Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Next Level

I know I've already said this, but I just want to reiterate the fact that I need to work harder this semester. Do a better job at being involved in my studies. Ya I did an alright job last semester, doing my readings and taking notes as I go, but I obviously need to push it a bit farther. I NEED A/A- in every class this semester. Looking at that GPA wise (3.7-4.0) is pretty daunting but when you look at the raw scores, I only need 85%+ for those marks. Easily attainable. Especially since, historically, Psych 105 marks go up from 104 (I had a B+), so check, CMPUT 101 is supposed to be pretty easy, plus I have that math/logical based brain (I'm already ahead in the course by trying one exercise by myself..), so check, PEDS 206 (Biomechanics) is basically physics, but it's a qualitative approach, so a brain like mine.. I'm assuming check, and lastly PERLS 207 (Physical Activity & Leisure for Special Populations) where we learn about disorders - cool & interesting, should be easy enough to memorize, so another check. And I actually have "friends" in PERLS and PEDS so we can group study! Yes!

Now all that being said, I'm by no means saying I'm going to have an easy semester. It's only going to be easy if I actually put in the effort. So once again, reading and taking notes (if it applies to exams), doing practice question after practice question (FINALLY I have 2 classes like this again, this is my bread and butter), looking over notes from the day before, etc. My plan is, after each class, either that day or the next, I get ahead on my study notes and do it lecture by lecture. That way I save myself time when it comes to exams, the material is already right there for me, I don't have to waste time compiling it all. And this way I go over for the 2nd time what we saw in class. I don't know why I didn't think of this earlier. 

Another thing I did was print out and take note of when all exams and assignments are, so as to be expecting them and on the ball. I also printed out the marking schemes, to be able to see every day what it takes to get that A/A-, and to remind myself that I CAN do it. One exam/assignment at a time!

I'm hoping small adjustments will go a long way and get me into that program. I haven't felt this good about a semester since first year. Sticking with it might be a challenge at times, but as long as I don't fall off track for long it shouldn't be too bad. Plus that's what reading break is for, no?

This also allows for me to be busier. Win/win!! I should just be able to make sure to get in an extra day of bowling every other week or so. And this all being said, I'm not going to be able to do MTWRF gym days, which was really ambitious of me to say anyways, since I have soccer Thursdays that I can't be tired for. If I can do 2/3 a week I'll be happy. And I'm still debating doing Yoga/Bootcamp... Yoga would probably do wonders for relaxing though.. At $55 and numerous bowling tourneys to pay for this year, is it worth it? I'll take another few days to mull it over but I think I'll end up sucking it up and doing spending the money.$55 for a well rounded/balanced me? I can't really pass that up.

I'm finally feeling good about where I am again, I'm loving this plan I have set out. I just have to be cautious about how often I'm by myself, it's already too often. 

So here's to a successful me this semester!

Good luck to the rest of you as well!

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