Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Another Month

Taking a page out of Gabi's book, I want to put out some monthly goals to strive for. You know, to keep me in line with what's important, and then at the end of the month to look back and see my accomplishments, see what worked or didn't work for me.

So January was basically following my New Year's resolutions, you know, do well in school, be healthy, blah blah.

So here are some specific things I want to stick to:

1. Don't get ahead on readings (in particular for psych because then I get bored in class), but don't fall so much behind that it takes 3 days to catch up.
2. Hit the gym 1-3 days/week. It's okay to sacrifice a few days if I'm particularly busy or sore from soccer, but I need at least one day in there to get the blood pumping.
3. Don't skip class. I only did that once (today) in January, but it felt so good that I feel like if I let myself do it again, it could turn into a bad habit.
4. No eating out or spending money on things that aren't necessary. Yes, while I've been working a lot, I still have a load of expenses that need to be paid for. Aka bowling. I spent nearly $300 on it just in January..
5. Get to bed at a reasonable hour, even if I don't have class til 1 the next day (so I should be asleep by now!)
6. Create schedules the night before for the next day and follow through. This is probably the most important point, because it keeps me in check with all my classes.

Some of these I was doing in January but I need to do better. I can't really measure too much success yet, since school wise, there have been no exams or assignments due yet. In a few days I'll have a good read on where I'm at though, and if I need to change things up.

It should be a busy month, but we've got reading week in there to lessen the load a little bit so it should be a good month!

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