Tuesday, February 8, 2011


I think I just wrote my hardest test so far of my university career. I obviously didn't study enough. And the same problem with my anatomy final last semester, I didn't study the specific enough. This was my PEDS 203 exam. It was T/F, and add corrections if F, xchoice, fill in the blanks, matching and short answer. What was most difficult was matching the people with their contributions to motor learning/behaviors/etc. Since when are the people important?!?! Mostly though, I think I'm just mad at myself for not studying enough. But it's been a really weird and tough past week.. plus we had only had like 4 classes worth of material, so I really didn't expect such a huge test! Fingers crossed that I am above class average!

This was supposed to be my GPA booster. Now that might be in jeopardy so now I have to get on biochem, hammer through it ALL day, from now until at least 10, breaks for eating ONLY! (This is soo not gonna happen, but I have to try!!!!!!)

F my life some days..

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