Friday, May 27, 2011

Working Girl

I'm now 2 shifts deep into my job at McDonald's. I'm still reserving judgement on wether I like it or not. I love cashier; I always have - I'm really good at it. Running.. (aka assembling orders..) now that's a different beast that I hope I can either master quickly or avoid it completely-fat chance I'm thinking ;) At least I still impress my superiors haha. That'll never change. And I'm definitely enjoying the discount: 50%!! 6 nuggets and a pop for 2.50? Yes please :)

Tomorrow I start my training for the census. It's all weekend, 10-5. But we get paid so it's all good. I'll be sure to bring my iPod because it's bound to be brainless, obvious stuff. And of course there are going to be those idiots who ask the stupidest questions. Oh well, at least I get paid for it. The down side is that I have to wait 3 weeks for my first cheque :( but then I get paid weekly after that.

Other than that, I've done nothing but return to the usual - watch TV. But OH! I started playing Sims Hospital on livejournal and I am absolutely addicted. Uh oh. So now I play that while watching/listening to Friends. What am I going to do when I finish it? (One season and a disc to go..) I haven't been able to run yet, I've had to get up to early for work. So I'll probs get up early tomorrow and run. Hopefully the next day as well.

Missing all my girls who are out of town!! See some of you soon enough! :)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Me, Myself and I

Today was actually really good. I felt so accomplished just 2 hours into my day (though it started at 1 haha). I walked to mc dicks to hand in my availability, then went home and decided to go for a bike ride. It was so incredibly nice out. I mostly just wanted to get some sun on the bike ride so I put on some sunscreen (first of the season!) and headed out.

I headed west towards Saskatchewan Drive and ended up finding a nice, paved bike path that follows the river and ends of following Fox Drive. At one part, there's the river on on side, and the other is the equestrian facility. It was a really nice ride with the sun beating down on me.

 Look what I found!

Then I headed home to relax and watched an episode of Friends and looked up some ideas for supper. I wanted something with asparagus so I found a pasta recipe that takes it. It was SO good. 

The sauce is made of chicken bouillon, flour, butter, milk, asparagus, mushrooms, chicken and swiss and parmesan cheese. Very cheesy. So probably not too good on the fat and calorie measurements but oh well! Then for the stalks of asparagus I put them in the oven with some butter, garlic and parmesan cheese. DELICIOUS! I believe I'll be doing that again tomorrow as I still have some stalks left, but I'll cook them less this time around. For dessert is a cinnamon apple muffin that I made last night. I've found some really great recipes lately and am keeping ALL of them! These muffins are so darn delicious as well. I've eaten 4 already... good thing I've been active!! 

On the stove for tomorrow (not cooking wise..)..

I leave for Montreal Friday so I've got to clean up, do laundry and pack. I'll have a fairly busy day again tomorrow as long as I do all of that, plus I have soccer in the evening! I'm SO glad tomorrow in Thursday. I'm getting really pumped for Montreal, and I'm glad that I've finally gotten rid of all my worries about anything. 

Hope your summers are going well!! 

Ps. Check out out my blog that I'll be using while in Montreal!!

Friday, May 13, 2011

The Tofu Experience

So being the only one in the house right now, I kind of have to use up whatever food is in the fridge; I don't like throwing things away. So what happened to be in the fridge a few days ago? Tofu. I have never cooked tofu before, I wasn't even sure if I liked it. But I decided hey why not, let's try something healthy and new. So I looked up a recipe online and it ended up like this:

Tofu fried in oil and fresh pressed garlic, thrown together with penne pasta, broccoli and tomato sauce. Nice and simple. The tofu was pretty good too, but I can only eat so much at a time. It was pretty filling too, I still have leftovers so that's going to be for supper again tonight. Now I still have leftover tofu, there was too much to put in the pasta-what to do with it? Also, there's some zucchini, cucumber, and I think a few other veggies still in the fridge. What to do with them? There's mushrooms as well but I'm going to use them for wild rice. I think it's almost time to go grocery shopping..

So yes, I have been quite on a health kick recently (minus eating the baked goods that were left here, barely untouched by the other two). Everyday I've at least been biking, so I've been pretty active. I've had to, to counterbalance all the sitting around on the couch watching TV ;)
Yesterday was soccer and my legs (well whole body really) are so sore today so I decided to take the day off to relax. I probably should go out at one point to stretch my legs, maybe walk to sobeys.. it's starting to turn into a nice day I guess. Gotta run tomorrow!! 

Man I wish I had my bowling balls, I could be bowling so much! I won't get them back until probably Tuesday now, since I have Mc Dicks orientation when I was supposed to pick up the balls. Dern it! Well, only a week until Montreal now! Woo!

Screw The Government

So this story begins in January. Yes JANUARY. Me and Victoria went to the job fair at school and found out about the census. The position is for an enumerator, you go door to door and make sure people have filled out their forms. We were told we'd start end of April/early May. So I applied maybe half way through February, they were hiring until about March.

The next step is to take the test. Victoria heard back sometime in early March and took the test. I didn't hear back until I had to call them just before April to see what was going on. That day they were able to book my test for 5 days later. Ok. So I took the test and passed. Then it was another waiting game of waiting for an interview. Surprisingly I heard very quickly from them, even before Victoria who had the process started like a month before me.

I had the interview, it went well and was again told to wait for a call. So by the projected start date, I was still waiting for a call saying I got the job, NOT actually working. Nearly 2 weeks ago, I got a call making sure I was still available. I asked when it would be starting and she said in 2 weeks. So far, no call. But in the meantime Victoria got a call about orientation/training and to go fill out some forms. I tagged along just to find out when I would be getting my call.

That was a gong show. But to make a long story short, I wasn't technically hired, there's a "certain terminology" that is used when hiring. What bs. So the woman whom I was speaking to, my crew leader, told me that I would not be working until JUNE 1. Seriously?! I legit nearly started to cry. I was so pissed. What on EARTH is the difference between hiring me and asking me if I'm still available and saying NOTHING else?

Had I known this was going to happen, I never would have applied for this and I would have gotten a real full time job, without all these headaches. The people the government has in charge of all this are obviously not competent. It's a full time commitment, in charge of hundreds of people and you get people who don't already have full time jobs-most likely for a reason... And why didn't the government train these people BEFORE hiring more people that have to be trained as well.

Gah such a headache, and combined with my money problems does NOT make me happy. At least I have money now from my mom, which makes it not SO bad. But the whole situation just makes me mad. At least I got a second job now. McDonald's.. not too sure what to think of it. Hopefully I'll enjoy it. But I can't start until I get back from Montreal. So no pay cheques until into June :(


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

In The Money, Or Lack There Of

Well mom finally came through. I sent her a somewhat frantic email about my money problems and she's going to help me out; using her line of credit and I have to pay her back, but I have absolutely no problem with that. I'll have the money anyways, it's just a matter of time. I actually nearly cried when I was writing the email, and you know I don't cry, it really hit me on my way home from bowling. This is definitely a weight off my chest.

But then she goes and calls me irresponsible. Yeah maybe but she doesn't have to slam that in my face. She really doesn't know who I am anymore, I am a grown up and I actually realize the repercussions of my actions, unlike her other daughter. But I played it nice, didn't blow up because she really is doing a lot to help me out. But I really don't appreciate it when she talks to me like that. I really hate where our relationship has gone, my family is just too f'd up now.


Monday, May 9, 2011


It seems as if the blogging world has a hit a wall as of late, so I want to make up that. Also, as I still do not have a job I have nothing better to do than to blog. Since I've really been doing nothing lately, there's not too much to comment on. So here's some more random blurbs going through my head.. enjoy!

  • I know way too many teenage moms. I have a strong opinion about this but this is one of those topics that can get pretty touchy. Let's just say I would NOT ever want to be them.. Why is everything happening at such a young age now?!?
  • My landlords sound like crazy partiers. I think they were drunk this evening, because I don't know what on earth they could have been watching/listening that could make them laugh so hard and make so much noise as in to make me feel like I am in the same room as them.
  • I'm trying really hard not to think about who I am, I'm trying to think about my positives-which make me the person I am. Gotta be happy with yourself :)
  • Challenge for the month of May: Go the whole month without buying groceries (besides milk). This could prove to be difficult, but at least I have rice, chicken and KD!
  • Being poor sucks. I am so going to be rich one day. Legit because I won't be spending anymore money than necessary so I'll earn a whole bunch of interest of money sitting in the bank (once I pay off all my student loans.. so who knows when, but I know it's coming!)
  • Thank goodness Victoria is still in town and that I finally got to facetime with Gabi!
  • I am going to be so fit by the time I actually start working. I run every other morning and I bike everywhere because I can't afford a bus pass :)
If you have any other good ideas for blogging that you don't want to use/won't get around to doing, let me know! It's not like I don't have the time! :)

Hope everyone's summers are going well! I only wish I had a deck so I could be lazy out in the sun instead of in a cold, dark basement.. let's get started soccer!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Perils of Growing Up

I think he may have gotten the hint. From my reactions and also from a talk with his friend. I feel really bad that he feels so bad and confused over this, but I can't help what I feel, just like he can't help but feel what he feels. What's wrong with friends? Why is he so intent on finding more than that, and if he doesn't find it, why is it the end of the world? I wish I was a confrontational person, I would have put an end to this a month ago when I had an inkling about it, and his feelings would not have grown so strong. I really hope I didn't lead him on, I feel like I did some things I shouldn't have, possibly leading him on at one point but then also trying to show him I wasn't interested, which made me feel bad because I felt very rude, which is so not me. This stuff is never easy I guess. It's a learning point for the both of us I think.

Whatever happens I really do hope we can continue to be friends, he's super nice and we have common interests and his friends are pretty cool too. I had fun with them this weekend, but it would have been more fun if I wasn't all concerned about trying to subtly send a message to him.

Now the question, does this really belong on here? It really is a bit too personal, but by the same token I kind of hope that he might see this, understand, not feel too bad and we avoid an awkward conversation. Though I know that's not the way to go with this. I'm just so non confrontational it's not even funny.

Either way, this is a lesson learnt and also an apology for probably not handling it properly, but both sides are poorly trained at this I'm thinking. We just have to remember to get up in the morning and smile because we have people that will always be there for us, no matter what.

PS. Roomies, I miss you! I'm DESPERATE to start working!!!

Thursday, May 5, 2011


Man I haven't felt this exhausted-physically-in a long time! I biked about 25+ km today (after having ran this morning for 20 mins). Only about 5 was for when I went out to College Plaza and Whyte Ave to apply for jobs today. Went to about 6 places and I also just applied for Timmies online.. I know they're super flexible when it comes to part time workers and that's what I need so. I really hope I hear from someone tomorrow for an interview. I need to start work asap so I can have money for next months rent!!

The other 20 km were from going to and from bowling. To put this in perspective, I had to go from 76th ave to 34th ave, that's 42 blocks, holy crow. And about 8 streets. Geeze. It only took me 25 mins each way though:) Then bowled for about 2 hours. I am sooo tired! Now to lay down and watch some Glee I think :)

I'm hungry too! But it's too soon for supper. Wah! haha

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Great Move In

Holy moly what a past few days this has been! Move in day (Thursday) in it's self was exhausting and then unpacking for the next few days was equally exhausting. That's all I can say to describe the past couple of days. Then throw in the conundrum of internet... I don't even want to talk about it. Let's just say I had multiple conversations with them because their instal guy never came, then Amber spoke with them multiple times as I could not "release my inner bitch". We finally decided to go with Shaw so they came this morning and.. ta da! I have internet. Nearly a week later. Oh well, as long as we have it now. It was a pain to go to main campus for it, but at least we only live like a 15 minute walk away. Super close!

What else to talk about? I always think of perfect blog topic while I'm laying in bed but then I never remember when it comes to writing them.

Well I'm also on a hunt for a second job, but I'm not too worried right now. I did the math and as long as I get to work 40 hrs/week when census starts I'll be okay for rent, and I can always get a cash advance on my mastercard.. I think. I know I'm going to get a whole crap load of interest on it, but I will eventually be working 2 jobs, with census paying very well, so I'm not too worried about it. Once I start working and saving up money I'll be able to pay off my bill and get in the green again. I suppose this is something that everyone has to deal with in their life, but I'm not too thrilled that I have to experience it so young. Oh well. And the only reason why it's been difficult for me to start finding a job is that I'm not 100% sure on what my hours will be with the census. I'm pretty sure it'll be evenings and weekends, so I need to find something for mornings.. Do I see going back to Timmies in my future? Possibly but I hope not. I'm keeping my eye on kijiji for now, to find morning jobs. I did apply to one, however. I asked for more details so I'm waiting to hear back from them. I also went to the bowling alley but they're only hiring evenings and weekends. Too bad. But Aicha said she'd call me if she got any openings (Hurray for knowing people in management).

So the plan for the next few days..? I should really try and contact my crew leader for census, see if she can give me more information. I had called and left a message a few days ago but she has yet to get back to me.. I need to go buy bus passes, but man are they ever expensive, I think I'll stick to biking everywhere for now actually. So I'll go around and see if anywhere nearby is hiring. I kind of want a cool part time job though. I know that I won't be able to be picky though, since I need a somewhat flexible job to go along with the census.

Other than that, I'm going to make some banana bread and Meagan will be "supervising" haha. Her words. Then this evening I'm definitely planning on catching up on TV!

Ps. I think pictures may be coming of my new place.. :)
Pps. Here's a picture someone posted on facebook after the royal wedding. So funny.