Monday, February 14, 2011

Will You Be My Valentine?

I agree with most people that February 14th should not be the only day for a celebration of love, but it is a good excuse to go beyond expectations to show your partner how much you care. I have never been particularly bitter about this "holiday", it's not like I've ever had it shoved in my face that I'm single and many others are. Yeah in junior high and high school candy grams are sent out, but friends buy them for other friends as well. This day can be a celebration of all relationships I think, not just the more physical kind.

I hate hearing single people bitch about Valentine's day. If you're single, either you've chosen to be or deep down you've chosen to be. If you REALLY want to be with someone, I believe you can, you just have to make it happen. I know I'm always wishing I had a boyfriend, but obviously I don't want it THAT bad or else I would be talking to guys when I'm out instead of ignoring them :p

So that being said, I think Valentine's day has become something for EVERYONE. Every single person on earth can have some sort of involvement with this day. The couples can shower each other with gifts, go for dinner and of course finish off the night in style. Single people can and usually will get together with other single friends and watch horror movies to try and counteract on all the love on display. Even those unlucky enough to have neither friend nor significant other (I somewhat refuse to believe that this is possible, but you never know) can bitch about being alone and how the holiday is just en excuse for Hallmark to make money and blah blah blah. I can understand people being angry about it, say if they've just broken up with someone or have had bad experiences with love interests, etc, but chill out! There are people in the world who are in love and want to share their love with other people as well.

So really I guess this more or less just turned into a rant about Valentine's day and I don't think I made any particular point. But this is not an essay (sorry, I've got one due in a few days haha) and this is my opinion about the holiday. Good for the people who celebrate it, you deserve it. Single people should just shut their mouths and blog or journal about their bitterness. This is coming from a single gal so other single people can't say I don't understand. Because I do.

That's just my two cents.

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