Wednesday, January 25, 2012

News Paper

Random Post!

Every morning on my way to school I always grab a metro. I try to keep up with what's happening in the city and it's a good read while waiting for class to begin or if I'm just bored. Don't forget that sudoku puzzle!! That's probably my main reason for collecting the paper each day.

Right now I have three newspapers sitting next to me (though one is the Gateway, our school paper), yet to be read or really even touched, besides for being brought home. Why are they untouched? Well I've actually been pretty busy the past few days I guess or when I do have a few spare moments I've totally forgotten about it.

Shame on me I know. But I've done worse. I swear, last semester I went an entire week during finals, collecting papers and not doing them, but holding onto them because I want to do the sudoku. I had a humongous pile. I'm on way to that again.. whoops. I should really just throw them out. But I don't want to.

It's just something about me - obviously my stubbornness. Oh well!


  1. i cut the sudoku out!! or just pull that page out and save it.

  2. You're a freaking genius!!!
    Thanks!! Haha
