific). Meaning if I get the job, I might not see them again and have an opportunity to become friends.

That being said, I really do hope I get the job so I can make new friends. I honestly never thought I'd say that, but I really look forward to making new friends. I need new friends. I'm SO not saying I'm over my current ones (except maybe Meagan, if she's reading this, because she makes me get up early for the gym..kidding!!), but I DO need some change in my life. Granted, this will happen once I get out rez (thank god), but I need to extend my circle of friends. Or at least start networking!! I'm so jealous of Meagan and Amber when we're at main and we keep running into all these people they know. Plus if my current friends are busy and I want to do something, then chances are if I have other friends, they might be free!

So, I am happy with my development since last year. I know this sounds sort of strange and maybe somewhat philosophical (is that the word?) (I HATE when my brain goes all philosophical-it does it a lot lately), but in the end, it's the things that make you happy that matter right? Well I am sure that as long as I keep getting more comfortable with myself and other people, I will indeed be happier in the end.

Props to Glee

I want to give a shout out to Glee for venturing further into society's issues than I believe any other TV show has done before. Over all they are telling kids that it's okay for you to be who you are, whether that is an athlete, a geek, a gleek, gay/lesbian, etc. I think this is really needed for kids these days, who believe there is a specific norm and that they have to abide to it. This doesn't even have to reach out to just kids, adults who watch this show and who struggle with who they think they are can benefit from the messages from this show.

At times this show has been a joke, with no real story line with performances of over played top 40 songs. More recently, however, there has been a consistent theme of sending a message to the audience. (And the songs have been better.) I'm really enjoying this new side of Glee, because it sort of makes me think. And as an intellectual, I love that.

Even if you're not into Glee, I think you should check out their most recent episode, "Sexy". It deals with the issues of being gay and lesbian, which I think is probably one of the biggest problems with youth, not knowing who they really are, and this episode sends a strong message to these people saying that it's alright to be what you feel.

To top it all off, it was quite a funny episode as well :)
And yay for Will Shuester!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Next Year

Students are able to start selecting classes for next year, and I have already chosen all of mine for both semesters. I AM STOKED. I am finally getting to do the interesting kinesiology classes. (As I have early acceptance for Kines) So I just want it to be next year already :p It's probably going to be a lot of work and possibly a hectic year, but I don't care after the year I've had. Too much time is NOT a good thing! So here's to hoping I keep the competitive GPA!