Saturday, September 15, 2012


Now that school and everything has gotten on a roll, it's time to think about some goals for the school year. I know that I'll be busy this year, so there will be challenges for sure, but I really do look forward to each and every one of them

I'm not sure wether or not it will be worth still trying to get into kines (I'll have to ask a councilor) but you can bet I'll still be aiming for a high GPA. Last year, for the second year in a row, I managed a 3.3. Pretty good, and if I hadn't been aiming for a 3.4 or higher for kines, I would have been pretty happy with that. But now that I don't have extra pressure to do well, anything 3.3 or up will be quite fine with me. Yes, it's getting close to where marks are really going to matter for potential grad school (not that I've decided I want to do that, but it's good to plan for at any rate) so the higher the better. I think to aim for 3.5 would be attainable. I've yet to get an idea at how I might do in my classes though, so that may be realistic or not, but if I change up the ways I study I think I can do it.

My entire university career there has not been anything wrong with the way I study. I do well. But I want to get to the next level. I want more As. So I want to actually try and study/at least look at school stuff, like read text books, every day. It may be daunting task, but I have 3 hr breaks every day that could come in handy with that.

Social Life:
Now this may get tricky... This semester I am taking 5 courses (finally!), working 2 jobs, playing soccer and bowling. And not to forget going to the gym twice a week and cardio kick boxing once a week. That's a lot going on. So I think most of my socializing will be going on in a study group format, at work, or at home with the roomies. It's going to be tough when I have such a full plate, and when others are equally as busy, so we shall see how it goes! I just need to keep in mind that I need this just as much as I need to eat well, workout and study!

I'd actually like to add a practice day once a week this year. It's my last year of youth and I want the strongest showing I can muster. And that means I need to practice. Hopefully I'll get to spare quite frequently in the adult league which would help a lot. I also plan on entering more cash tournaments. And at the end of it all, I hope to be participating in another national tournament (not including CNCs which of course I'll hope to qualify for once again).

Last year I worked 3-4 days a week, but now that I have 5 classes and want to do more with bowling, I may cut it down. I can always pick up more shifts if need be. So event staff will be 2 max/week for now (there's the possibility of 3/week at the moment) and then once hockey starts up, I'll be doing one evening a week there. And I hope to use that time more efficiently this year as well, not just watching TV and movies all night. I need to budget though and make sure I get enough hours so I can pay for all my bowling this year and save up for CNCs. Until recently I was still kind of in debt from the trip that I really didn't have the money to go on.. Whoops... (Life lesson)

Last year and even this summer was not good on the immune system. I was sick way too much. My body is also starting to deteriorate, there's always something wrong with a muscle or joint now. So fitness: intramural soccer, women's soccer, gym 2/week & cardio kickboxing. Maybe some yoga on the side once in a while. SLEEP. Eat my veggies & don't worry about the grocery bill - this gets kind of tough sometimes.. If I need a break, TAKE A BREAK, AKA go home if I need to. Balance everything, and hopefully avoid major stressors.

I think that's it. Busy, busy, busy but like I said, I look forward to it. It should be an interesting year to say the least!

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