Tuesday, September 4, 2012

New School Year

Orientation is officially done. My second go around was even better than the first! I honestly love starting the semester this way - with a bang! It's a fresh reminder every September of what our great campus has to offer, and even more so what my faculty offers.

I just recently transfered over to the faculty of Physical Education and it's nice to hear again what they have going on (I did orientation for them last year as well) and the various opportunities. It's unfortunate that I only just transfered over in my 4th year, because I can't go to rookie camp and easily make friends (well I could, but it would be weird since I may have told a white lie last year that I was already in the faculty - shhh!), so I have to work at it - hard. Which is something I'm not good at, especially when all the older students already have their group of friends.

So my plan? I might think about running for PERCS, our student council. Maybe be a representative for BPE or be VP communications. Who knows, but I think it's at least worth checking out. It's a great way to get involved and also to meet some great people. I'm also thinking of signing up to be a peer tutor through the faculty. Another good way to meet people.

I feel like that is what I was missing last year. It was alright because I had a few people in a few classes I could sit with but other than that, there was really no budding friendship - not that I even tried though.

I am really looking forward to this year though, finally some exciting classes! So tomorrow first class at 10 then a three hour break. Another class, then hit the beer gardens with some physed kids from orientation (OLs/delegates) and then dinner at Walkabout on Whyte for Wings Wednesday!

Plan for the week:
-Beer garden
-Wayne Lee (hypnotist)
-Sign up for yoga (fingers crossed there's still a few open classes)
-Rent a gym locker
-Maybe hit up clubs fair again and try to find something interesting instead of trying to find free swag...
-Groceries! I'm literally down to ichiban, pasta, chicken, cream of wheat and a few carrots..
-And of course cleaning up my room and house since the last 4 days all 3 of us have been busy with orientation stuff

Also, if you hadn't noticed I changed my blog title. Not sure if I like it so I'm definitely going to be thinking hard about it. Leave a comment if you like it or have a suggestion!

Now off to bed and finally sleeping in!!!

Ps. More to come on orientation

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