Sunday, February 13, 2011

35 Bobby Pins Later..

Success! ARFSJ had their annual Bal d'Hiver (Winter Formal) last night, and it was a huge hit! We even had a wait list at one point for people to get in!

The day first started out horribly, we got to the Grand Salon and it was a disaster! The group from the night before did not clean up after themselves, we ended up cleaning for an hour (Well not me, I had bowling-what luck haha). Then we started decorating. There are four pillars in the center of the room, so we wound white and blue xmas lights around them. We framed the 3 doorways with streamers and made a sort of balloon arch for the main entrance. We cut out blue and white snowflakes and taped them to the walls. Fairly simple, and it looked so good! Especially the lights when we turned off the big lights.

That decorating time was awesome. Those are the times that I love being on council. We always have fun working together decorating, doing arts and crafts. That's what happened in August, getting reading for move in, it brought us all together. We had lots of laughs setting up for this party and then chowed down some pizza then went our separate ways until reconvening just before the dance to further set up.

Then Lisa, Victoria and I decided to go get our hair done at the mall-we also had drinks and other things to buy there. Our hair looked so good! I LOVED mine. Super curly and set to the left with a sort of pouffe with my bangs. Almost 80's style.
I got so many compliments that I don't care that it was nearly $80 just for that. Plus it's only once a year really that I get to dress up, so why not go all the way for an actual formal dance? Washing my hair this morning was a bit tough, there was SO much hair spray in it! It was still super curly after sleeping on it.

This night was a lot of fun actually; usually I need a few drinks in me to go dance and have fun, but I didn't need to at all! There was definitely a lot of tears and drama last night-no surprise, it IS fac. I now understand why so many people are done with it and want to get away from it. We also had a few people needing washrooms but couldn't quite make it there in time.. ya... gross. Props to Lisa for cleaning it up.

Unfortunately for me, I was done by 12:30, I just wanted to go to bed, so I was in a really bad mood. We shut if down at 1:30 and cleaned until just after 2, not too bad. Then I took out all 35 bobby pins, took almost 20 minutes! I finally fell asleep around 3, and got up at 11. A bad night's sleep. But you know what? It was worth it, it really was. I love seeing all the pictures on facebook from it, and all the statuses thanking us for it. It was by far way more successful than last years, and everyone had fun.


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