Wednesday, August 31, 2011

For Meagan, That Womang..

I had wanted the title of this post to be "The Same Title".. for a(n) (un)significant reason. I was figuring last year that the title of my blog would be changing, as I would be in my program. But alas, as I did not get in, I am still stuck with "Life of a Barely Full Time Student". But that's alright, this one is creative and who knows what the next would have been called.

So the significance of this post.. Meagan (roomie) is getting on my case for not having blogged in 5 days. Oh the horrors!! Also, her BF keeps saying ya mang to her, as in ya man, but no, she is a woman, so therefore, womang. Oh Meagan.

So what's been up? Not too much. Lots of work actually so I've just been completely wiped. I can't wait for school (for the obvious reasons) but also now because I won't have to be working too much. I'm tired of it. Also, because I've been working SO much (aka today is day 6 in a row) I'm hoping I get a wicked pay cheque, as I SHOULD get overtime. Scratch that. Overtime is 44hrs+ a week. As in Monday-Sunday, not starting any given day and the following days. Sad face :(

So I've been told I should try out plentyoffish, even if it's just for shits and giggles. I have a friend who's had success with it and another who just started it today. It looks really interesting. I honestly don't think I would meet anyone in person, unless I get that feeling and it's been awhile messaging back and forth. I just can't shake what I've been told while growing up. You know, internet security and not meeting people off the internet. Of course I could meet perfectly wonderful guys, but.. I just don't know. Maybe I'll see, just for the heck of it. It could be interesting.. :p

Any thoughts on dating sites?

Anyways the next week is gon be craazy busy, I will for sure be super tired. Watch out for a cranky me next weekend.. :)

Friday, August 26, 2011

The Blogs Go Dry.. I Can Make Up For That!

Even facebook has been very uneventful in the past little while.

So, my biggest news: I discovered google Chrome's capabilities. I didn't know it had free apps and stuff! So cool! So I definitely was not as bored as usual, I only watched Hot in Cleveland and The Lincoln Lawyer today! And as a result, I think I have made the switch to Chrome; for now. I might as well because for whatever reason, bmo won't let me do online banking on safari..

Hmm what else? Well I've taken measures to NOT be on the same team for bowling with this annoying girl that I've been teamed up with for the past 2 years!! I'll be with Carla, we're fairly tight, we'll definitely get to know each other better this year. We'll also need a third member, but I don't care as long as it's not you know who!

I also found this soccer team that may have a spot for me for indoor! The manager invited me to a scrimmage next week to see how I like the girls/if it'll be a good fit for me, etc, but unfortunately I work  :( so hopefully there'll be more that I can go to! I really miss being competitive and having practices and stuff. But the more I think about all these things that I want to do, I realize that something will probably have to give, and no doubt that will be work. I don't even care what they will think about that. They just need to realize I am university student that is involved in sports (and they do know that). Catherine (store manager) had said she would hope for me to do 3 shifts a week.. I'll see how Sept plays out but I have a feeling I'll have to cut back to 2, and probably just be available on certain days. I really don't want to worry about work, I want to focus on #1: school and #2: being happy. Which includes soccer possibly up to 3-4 times a week once fac soccer starts, bowling up to 2-3 times a week, partying and down time with friends. Oh and don't forget doing well in school!! We'll see how it goes I guess. I just can't wait for it to get started!

Tangent Time!

  • I kind of want to set a few goals for this school year, kind of like new year's resolutions. I think most of them are pretty obvious. But I think if I were to write them down, and then reflect on them at the end of the year, then I think that could be used as a pretty good measuring stick of how much I will have grown throughout the year. Not that that's terribly important to me (though self growth is necessary) but it's also really interesting to look back and say, "wow, a few months ago I never would have been doing this", or some variation on that phrase. I love when I realize something like this, and it's happened to me quite frequently in the past few months :)

Ever feel the need to do that? Or do you already have things in mind that you want to do/accomplish this year?

  • I hope the next 2 days go by swiftly, I work 7-3 like today, and then 8-4. I haven't had this many hours in a loooong time, never mind never having three 8 hour shifts in a row! :o And last night I only got ~5hrs of sleep, and tonight might be similar. So of course early on in the shift I'm super groggy but then by the afternoon I;m feeling grr-eat! (Yes, I did just say that!)

  • So other than work on my mind, I now have bowling starting soon and also orientation stuff starts in a week. I am also looking forward to hearing from Gabi! It's been a bit too long again :p

So after a random jumble of a blog I could either go lay in bed for a few hours trying to sleep or bored again..? I think I'm going to attempt sleeping.

Ps. Meagan (final roomie #3) moves back in tomorrow!

Monday, August 22, 2011

A Piece Out Of Place

For everyone who has ever met me, you know how into sports I am. Soccer is the most obvious. I have been playing since I was 5, and it's the only thing that's lets me get out all my stress and tension. I always want to play soccer. Wether it be raining, snowing or 30+ outside. But lately I haven't really felt the need for it at all.

I've been playing with a competitive co-rec team, I had 3 games in two weeks in July, but the last 2 games I've missed.

First of all, that first game I totally forgot about it.. HOW?! The second one I had work but didn't feel the need to let anyone know. Uhh.. I never feel that way.

So what is it? Is it because I have no real connection to the team/the players? Maybe. But even so, you'd think I'd jump at the chance to be getting some physical activity! That's how I ended up playing with them in the first place! But maybe it's also that in the back on my mind I realize that it wasn't officially established that I was ON the team. I haven't paid up yet, which might also be another thing, I don't want to pay :p But seriously, it's only $35.

So I don't know what's going on with that. But as long as I have decent hours at work I'm not going to be giving up my Sunday shifts for soccer.

It's just weird because I have never not wanted to go to soccer, even if I'm sick! But I suppose it really does come down to the people. In minor soccer I had the most wonderful girls to play with, so that's just extra incentive to go!

And I feel bad for the team, not letting them know, but they're also not asking where I've been so.. w/e! School's back on the 7th and I have 4 days of orientation before that, it's gonna be a heavy first week back but I'm slowly getting more excited about it.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Test This!

I really do think most tests/quizes online are total nonsense, but I came upon this one test that was actually fairly accurate. And what's funny is that it came from picking colours..

Your Existing Situation

"Organized and detail-oriented, she has a very precise and methodical manner. she needs relationships which offer her understanding, respect, and approval."  (so very true)

Your Stress Sources

"Always trying to make a good impression on others, but doubtful she is succeeding. Feels she has the right to everything she hopes and dreams of and becomes annoyed and helpless when things don't go her way. Is troubled by the very thought of failure which leaves her feeling miserable. Always sees herself as the victim as if everyone treats her poorly and she never is given her fair share. Feels her failures are no fault of her own, but due to the shortcomings of others." (thought of failure, so very true. no fault of my own, so not)

Your Restrained Characteristics

Current events leave her feeling forced into compromise in order to avoid being cut off from affection or future cooperation.
Giving more than she is getting back and feels misunderstood and unappreciated. Feels she is being forced into compromising and even her close relationships leave her feeling emotional distant.
"Seeking to broaden her horizons and believes her hopes and dreams are realistic. Worries she may not be able to do the things she wants and needs to escape to a peaceful, quiet environment in order to restore her confidence."
Current events leave her feeling forced into compromise in order to avoid being cut off from affection or future cooperation. (I really don't care about current events... not accurate)

Your Desired Objective

Seeks to be known for something she has accomplished and uses her social abilities to win people over. Emotional and sensitive and romantic. (true besides my social abilities.. in my opinion)

Your Actual Problem

"Feeling a lack of energy, she does not wish to be involved in further activity or give in to demands. she is feeling powerless causing her stress, agitation, and irritation, all which she tries to escape by refusing to participate altogether. she tries to escape into a fantasy world where things go her way and her desires are easier to reach." (haha, pretty much in a way)

Your Actual Problem #2

"Is disappointed and let down, feels there is no point in making new goals as they will leave her feeling the same way. Looking for friendly, pleasant relationships with others, who will further develop her intellect. she tries to escape into a fantasy world where things go her way and her desires are easier to reach."
(I am always creating new goals)

Thoughts? If you took this test does it reflect who you are and how you feel? I stumbledupon this and found it interesting and thought I'd enjoy my findings..

Cheers :)

Friday, August 19, 2011

Now What?

Ugggh.. I don't know how much time has elapsed but I finished four seasons of Chuck in a short amount of time. And now I have to wait for October for the fifth and final season.. TOO LONG!!

In the meantime...? I do have this weeks shows to catch up on. And at least I have good long shifts for then next week and a bit.. but still.. Oh well, at least September is approaching quickly.

Man it's bad when my only worries are about what to watch next... :s
Maybe I should try and get through one of those books I have yet to get even halfway thru.. I just want some intellectual stimulation!!!

But it has started to cool down quite a bit, summer is coming to a close already so maybe I'll go one some evening runs.. Or soccer in the field with roomie! I keep forgetting!!

Monday, August 15, 2011

TV Timeout

Augh I'm tired of TV but otherwise I have nothing else to do. And it helps me keep my mind off things that I have no control over.

Not that I don't have control over this, but I started thinking about my future. I was looking at all the classes that I'll be taking or could be taking for kinesiology. It clued in how tough it's going to be once I get to my fourth year (of the program), what with practicum and all (which will actually be really cool though). I can't help but worry that I won't be able to do it. Which is slightly ridiculous because of course I'll be learning things along the way that will prepare with the knowledge to complete these classes. And I know that I shouldn't be worry about what will happen in about 2 years time, because hey, that's 24 months and a person can change in just a sixth of that time. But it's also scary to look past schooling and see what you might be doing after.

There is a bright side to this though. Looking at some of these classes I realized just how well the programs are designed to prepare you for whichever career path you may take. I found that there's a class for ergonomics (which I've looked a bit into) and there's also a note on my degree requirements paper that says to take a certain class if you happen to be interested in biomechanics or motor control-which I very may well might be.

So it's not all doom and gloom in store for 2013-2014 :)
And once again I know I'm being presumptuous and dramatic when I say that, but right now that's how I feel. Just with everything that has happened to me this summer it just seems like that would be my path.

But I gotta keep it positive and look at what I have coming this fall. Now I just wish my advisor had gotten back to me today about the note in beartracks saying contact the faculty for certain restricted classes.. I hope to have at LEAST 4 classes/semester!!!!!! Tomorrow I have the chance to get into 2 more classes, but this time for winter semester.

Half a month to go!!!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Is It Over Yet?

Even though I know I'm going back to school I still have negative emotions. I guess it's just that I still kind of feel the same way I did before talking to my mom and deciding to do whatever it takes to go to school this fall. I so deeply want to be in all those kines classes! The good news is that I out of the 10 classes for the year, I am already in 1, and only 1 other is full at the moment. I have a chance at getting into 2 of them on Monday, and the rest I'm not too sure. I should have looked into this that first day, but I think I have to contact the faculty to let me in. So I emailed my advisor what's up with that. I assume hope that she asks which classes, I give her the list and she manually puts me in or something like that. I just hope that the 15th doesn't mark the day when everyone else has the same idea and tried to get into those classes.. All it said was don't contact the faculty before the 8th.. Man I am just kicking myself in the butt for not having payed any attention to this earlier. So I really have no place to complain if it doesn't fall together. So my fingers are crossed, and the logic works out in my mind that I should be back to a full course load for 2011/12..

A little side note: I love how because the faculty is pretty small that it's really easy to organize your schedule. So far for fall I have it set up that 4 days of the week I am done at 2. How awesome is that? That means more days open for work, soccer AND bowling practice! (And studying I guess.. :p)

I will be SO happy if everything finally just works out!!

Ps: Today was definitely a lazy day, I have barely moved from my living room. It would have been nice to go out on such a beautiful day but my legs (knees) are SO sore from working and then walking around so much yesterday.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

A Social Situation

You all know how I am with people I really don't know. I'm friendly enough but I really can't hold up a conversation. Some days that's the same with my friends, I can just not be in a talkative mood. So you would think a night like tonight may make me anxious.

Surprisingly enough, that was not the case! I was thinking about it a bit, but I wasn't too worried since I get along quite well with my fellow coworkers. If you're wondering, this occasion was the Keg dinner for the 4 drink specialists at my work, we got $200 to spend since we hit our sales target for the month of July.

So for my $50 I got a prime rib dinner, 2 Keg sized drinks, a regular caesar and a tequila shots. The "older" lady (she's about 40, about twice the age of us other 3) bought the tequila. And it was the good stuff! Didn't need the lime at all!

While waiting for our table we were just chatting in the bar (that was a tad uncomfortable, shifty eyes (plus there was a soccer game on right in front of me-I couldn't help myself)) and then while we waited for our food we played Dirty Minds. If you don't know what it is, you definitely need to play it! Someone reads 3 clues and you have to guess what it is. But these clues make you think it's something dirty. The restaurant manager came over and saw and he even played a round with us, it quite funny.

My manager got a tad tipsy and she kept saying that we'll never think the same of her again. Slightly true, I'll just always remember that she's a light weight, haha.

All in all a great, free night!! I then walked home in the rain and finally got to see my roomie after almost 3 months!

I'll probably be in bed shortly, but it's the best Saturday night I've had in a while! Tomorrow is soccer, providing it doesn't rain!! It's shaping up to be a great weekend!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Fuck I Love Chuck!!

I love this show soooo much!!! Zachary Levi is just hilarious as Chuck and I just love him and Sarah! I wasn't feeling to great today, but once I popped in a disc, the laughs came swiftly and got me in a good mood again :D

They are entering their 5th and final season this fall though..  >:( What will I do without them? And I really must get my hands on seasons 3&4 :p

Apparently this show has twice come upon the risk of being cancelled but the fans saved the series. Thank goodness. If I had to chose between Friends, (and you know how much I love that show, which never should have come to an end) it would be really, really tough!!

And it's unfortunate that NBC only ordered 15 or so episodes.. but as long as they tie it up nicely I'll be happy.

I'm really looking forward to Saturday. I'll actually be busy all day and Amber gets here!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Any Day Now

I'm pretty sure I'll be hearing from the University any day now. I checked beartracks and it says my application is completed... And my class schedule is still there. Do I take this as a good thing (that I didn't get booted out of any classes)? Or is there still processing to do? I'm definitely going to wait for the official word before I get excited. But in the meantime I realized that my parents are going out of town soon so I should get on filling out my student loan application. Obviously I won't be submitting it until I hear from the U of A, but if it drags out too long I'll have to submit it anyways..? It takes 4-6 weeks to process if I remember correctly.

I just filled it out, I'm glad it's not a tough process. Now to wait - still.

Monday, August 1, 2011

More Cleaning

I don't remember being so bored this summer!! Maybe it's because I haven't had a two day weekend in a while, but none the less I'm not a fan. Let's see what I've been up to the last little while..

1) Staying current with all my summer programming

  • Rookie Blue
  • SYTYCD (I started at top 10 though)
  • Hot in Cleveland
  • Pretty Little Liars
  • Futurama
  • Flashpoint
  • The Glee Project
2) Watching new movies and movies I had yet to see
  • Dreamgirls
  • Source Code
  • Limitless
  • Chicago (I only got 20 mins in though)
3) Rewatching movies 
  • Killers
  • Easy A
  • Hairspray
4) Caught up in TV series
  • Modern Family
  • Community (This was a few weeks ago though)
........TOO MUCH
At least yesterday I went for a run and cleaned a bit. I guess I need to keep that going today, I just can't stand just sitting around all day! There are things that I could go do, but it's just that those things aren't exceptionally important so I don't have the boost to go do it. Plus I'm stuck walking everywhere now, and my legs are sore from running yesterday now :p sad excuse, I know. 

Well 5 days until Amber finally gets home, HURRAYYYYYY, which is super close so that's good :D

Ok time to make lunch then get cleaning

Ps. Anyone having problems with safari not finding the Facebook server? It's driving me INSANE. I'm thinking it may just be my computer..