Monday, September 26, 2011

Two Weeks Notice

I had every intention to quit today. I gave her my letter. But somehow she got me to stay.. without even giving me a raise... :(

The proposition: Work one day a week so I can keep my discount and take all of October off to figure things out. She also guilted me because she looked so upset and said that they already had me in the system for crew trainer training and had me planned to become a swing manager for the summer (which will NOT be happening but more on that later). Again she brought up the fact that everyone loves how hard I work blah blah.

Ugh. I can't believe I'm still an employee there. I've already applied to work with Athletics Event Staff at the u. But at least I have the month off and can finally give availability for campus rec and then I can figure everything out. It's still a bit difficult because I still haven't heard anything about soccer. Blah. But at least she knows that I'm uncertain about everything and that the possibility is always there that I might quit.

I really should have just talked to her before handing her that letter. I should have planned it out too, to get her to give me a raise.. But I'm definitely not the kind of person to take the bull by the horn and say, give me a raise or I'm gone..

I'm not happy with everything right now. There's just so much to balance and I already need a break.

On the note of becoming a swing manager.. There's always the possibility that I change my mind once I actually think about it, but the real kicker is that that would be for the summer. Hell no am I staying during the summer. I told her that the reason I was contemplating quitting was because I needed to think of the future and get job experience that is relative to that. So obviously I need a full time, legit job next summer that will be beneficial for the direction of my career. Anyways, let's just say next time I try and quit I have to be more firm, or at least get more out of it ($$$).

Ugh. So now onto studying all day, hurrah.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Non Stop

I really want to post, but not just do a summary of what my busy week has been like-that's boring. So all you need to know is that I worked a lot, played a lot of soccer and didn't get enough school work done because of it. So now here I am, on a Friday night, my muscles tight and sore and just all around I'm exhausted and have still to do school work. So unfortunately, that's what I'll be doing as soon as this gets posted. I have a midterm in 6 days and then a primer quiz the day after. It's time to get serious again about school-it's been tough with work.

I'm already starting bad habits, and I've got to stop them asap! Hence the studying on a Friday night; it's got to get done sometime!

A few random tidbits for you today:

  • I finally got my license renewed, 2 months after expiry. Got a lovely picture taken of someone who should be in jail, aka moi, non-smiling. And there goes 85 bucks as well.
  • In true Alberta fashion, the weather is being weird. Freezing cold one morning, and muggy warm the next few days. Hello fall & 22 degree overcast day!
  • It's really difficult to find women's indoor soccer shoes..!
  • I'm kind of looking forward to going home for thanksgiving
  • Flames game tomorrow, hell yes! Followed by a a housewarming party!
  • I need to get re-organized
  • So. Much. TV to watch this year...
Well enough delaying, time to start studying! Have a great weekend!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

This Year's To Do List

I'm so much more productive if I have a list of things I need to do. So behold a list of things to do and goals for the school year. Let's hope come April, most of these items are checked off. A few things may get added along the way as well.

-Experience RATT (for all you non U of A students, that's our on-campus bar, Room At The Top): I've heard it's a good time there, a great place to go after class!
-Experience Dewey's: U of A's second bar. Though I assume it's more low key, it's more a pub/coffee bar/eatery type deal. It used to be the university's old power station as well.
-Make new friends: I've already met people whom I could run into on campus and have a little chat with but it would be cool to have people from various faculties to hang out with. I'm going to try and snag a study buddy in each class and that could expand my friends circle as well :)
-Keep in better touch with out of city friends


-Get an A-/A/A+: Gotta keep the streak rolling. Of course I would prefer multiple A's :)
-Raise GPA: I dropped 0.3 last year. Not happy about that. So I need to raise 0.3 to get into Kines, but I would much rather raise at least 0.6, I think having a 3.7 would be sweet. While I'm at it, I may as well shoot for a 4.0 :p
-No procrastinating: DO THINGS WHEN I THINK OF IT!!! Enough leaving things for later. Especially now that I have a job that I honestly never really know what kind of shifts I'll get, it is imperative that I do things when I have the time.

-Enjoy playing soccer again: Hopefully I join the right level for my skill and level of drive.
-Get in shape: Shouldn't be too hard with a soccer class, a "movement" lab for my PEDS 294 lecture/lab, fac soccer, indoor soccer and throw in a gym day maybe once a week.
-Improve my bowling average: Every year it's about improvement. I hope to sustain an average in the 190's this year. I'm totally capable of it.
-Go bowling if I get bored: Obviously will help for all around bowling
-Get to nationals/beat Kirsti Long: Last year she won both provincial tournaments and also went to the Youth PABCON in the Dominican. It's someone else's turn..
-Go to drop in soccer once in awhile: Also helps with meeting people :)

-Be happy, enjoy where I am and what I'm doing: I think this just needs a readjustment of my brain, because I think I'm still mourning my failure of getting into kines.
-Try my best all around: I could do better in every aspect of my life

This list is somewhat extensive but by all means do-able. Everything just needs to be in motion for me to see if I can balance everything. Right now that's the biggest question. I don't want to take on too much and then have to back out of something. I also have to remember to have fun and relax. I've definitely lightened up but if I'm focused on something too intently then I can get in a bad place. I do NOT want to revisit that place again..

Hope everyone had a great weekend! I've got to start studying (already) but I'm looking forward to learning some new things!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Who Am I?

I got a text this morning from a friend asking who I was and what I did with Jessica.. I had to laugh. Even just 2 years ago I would have laughed if someone had told me what I'd done in the past week, I would not have believed them one bit.

But something changed the way I thought about life, or maybe I actually started thinking about it, I started paying attention to life, not just the trivial happenings day in and day out. I started analyzing myself as a whole: who I wanted to become and where I wanted to go. Ever since then I've been on this path that I didn't really know where I was going or how or if I would get there. It looked like it was going to be a long road.

But then out of nowhere I went from being that quiet girl at a party, the one who sticks with a few friends and follows them everywhere, and the one that can't have conversations with strangers, to making out with the hottest 1st year and chatting up a bartender all night long to get free drinks.. Granted, alcohol was a major player in my ability do that, but the fact remains that I wanted to do these things consciously and made it happen.

Speaking of alcohol, after last Saturday's events I had planned to control the drinking. Unfortunately for me, and my roomies, I drank too much too fast and then had the bright idea to chat up the bartender to get free drinks. This honestly was more so an experiment to see if I could do it. Turns out I could. I don't think I ever stopped drinking last night, I don't know how many shots he gave me. Suffice it to say I got a Drunk Bitch Citation from the roomies. <3

So the next step is to do this WITHOUT ALCOHOL!!!! Firstly, I can't seem to know when to stop drinking/I just don't go slow enough to realize I've had enough. Secondly, the majority of life is spent being sober, so why practice something one way that when you need to put it to use you'll have to do it another way.

Another side to not seeing this me coming is that I've been volunteering! The last week or so I've spent ~34 hours volunteering.. It's great because now when I'm on campus I recognize people and I say Hi in passing. It's a good feeling to know that you're known.

Also that I rally want to be involved. I never wanted to be involved. At all. Just leave me with my sports and band and I was happy. Nowadays that's just not enough. I need the whole package. I've always thought of myself as well rounded, the whole package. I definitely was, but I guess now I'm more so the better whole package, with new, more exciting things to go into the package on the way.

I almost want to shake my head at myself, for the way I think about everything now. Always analyzing, always criticizing every move. It just seems like a silly notion, but it's actually becoming really important to me. I was talking to the bartender's friend last night and we were talking about this and he said that there are some books that I should check out. He actually gave me his name (incl. last name!) and his email (he's taken, so no #-not that that's what I was looking for from him, he's 29!). So I might decide to check that out.

But all in all, I have to say I'm pretty happy with life right now. I'm just so exhausted that I guess I really haven't even realized this, but I am really happy with things right now. New school year and fresh starts can do that to you I suppose.

Anyways, I kind of still feel like I'm still trying to overcome a hangover and need to get to bed for bowling tomorrow morning. Finally!

Things to do:
-Find a desk
-Buy a chair for said desk
-Buy closet organizer
-Get organized for school (3 days later..)
-Get campus rec job info/apply to any and all applicable jobs

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


The more I think about it, the more stoked I am for this year. I've been thinking about my job situation.. and I'm definitely going to try and work with the U of A Athletics Events on weekends and then I guess hockey equipment room 1-2 days a week. No more ridiculousness of McDonald's for me! It's time to start thinking about myself and my future. I'm glad I got to see the physed schpeal about the faculty during orientation. They said to get experience in a relevant field to your degree. I was already thinking this, but why not start now? PLUS, I'd make more money and have more fun! Who doesn't want that?!

Also, my afternoons are going to be wide open, so I could easily dedicate a few hours a day to studying but then also have time to volunteer. But outside the U of A I'm not going to find any opportunities during weekdays, so I think I'm gonna have a look at some Student Union groups. Maybe the radio station? How cool would that be? Maybe the music library person?

I may be packing in my year, but if I can handle it and feel accomplished by the end of it, why not do it? I just have so much motivation coursing through me to go out there are get involved and meet new people. I almost don't want friends in my classes so that I can make new friends..! (But ironically I have friends in every class this semester haha)

Orientation the last 4 days just gave me so much energy to do so much more. I look around and see all these people from within the same and different faculties getting to know each other and becoming great friends. I wish that had been the case for me, ya I have a few new facebook friends and I'll recognize some people around Van Vliet but it's not the same. I got into it just a bit too late. Oh well. It takes time and I'm getting there quicker than I ever thought I could. I never would have thought I'd be the person I am today, even just 2 years ago. It's amazing what University does to you and for you. I'm gaining momentum and confidence, watch out!

Hope everyone's first day of school was good! I've got soccer class bright and early at 8am and working the beer garden 2-6 at 10$/hr!!!! Which was unexpected (I thought it was strictly volunteering), but that's great!!Also, the party is on tomorrow at Lucky 13!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Getting Involved!

So after Day 1 of Orientation here at the U of A I'm definitely feeling the volunteering vibe. I think I definitely want to get involved with something more long term this year. Wed-Fri is Week of Welcome, which I'm also lending my time to, and I think it would be worth my while to go around campus and see what else is out there. Yes we had clubs fair today and I really should have taken a better look around, but even so, not all the student organizations were represented there, I know there is a lot more. So I need to do some research.

But at the same time I almost feel like I should wait a bit and see how balancing school, sports, work and my social life will work out. But I definitely want to get more involved on campus and meet more people. If not volunteer then at least just spend time on campus! Like explore the buildings and such. Really get to know it. 

So we'll see. At least I'm at that point where I want to do it not because I want to put it on my resume. I also want to climb the "ranks" and be in a leadership position, I want to work on my leadership skills. Orientation is a good start, working with a partner, but it can only do so much.

Any involvement coming from any of you on campus or elsewhere this year?

Friday, September 2, 2011

Here And There

Today was a super productive day. And as in productive I mean this is the first time all day that I've really been able to sit down with my computer and look at nothing :O

Now how does that happen to one certain social media/internet obsessed gal like me? Well it includes work, going to the library, going to Value Village, volunteering and then off for dinner with friends! It's actually been quite like this for a few days now, minimal time spent on the computer, more time working and being with friends. I like it :) Go figure :p

So today, my eighth day straight, was maybe one of the most hectic ones to date. I got there at 7am to only TWO people working. Usually there is 3 or 4. For an hour and a half there was only three of us.......... We had to close the first drive thru window because we were too busy. And to make things slightly worse (for me) was the fact that the only manager working happens to be diabetic and hadn't had time to check her sugar levels/actually eat so that she could function properly. If she were to pass out or something I would have been at a total loss and it would not have been good news bears, that's for sure! But things worked out, another manager finally came in at 9 and then another around 10. Then I was off at 11, a quick 4 hour shift; good way to end my 8 day work week!

EPL: Edmonton Public Library. Downtown. Holy. Crap. It's huge! That's all I really have to say about that.

I now have my tight and bright all set for orientation. Got myself some nice pink leggings and yellow shorts! All I have left to get is a headband and I'm set! I'm gonna look pretty hot if I do say so myself.. Restrain yourselves, first years!! (Oh how funny am I :)) My other volunteering project is with WOW, which I'm sure I talked about before (Week of Welcome). Today all I did was help set up some 100 tables and put table clothes on them for Clubs Fair.

Dinner was Chili's with Amber, Meagan, Matt (the usuals) and then some other fackers. It was just a chill time, drink, eat and catch up. I was honestly so out of it periodically though. Put me near a TV and I will watch. Wether there is something entertaining on or not. Plus I'm just so tired!

Then JAM went to Chapters to peruse the miscellaneous items they have for sale there. There were some super cute book ends and various office/desk items that I really wanted to buy, but I obviously had the sense to restrain myself. First comes the desk, then paying people back, then we'll see where I'm at for buying room accessories. I'm stoked on my room finally coming together and feeling like MY room. Should be any day now!

Next up is orientation training. Woo. I guess I am actually kind of excited to get on with it, but two 8 hour days in a row? Ugh. BUT tomorrow night may make up for it. All the new kids move into rez tomorrow afternoon so all the senior students/past rez kids are going to go "crash" it. Nah, we'll just go to party and meet the new faces. There's ALWAYS a party the first night. Of course there is! It's a rule! How else do you break the uncomfortable silences that come with a bunch of random people you now have to live with? It's gonna be a gooder. I'm keen on seeing how I do in socializing with randoms. It'll be good test, I know I've gotten better as of late :p

So other than looking forward to tomorrow night I guess I have next sat as well to look forward to. It should be my first day back at bowling and I also might get to go play soccer again! Then next is Flames preseason game vs. Edmonton Sept 24th. I'm going with JK, it should be great. We've turned into pretty good friends, I'm glad and relieved to say!

Anywho, I think I'm going to slightly catch up on the TV I've been missing out on this week and then hit the sack.

Have a great weekend everyone!