Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Back On The Wagon

After Sunday's devastation I was feeling a little lost and majorly off track from life. I knew it was just the bitter disappointment of facing adversity and losing, when I've never had to deal with that at this stage of qualifying for bowling, that had me feeling this way. So I was pro-active, and although feeling quite negatively about myself, made a plan to carry out the next day to rectify my course.

Besides not making it to the gym, I followed through and felt so much better than the day before. I didn't feel the need to plan out today, and I still got a lot done. Because my Tuesdays/Thursday have so much in them, it just feels so much easier to get many things done. It's funny how it's not the other way around, and wanting to do get stuff done on the days with 1 class.. I've got to figure out how to spend that time now.

Overall (minus the 4th place finish still fresh in my mind) I've been feeling great! Better than usual. Confident. Organized. My room has been tidy for a whole 2 days in a row!! Just that seems to energize me. I've only to rearrange work schedules that conflict with soccer and bowling tournaments and then it should all be good. I'm sort of glad to have 3-4 shifts a week now, I really need the money now that I've actually though ahead to all I want to do for bowling:

28th/29th of Jan Scholarship Tournament: Upwards of $100 if I want to enter a few times which I might very well do
Possibly world cup tournament in Feb: Unknown price
YBC Zones tournament in Feb: Possibly free, or at most.. $20?
New ball: Upwards of $200, including a deal from the pro shop. I'm sure I'd get something closer to $300 worth at a discount
Thumb slugs for 4 balls minimum: Upwards of $80

That's a lot of money to be throwing into a sport when I still have groceries to buy and my Safeway gift card is out. But at least it can be spread out a tiny bit, and like I said, I have quite a few shifts this month so I'm sure I'll be fine. But, it's me. I'm such a stickler for money. What happens if I want to go out drinking one night? Hmm might just wait for reading week.. :p

I've also been making some delicious meals lately! Motivated for being creative? Where did that come from? Anyways, I love the cookbook and so far I've made

-Mexican Lasagna
-Chicken with Olives and Tomatoes
-Artichoke Dip

And I'm planning on trying out recipes for

-Chicken with artichokes
-Fruity-o smoothy
-Powered up crispy treats

I'd also like to try my hand at chili sometime as well. I'm sure there's a good recipe in there for that. I'd still like to incorporate some more veggies, but at least I've been somewhat consistent for taking my vitamins; although only 1/3 of what I'm supposed to.. :p Oh well..!

Anyways that's my rant to get all caught up with what I've been up to. Thankfully major school stress hasn't hit yet! I should prepare for that..

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