Wednesday, February 23, 2011


JAM took another step into the adult world today! We signed our lease for the basement suite!! We then proceeded to claim bedrooms and started planning out our living room :p I'm so excited for it to be April 28th already, move in and start organizing the place! I can't let myself think too much about it though, it will drive me crazy thinking about it but not being able to do anything with it. Like I told the girls, I'll probably start dreaming about decorating.. but hopefully not yet.

Speaking about dreams.. I had a super scary one last night (thank you alcohol). I dreamt I was brushing my teeth, and they all really hurt. Then all of a sudden all the bottom ones fell out into the sink. Super creepy. I think that means I should start flossing again. And I was going to today, but I forgot.. :p

Tomorrow I need to start doing school work. If I don't, it'll never get done. There's not much, it's just english, but it would be nice to go over some biochem and PEDS 203. Gotta be proactive for the next round of mid terms in March.

I'm super stoked for March by the way. I'm going down on the 5th for a tourny on the 6th. If I win, I go to Regina (lol) for Nationals. Fingers crossed, it's only 5 games so that may be tough. Next, I'll be going down hopefully on the 18th for another tourny (on the 20th). For this one Nationals is in Vancouver. Also, soccer marathon is on the 12th. That's 12 hours of soccer. Oh ya! It's going to be a good month. Obviously I REALLY hope I can win at least 1 of the tournaments, but even if I don't, it'll still be a great time. And I'll be back in Calgary so I can chill at home and maybe see some people.

So far, reading week has been awesome. The awesome drunk-capades have obviously helped :p

Now for a movie.. either Mamma Mia or an Austin Powers I'm thinking..

Monday, February 14, 2011

Will You Be My Valentine?

I agree with most people that February 14th should not be the only day for a celebration of love, but it is a good excuse to go beyond expectations to show your partner how much you care. I have never been particularly bitter about this "holiday", it's not like I've ever had it shoved in my face that I'm single and many others are. Yeah in junior high and high school candy grams are sent out, but friends buy them for other friends as well. This day can be a celebration of all relationships I think, not just the more physical kind.

I hate hearing single people bitch about Valentine's day. If you're single, either you've chosen to be or deep down you've chosen to be. If you REALLY want to be with someone, I believe you can, you just have to make it happen. I know I'm always wishing I had a boyfriend, but obviously I don't want it THAT bad or else I would be talking to guys when I'm out instead of ignoring them :p

So that being said, I think Valentine's day has become something for EVERYONE. Every single person on earth can have some sort of involvement with this day. The couples can shower each other with gifts, go for dinner and of course finish off the night in style. Single people can and usually will get together with other single friends and watch horror movies to try and counteract on all the love on display. Even those unlucky enough to have neither friend nor significant other (I somewhat refuse to believe that this is possible, but you never know) can bitch about being alone and how the holiday is just en excuse for Hallmark to make money and blah blah blah. I can understand people being angry about it, say if they've just broken up with someone or have had bad experiences with love interests, etc, but chill out! There are people in the world who are in love and want to share their love with other people as well.

So really I guess this more or less just turned into a rant about Valentine's day and I don't think I made any particular point. But this is not an essay (sorry, I've got one due in a few days haha) and this is my opinion about the holiday. Good for the people who celebrate it, you deserve it. Single people should just shut their mouths and blog or journal about their bitterness. This is coming from a single gal so other single people can't say I don't understand. Because I do.

That's just my two cents.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

35 Bobby Pins Later..

Success! ARFSJ had their annual Bal d'Hiver (Winter Formal) last night, and it was a huge hit! We even had a wait list at one point for people to get in!

The day first started out horribly, we got to the Grand Salon and it was a disaster! The group from the night before did not clean up after themselves, we ended up cleaning for an hour (Well not me, I had bowling-what luck haha). Then we started decorating. There are four pillars in the center of the room, so we wound white and blue xmas lights around them. We framed the 3 doorways with streamers and made a sort of balloon arch for the main entrance. We cut out blue and white snowflakes and taped them to the walls. Fairly simple, and it looked so good! Especially the lights when we turned off the big lights.

That decorating time was awesome. Those are the times that I love being on council. We always have fun working together decorating, doing arts and crafts. That's what happened in August, getting reading for move in, it brought us all together. We had lots of laughs setting up for this party and then chowed down some pizza then went our separate ways until reconvening just before the dance to further set up.

Then Lisa, Victoria and I decided to go get our hair done at the mall-we also had drinks and other things to buy there. Our hair looked so good! I LOVED mine. Super curly and set to the left with a sort of pouffe with my bangs. Almost 80's style.
I got so many compliments that I don't care that it was nearly $80 just for that. Plus it's only once a year really that I get to dress up, so why not go all the way for an actual formal dance? Washing my hair this morning was a bit tough, there was SO much hair spray in it! It was still super curly after sleeping on it.

This night was a lot of fun actually; usually I need a few drinks in me to go dance and have fun, but I didn't need to at all! There was definitely a lot of tears and drama last night-no surprise, it IS fac. I now understand why so many people are done with it and want to get away from it. We also had a few people needing washrooms but couldn't quite make it there in time.. ya... gross. Props to Lisa for cleaning it up.

Unfortunately for me, I was done by 12:30, I just wanted to go to bed, so I was in a really bad mood. We shut if down at 1:30 and cleaned until just after 2, not too bad. Then I took out all 35 bobby pins, took almost 20 minutes! I finally fell asleep around 3, and got up at 11. A bad night's sleep. But you know what? It was worth it, it really was. I love seeing all the pictures on facebook from it, and all the statuses thanking us for it. It was by far way more successful than last years, and everyone had fun.


Friday, February 11, 2011

House Hunting!

So Amber, Meagan and I went to see this basement suite this morning. IT IS AMAZING! To say the least. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen with appliances (incl. dishwasher!), heated floor.. BRAND NEW. It would be about $500/month each, including utilities. We would each have to pay a bit more for internet, but like $7! SUCH a find. It's a 5 minute walk to the LRT, which is just 2 stops away from the university!! We can already see ourselves living there! But I have to stop thinking about it! I want to live there SO bad, but of course other people are interested, they have people seeing it until Wednesday. I hope that they make a decision asap after that. 

The landlords are quite young, maybe late 20's, early 30's. The wife is a physician and the husband is a pHD student at the U of A for psychology! They seem extremely nice, and seem like great landlords. They want from asap-aug then aug-aug, but we want may-aug of next year and they said that could work, they want tenants who are good for the home, they don't care that much about the money for over that short amount of time. 

I don't want to think at anything regarding housing, I don't want to set myself up to be heartbroken. But I can't help but look at furniture on kijiji and think about what it's going to be like living there.. I am SO ready to get out of rez! Especially since seeing this place and thinking about how awesome it'll be living with my 2 very good friends!

Here are a few pics of the place.

View of entrance (left) and hallway to bedrooms (right)

Obviously the pictures don't do it justice AT ALL, but I am in love with the place. 

Fingers crossed for me please!!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A Sizeable Amount of Relief

I feel so much better now! I got those 1200+ words done! It's 12:30 Wednesday morning, but I don't care, IT'S DONE!! This is only the draft so of course there's still more work to be done one it, but I have an entire week to do it. And I actually feel like I wrote a good essay. I'm hoping I can get a lot of good peer feedback tomorrow. I'm also going to get my friend Lisa to look over it, she did really well in Anglais 111 last year.

Now the rest of tomorrow can be used to focus on my biochem exam that is tomorrow night (technically tonight I guess). Yes at night. It makes me a bit sad, but at least that's more time to study! I think I'm adequately prepared, so obviously I'm all of tomorrow on it that I can. I'm not too worried. I am kind of worried though about those stupid keeners who ask too many questions that don't pertain to what we actually need to know. You know those people are smart, and there's quite a few of them, so the curve will go up.. my fingers are crossed that they focused on the stupid detailed things and forget the simpler things :p

I want to watch TV SO much right now, in particular Glee. But I know I should go to bed. I've been a walking zombie the past 2 days. I almost fell asleep during our council meeting at 9-twice! So either hit the sack and watch in the morning, or watch HIMYM since it's only about 20 minutes and sleep in tomorrow.. hmm.. OR go to bed AND sleep in.. I feel like I should reward myself with Tv.. see how undecided I am? lol

HIMYM it is! :p


I think I just wrote my hardest test so far of my university career. I obviously didn't study enough. And the same problem with my anatomy final last semester, I didn't study the specific enough. This was my PEDS 203 exam. It was T/F, and add corrections if F, xchoice, fill in the blanks, matching and short answer. What was most difficult was matching the people with their contributions to motor learning/behaviors/etc. Since when are the people important?!?! Mostly though, I think I'm just mad at myself for not studying enough. But it's been a really weird and tough past week.. plus we had only had like 4 classes worth of material, so I really didn't expect such a huge test! Fingers crossed that I am above class average!

This was supposed to be my GPA booster. Now that might be in jeopardy so now I have to get on biochem, hammer through it ALL day, from now until at least 10, breaks for eating ONLY! (This is soo not gonna happen, but I have to try!!!!!!)

F my life some days..

Monday, February 7, 2011

English adds just so much useless stress. If I didn't have to deal with it and had more classes, I'd be happy.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Ever get that feeling that you NEED to go to bed, know it would be in your best interest to go to bed, but you just can't bring yourself to do it? I know there must be a few out there who get that. I have experienced that a few times last semester, and tonight it begins again. I'm going to write tonight's up to being stressed about school. I have a research essay due Wednesday for English that is MAJORLY stressing me, and 2 midterm exams, one tuesday, one wednesday.

I really hate to complain about this though. Because of course I realize that there are people with 5 courses, so 5+ midterms, and also the same or more extra curricular activities going on. But I also think things/life are starting to culminate on me.

I feel like I'm a balloon, being filled up with air. The air flow won't stop, and there's no other way for it to escape. Until, BANG, it explodes and there's nothing left. I feel like this is a fairly sufficient analogy. I bottle everything up inside, mainly feelings-but it seems like that's the only thing to have bottled up. I find I just can't open myself up to anyone. At times I want to, but many times I really just don't. I think this is partly why I like blogging. I can express myself a bit more freely. But then it comes down to more serious things, that I'm not sure I want people to know-how I'm feeling.

I think tonight is the first time I have thought like this and I've decided I want to start journaling. Or get a journal so that when I have these feelings (if they come again) that I can write them down.

We did an exercise in English class, we wrote down our distractions, what was preventing us from writing. Then scrolled down until we couldn't see that list, we put it away, and then you find yourself able to write. I think this is the same concept.

I think today was just a very bad day all around, and because of that, I consumed WAY too many calories while watching some movies. Instead of this, I should have been doing homework or studying. And now I'm exhausted and don't want to sleep. For what ever reason.

All this I'm saying, just because there is something there that needs to be said, but I can't come about it. What I can say though, is that most times nowadays I feel sort of messed up. And I feel like I'm that balloon about to pop.

I also think I need a good cry. I can't remember the last time I cried.